Username: ExOtIcBuTtErS
Why do you want to be a moderator here?: To help the other mods
How will you help make the shop a better place?: I will help give
warnings to people who break the rules
Username: Extra-Ordinary
Why do you want to be a moderator here?: To help the other mods by
seeing to it and making sure that the rules are being followed!
How will you help make the shop a better place?: I will make sure
the rules are being followed and give warnings to people who break
them and well if they have any doubt about anything,they can reach
out to me!
Username: Corona_Ayameko
Why do you want to be a breeder here?: Hey I love smiles and shiny
pokemon = smiles.
How much time will you wait for users to claim Pokémon?: 12
Premium Account? [No, Saving for it, Yes, Ends soon]: No
Shiny you want: Mega-ble Mareep
Breeder of shiny: AcrylicatUwU
Have you read the rules and agree with them?:yes
Other:I don't understand what no more slots mean. But im trying
@SkylordLysander No more slots refers to that the slots are fully
booked by other users. And then if it says that you cannot order
the Pokemon. Actually you are supposed to be given a warning but
since you didn't know what it means we are leaving it. From next
time if it says no more slots please don't enter saying that you
need one and didn't understand. Thank you for understanding. :)
Username: Corona_Ayameko
Why do you want to be a moderator here?: I love helping others
How will you help make the shop a better place?: So I realized I'm
always up in the early mornings, when nobody else is on, soo I can
help you guys then?
You are not accepted because a) you have a warning and are
therefore ineligible, and b) we are no longer accepting moderators
into the staff.