Pokemon here are extra shiny and/or mega/mega able
pokemon that I have for sale.
Pretty much any Pokemon that you need, that I have, can be bred
upon request.
Easy - 200
Medium - 350
Hard - 500
Rare - 800
Special - 2000
Events - 5,000 - 30,000 (Depends on Event)
Unown - 3500
Starters - 1200
[FEMALE] Starters - 2500
**All prices are negotiable as I am still learning reasonable
prices for different pokemon**
I am obviously still working on my pokedex just like most of you,
so I am more than willing to trade certain pokemon for pokemon that
I am missing. Thanks to the wonderful help of a fellow Pokehero
Player I am now in possession of a ditto. Upon request, I can breed
kegendaries for a negotiated price.
** Check Here to see if you have multiples of anything I
am missing **
I am taking slots for all of
these future hunts. They must be paid for in advance.THESE HUNTS WILL BE DONE IN NO
SPECIFIC ORDERYou just set up
a private trade with the agreed payment and it will stay up until
your order is completed ^^I put this hunt on hold simply because I was getting
irritated...I will be coming back to it!
What are pings...? Lol I'm still pretty new to using the forum to
sell pokemon and items. I would like to sell them for 1000 each. If
thats too much, as I stated in the original post, I'm willing to
talk things out (:
go visit this sprite shop
if you want a cool sprite like mine!!
I would like to place an order!
Name of Pokemon(s): The ones we're fighting over!! Spring Ampharos
and Witch Vulpix
Specific gender?: Any
Shiny?: N/A
Mega-able?: N/A
Reason to be breeder/seller: Lots of Shiny/Mega-Able charmander
Events you have: Sir Haxelot, Autumn Alakazam, Cuddilithe, Witch
Vulpix, Spring Ampharos, Robin Blaze, Sala Da menci, Tom Nook,
Aurora, Candaria
Breeder/Seller/Both: Both
Currently Hunting?: Charmander
In Posession of a Ditto?: No