Phelpy collapsed, the overwhelming damage too much. "Well done,
Phelpy. You did great." Kyushu recalled Phelpy to his Pokeball,
then faced Raven. "The battle is over. Thank you. Hey Rika, know
any good Berry Farms nearby?"
Raven smiled, "I got some here. I always carry plenty of berries
with me. You never know when you need them. I think you did a great
job in this battle. In fact, can I come with you on your journey?
Maybe I can help you grow stronger."
raven beams, and then kneels and opens her bag. Sure enough, she
had a lot of berries (alludes to how many I have on PH) and fed
some to Shadow and Solaris. She beckons to Kyushu, "come over and
take your pick."
"Umm... I'll take a few Lum and Sitrus, please." Kyushu checked the
bag quickly, looking for the most competitively advantaged Berries.
"Anyways, my goal isn't to become more powerful, it's actually to
be a battle tactic. I just don't use most of the ones I have in
combat, in case I never end up working for them."
Raven nodded understandingly, "I like to bide my time, dodging
while waiting for the bullseye. I want to be a dark type gym leader
when I grow up. I like dark types."
"That's a pretty good tactic. Most Dark-Types have advantages like
seeing in the dark, so a good strategy would possibly be to create
a barrier of darkness to strike with a few good hits."
Blu Clapped "Good Battle guys" Blu said.He put his hand into his
jeans pocket.and something stabs his finger "Oww" Blu took what
thing stabbed him.It was his badge."Oh almost forgot,Look What i
got ;D" Blu said showing them the badge
"Nice to meet ya Angell and noah,By the way it's getting dark we
should be heading for camp"Lava tells them pointing at the
"And I will battle you later Angell,I'm sleeeepy~"Lava replies back
"Wow,What was that ._."Lava asks still blazed by the flash
Em:"Emmoolga..." (They went outside,I can smell their scent"
"Okay,Well let's get back to camp shall we?"Lava asks Em
"Well,I noticed that from your sentence you just said.By the way
wanna meet all my poke,-"While Lava was talking to Marshadow Gardo
(My mega Gardevoir) comes and picks up Marshadow.
Gardo:Gaarrrdevoiiir~ (Awww,Your cute little fuzzy little thing~)
Gardo is still spinning Marshadow around
"Umm,Gardo I think he does;t like dancing but you can carry
him...or dance him to camp?"Lava tells Gardo trying to hold his
"Are you okay with that Marshadow?"Lava asks him