Username: Oddbot
Why do you want to be a moderator here?: Because I can listen to
the rules and make sure that people are following them. (plus I am
on pokeheroes 24/7).
How will you help make the shop a better place?: I will do this by
Confronting rule-breakers in a calm and friendly way instead of
"RULE BREAKER RULE BREAH AHH). In other words. I will not make sure
that EVERYONE knows that a rule is being broken.
I'm sorry, for some reason, I didn't get a forum notification so I
didn't know the mega able was ready (plus, I was very busy, didn't
have any time to check PH for 5 days).
I'm going to have to give you a warning for that short post. Please
remember that all questions/concerns should be palpadded to either
me or the breeder in question.
@that~one~cat FINALLY your shiny paras has hatched! Plz go heck your
private GTS and claim your reward!
"Light thinks it travels faster than anything but it is
wrong. No matter how fast light travels, it finds the darkness has
always gotten there first, and is waiting for it..." -Terry
Username: CheesePowder
Shiny you want: Clawitizer
Breeder of shiny: Anyone available
Have you read the rules and agree with them?: Yes
Other: PalPad me if ready or anything you want to clarify
@ismael12317 you didn't claim your shiny. So I have to say that my
list of shiniest ended right now and I will keep the shiny that
nobody wanted. Also I add that I will take a week ofbreak (maybe
much more since I have exams)
Shiny you want:Glitch
Breeder of shiny: the_weaz
Have you read the rules and agree with them?:yes
Other: please palpad me or shoot me a message when its done
Thanks y'all are awesome for doing this!
You’ve broken a rule by ordering MissingNo. It is a placeholder (as
stated in the rules) and it is actually impossible to hunt
MissingNo on this site. Therefore, you will receive a warning.