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The Zodiac Children (Sign ups)

Forum-Index Roleplay RP Sign-up The Zodiac Children (Sign ups)
Trainerlevel: 82

Forum Posts: 570
Posted: Mon, 18/12/2017 23:12 (6 Years ago)
Spaces Filled ^^"

vv Available Zodiacs vv
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Pig - Reserved
Dragon - Reserved

A rat, an ox, a tiger, a rabbit. A snake, a horse, a sheep, a monkey. A rooster, a dog, a pig, and, what didn’t seem to fit the rest, a dragon. 12 souls, trapped in the bodies of 12 children.

In a small mountain village, with a population of no more than 200, all seemed normal until a blizzard hit. Despite snow storms and regular snowfall being common for the village, this one just seemed, different. Different as in, when the children woke the morning after, there was nothing to suggest a blizzard had recently hit. There wasn’t even the usually wind which would whistle as it bounced off of the neighbouring mountains and the clouds were static, after staring at them for a while. As for the other people, they all appeared to be in a comatose state.

It was as if time had frozen.

Whist looking for a possible cure for their people they, instead, found another interesting book. It was obviously very old. Leather bound, dusty and loose pages threatening to spill everywhere. The book spoke of 12 children having to re-new time by taking their seals to the Temple of Time, supposedly located at the peak of the tallest mountain. There, they’ll be met by a ring of thrones with a circular table in the centre of them. The seals are then to be places in the small notches in the table, each seal having specific places, in front of the throne with the matching zodiac symbol.

But, before the temple is to even appear, the children must unlock their zodiac spirit.

How? The next page was too damaged to be able to read. And what were the seals? There was nothing to prove that this temple exists. But whilst some were willing to attempt to find the place, others weren’t so much.

Notes -
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Seals = “Charms” on characters jewelry.

Seals have the character’s zodiac symbol on it somewhere.

Zodiac Spirits are unlocked once the seals are “found”/recognised.

Zodiac Spirits appear as physical companions - Breed/Species can be changed, just as long as it is somewhat related to the original zodiac. Examples:

Dog > Wolf
Pig > Wild Boar
Tiger > Tabby Cat
Sheep > Goat
Rat > Mouse
Ox > Bull
Snake > Cobra
Monkey > Lemur
Horse > Donkey
Rooster > Peacock I actually don't know
Rabbit > Hare
Dragon> Salamander

https://i.pinimg.com/736x/89/61/1b/89611b7bc2c20d4b10ec762bf850933f--chinese-zodiac-snake-chinese-zodiac-signs.jpg - Some ideas for character development

vv A tad bit of useless info about places + map vv
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Silversnow Keep-
A small mountain village - Population size, no more than 200.
Has regular snowfall, rarely rains.
Very traditional - very little technology.
Children are often homeschooled.
Small, rarely visited but protected library.
Relies on herbal medicines.
They have their own land, north of the mountains, but just before the forest, which is used for farming purposes.

Lunacity Beach-
A coastal town - approximately twice the size of Silversnow Keep.
Usually sunny, but also gets rain.
Has simple technology - at least has the accessibility to electricity.
Simple health care.
Small school.
Has approximately 3 times the amount of land as Silversnow Keep.
Has a small harbour - used for trading across seas.
Sea appears silver (or looks like mercury) at night.

Infinity Forest-
Trees have grown into 3 rings with clearings in the centre - reason is unknown.
It’s incredibly easy to get lost - there are no distinct trails or roads.
Most of the wildlife is unknown.
Purple berries are bad.

Willowdale Hot Springs-
A natural hot springs with crystal clear waters.
Located on a small campsite with multiple cabins.
People rarely visit due to the long trek.

Mt. Tempus-
Largest mountain in the region.
An ancient staircase had been carved on the inside.
Few have made it to the top.
Those who have speak of ancient ruins which have been sealed shut.

Main purpose it for orientation.

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1 - PH rules apply.
2 - One zodiac per character.
3 - No two character's can have the same zodiac - thus - limited spaces - 11 to be exact (I'll take the last one)
4 - For now, a maximum of 2 characters per user.
5 - You may reserve zodiacs if you plan on rping. I'm probably gonna be a hypocrite for this one, rip
6 - Make sure your species represents your original zodiac if you plan on changing it- ie - if you pick rabbit, you can't have a wolf.
7 - No one knows about the zodiacs/seals at first - just gonna throw that in there.
8 - One liners are allowed if it's an absolute must.

[center][b]Character Name:[/b]
[b]Gender; Pronouns:[/b]

[b]Zodiac of...[/b]
[b]Zodiac's Species/Appearance:[/b]
[b]Appearance of Seal:[/b]

My Form

Character Name:
Kiara-Zia Ianua

15 years

Gender; Pronouns:
Female; She/Her

Kiara is a very neutral character, and could be considered to be, concerning-ly, too calm? She will refuse to take sides and will become stubborn if pressured to. Arguing upsets her greatly - even if it doesn't concern her - she doesn't like seeing others in any sort of pain. It's pretty normal for her to shy away from any sort of dispute and will have a lot of guilt for this.

