thanks! by the way, I don't care how long it takes so take your
time!! I'm trying to collect all the Eevee evolutions and glaceon
is my last one to collect.
I would like to place an order!(:
Name of Pokemon(s): Gomaseel 2 please
Specific gender?: Id prefer male, but im happy with either
Shiny?: yes
Mega-able?: no
Password: Mine
I would like to place an order!(: lillipup13
Name of Pokemon(s): Umbreon (1)
Specific gender?: no
Shiny?: yes, if possible but if not no
Mega-able?: no
Password: mine
I would like to place an order!(: Awesomedude12
Name of Pokemon(s): Simisage, Simisear, and Simipour (1 of
Specific gender?: no
Shiny?: no thank you
Mega-able?: no
Password: mine
The payment would be 2,400 pd right since they are all rares?
Username: ShadowSlasher
Reason to be breeder/seller: I don't have a lot of money to buy
expensive things, so I'm hoping I can make some PM
Events you have: None
Breeder/Seller/Both: Seller
Currently Hunting?: No
In Posession of a Ditto?: No