Hello there! I'm new(ish) to this site and I stumbled upon this
forum. I am a tad confused on how I should go about requesting for
a shiny or even which shinies are available. If someone could help
me out with this it would be greatly appreciated!
(If posting this isn't tolerated, I'm deeply sorry! I didn't know
JJSans the hidden content tabs show which shinies are available.
You have to read the rules as well. All that information should be
under the introduction on page one. I hope that clears things up
for you!
Congratulations! Your shiny Rockruff hatched on egg #54. You have
one week to claim it in a private trade before it goes to the next
user in line. Thank you for your patience!
Username: ~Markiplier~
Why do you want to be a breeder here?: I want to give back to those
who have given me things :3
How much time will you wait for users to claim Pokémon?: 2 Days
Premium Account? [No, Saving for it, Yes, Ends soon]: No
Username: AmethystHeart
Shiny you want: zigzagoon
Breeder of shiny:~Markiplier~
Have you read the rules and agree with them?:yep
Other: thank you!!!
We are all stars in the sky. Different color, different size, and
all burning at different levels.
Alone, each of us are stunning and unique. Together, we can be
amazing!! Let's chose to shimmer like the night sky and show the
world how great we are!!
(Remember, no matter how dull your light, you are still a star and
loved by many!!🥰)
There are no more slots left for a shiny Eevee. As such, you will
receive a warning. ...Since this is your FOURTH as well, I'm hereby
kicking you off the staff and banning you for the time being.