Overall, she's generally happy and there isn't much else that can bring her down. Other than what's already stated, she's has a lot of curiosity and prefers to show this by observing rather than doing/asking.

The girl stands at around 5'2, with a weight fairly healthy for her height. Her skin is fair, which turns a light rose pink in the cold. Her hair is long with a few soft waves, which contrast with it's hard, metallic silver color. Her eyes, similar, but pools of mercury.

A usual outfit would be a white, wool turtleneck sweater and leggings, with a black, high-waisted pleated skirt and flat ankle boots. A black beanie with a white pom-pom is practically glued to her head, whilst a scarf and gloves aren't far behind - either on her or shoved into her black satchel.

- Don't trust her with map reading

Zodiac of...

Zodiac's Species/Appearance:
Black and White Butterfly Koi Carp

Appearance of Seal:
Trainerlevel: 35

Forum Posts: 327
Posted: Mon, 18/12/2017 23:24 (6 Years ago)
Character Name:Daisy Baxter
Gender; Pronouns:She/Her
Personality:could tbrped be counted?i am pretty horrible at personalities.(I'll do it if it's a must)

Zodiac of...Rabbit
Zodiac's Species/Appearance:
Appearance of Seal:

*throws ds at wall*

Trainerlevel: 82

Forum Posts: 570
Posted: Mon, 18/12/2017 23:26 (6 Years ago)
tbrped is fine~

and accepted~ ^^"
Trainerlevel: 23

Forum Posts: 260
Posted: Tue, 19/12/2017 01:33 (6 Years ago)
Character Name:
Orchestra, but she likes being called Aria
Gender; Pronouns:


Zodiac of...
Zodiac's Species/Appearance:

Appearance of Seal:

Art Shop


Avatar made by me!
Trainerlevel: 13

Forum Posts: 268
Posted: Tue, 19/12/2017 01:58 (6 Years ago)
Character Name:
Evelyn Marcia Stag
Gender; Pronouns:
Demigirl // She + Her / They + Them
Gentle, Soft, Quiet, Easily Scared. Evelyn is very kind and forgiving, and often hides behind her friends. She is very calm in most situations but when she gets angry?? Hoo boy. She will yell and growl and probably cry if you get her too riled up. She is very tired a lot of the time, and loves naps. She can get really talkative and loud when she's excited or nervous. She has photographic memory, which is why she is so smart. She just remembers basically everything.

-she's a soft bean

Zodiac of...
Tiger / Marmalade Cat
Zodiac's Species/Appearance:

Appearance of Seal:
Trainerlevel: 27

Forum Posts: 4
Posted: Tue, 19/12/2017 12:36 (6 Years ago)
Character Name: Talon Ahsata
Age: 16
Gender; Pronouns: Male. He, him.
Personality: TBRP.

Zodiac of... Snake.
Zodiac's Species/Appearance: White lipped python.
Appearance of Seal:

Trainerlevel: 9

Forum Posts: 87
Posted: Tue, 19/12/2017 12:56 (6 Years ago)
(Can I reserve the Dragon spot?)

Trainerlevel: 82

Forum Posts: 570
Posted: Tue, 19/12/2017 13:40 (6 Years ago)
Littlegamer34, fragile, Antoinette - Accepted~

Kohaku - That's okay, just be sure to make your form soon~
Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 1,954
Posted: Tue, 19/12/2017 14:22 (6 Years ago)
Character Name: Ryan Collen
Age: 14
Gender; Pronouns: Male, he, him
Personality: TBRP
Appearance: Ryan is a boy that doesn't looks to different from the others. He has orange short hair, brown eyes and wears mostly casual clothes.

Zodiac of... Rooster
Zodiac's Species/Appearance:
Appearance of Seal:
Trainerlevel: 40

Forum Posts: 280
Posted: Tue, 19/12/2017 17:12 (6 Years ago)
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Character Name: Hayden Chadwick
Age: 15
Gender; Pronouns: Not-Binary, Uses He/Him out of habit and Family Reasons
Personality: To Be Rped
Appearance: Hayden has a slender appearance and he is certainly tall- Some people even think that Hayden is a bit too thin to the point where he almost looks starved.
His Sandly Blond hair ends just above the shoulders, its mostly looks messy but that's because of all the curls. It compliments well his skin of brownish honey.
Hayden has deep Chocolate Brown eyes but when you get close you can see that the left one actually has a patch of forest green. He also has fields of small freckles on his cheeks and nose.

His clothes have a relaxed and yet somehow intimidating vibe. (But that's most likely because he looks like a stereotypical Coolkid Bully.. If you ignored all the Flower Aesthetics, Of course.)
Nothing really special. White T-shirt with a big picture of Yellow Dandelion (Its actually just a very realistic pastel art, work of Haydens Father.) and a simple black hoodie over it that remains mostly unzipped. He also sports old sneakers and pair of black jeans that have multiple patches (Variety of symbols, Mostly some kind of flowers.)

Hayden never lets go of his messenger bag- It doesn't have any special features and it has plain gray color but its still very important to him... At the moment it carries Haydens sketchbook, Pencil case, Three of his favorite books and encyclopedia of Flowers (Encyclopedia alone makes the bag rather heavy..)

Other: In order to really be himself he needs to be around others - When left alone his anxiety could overwhelm him and he could possibly have a panic attack. (This will start being effective when he bonds with the group. Not at the start of the Roleplay)
He is very knowledgeable about all kinds of Flora- Especially, You guessed it, Flowers. He also believes that all flowers have some kind of spiritual meaning. Just ask him and he will gladly tell you all about it.
Vegetarian but he will eat meat if it's absolutely necessary.
He doesn't live here- Hayden is currently on "Holidays" here. His Father, who is a resident, contacted him for the first time in years and invited him here- Hoping to reconnect.
Zodiac of... The Ox
Zodiac's Species/Appearance: Wild Yak
Appearance of Seal: Golden (Not real Gold, of course) Chain Necklace with a pendant in the shape of leaping Buffalo. (Can we just pretend that its Amber instead of Jade?)

Trainerlevel: 26

Forum Posts: 159
Posted: Wed, 20/12/2017 00:43 (6 Years ago)

Title: fourm

Character Name:noah
Gender;boy Pronouns:cool
Appearance:a blue evee

Zodiac of...gemini
Zodiac's Species/Appearance:its called twins
Appearance of Seal:II

Trainerlevel: 60

Forum Posts: 314
Posted: Wed, 20/12/2017 00:50 (6 Years ago)
(Ppssttt what's open I'm a little confused wanna join it looks well made)
Trainerlevel: 23

Forum Posts: 46
Posted: Wed, 20/12/2017 00:57 (6 Years ago)
(Could I reserve the Dog ?)
Nanbaka Trash:
Trainerlevel: 27

Forum Posts: 4
Posted: Wed, 20/12/2017 01:03 (6 Years ago)
(@decidueyeabc123 this is an RP about Chinese zodiacs not the usual kind with birth dates and stuff.
@Mom- As far as I know/can see Ox, Rooster, Snake, Dragon, Tiger, Horse, and possibly Dog are the zodiacs that seem to be taken. Which leaves Pig, Sheep, Monkey, Rat and Rabbit free. If I'm not mistaken. Don't quote me just trying to help out a little.)
Trainerlevel: 60

Forum Posts: 314
Posted: Wed, 20/12/2017 01:30 (6 Years ago)
(If Dragon isn't taken or not active)
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Character Name: Ryuu
Age: 14
Gender; Pronouns: Male(FtM) he him they them
Personality: Ryuu is calm and collected at most times almost as if it was fake. When angry though his rage is almost unmatched by others. He is a selective mute because of his past and usually stays by himself though he does not mind company. He always tried his best to keep his emotions down some points he may seem almost heartless though he does not mean to.

Zodiac of... Dragon
Zodiac's Species/Appearance:
Appearance of Seal: (still thinking)

If Dragon is taken
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Character Name: Miyla
Age: 16
Gender; Pronouns: Female / Any
Personality: Motherly and kind she likes to take care of those around her and tends to fuss a bit over them. While she is very motherly she still will put you in your place if you're being bad no matter what the circumstances. She isn't very strong but she has a good head on her shoulders and will give advice when needed. Miyla can be stubborn and hard headed but she has a loving heart and always wants what's best for others.
Other: She's Albino

Zodiac of... Sheep
Zodiac's Species/Appearance: Mini Ram
Appearance of Seal:
Trainerlevel: 82

Forum Posts: 570
Posted: Wed, 20/12/2017 07:16 (6 Years ago)
I should probably state what's available - it'll be added to the main post asap

Meme, Arwen, Mom- Accepted~ (just hold off the dragon until I'm sure the other person isn't participating)

Mavis_Vermilion - You may if its not taken~

decidueyeabc123 - For the reason already stated, this is a Chinese Zodiac rp. Theres also no Pokemon, sorry~
Trainerlevel: 23

Forum Posts: 46
Posted: Wed, 20/12/2017 13:27 (6 Years ago)
Character Name: Venus
Gender; Pronouns: Her, She, etc
Zodiac of... Dog
Zodiac's Species/Appearance:
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(But she's full grown)
Appearance of Seal: [spoiler]

(just the symbol)

Nanbaka Trash:
Trainerlevel: 37

Forum Posts: 372
Posted: Wed, 20/12/2017 14:25 (6 Years ago)
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Character Name: Mike Styles
Age: 16
Gender; Pronouns: Male; He/him
Personality: A light hearted, friendly person.

Zodiac of... Monkey
Zodiac's Species/Appearance: Red Shanked Douc
Appearance of Seal:

~I have loved the stars too fondly to be fearful of the night~
Trainerlevel: 39

Forum Posts: 100
Posted: Wed, 20/12/2017 20:15 (6 Years ago)
(Can I reserve the pig? :))
Trainerlevel: 33

Forum Posts: 788
Posted: Wed, 20/12/2017 20:20 (6 Years ago)
(Could I reserve the monkey?
Ahhh, ignore this! I didn't realize the monkey was taken)
I never change this

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