Forum Thread
Plates of Arceus
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Pokémon RP → Plates of Arceus
Aino was still awake, thinking. She lay flat, back against the bed of the room, with her Furret peacefully sleeping beside her. She might think about asking to join them on the group's journey tomorrow. Yeah, that sounds good. Yawning, Aino sets an alarm so she could wake up early the next day. That's when she finally curls up in the blankets, falling asleep.
So we go to the game center today and I have a pretty hard time. Nara hit the slots and we play coinflip with a kid. We have a draw as Nara was quick to kick Enzo. We might have won, but since we got the plate, I won't argue. I talked to Nara today. We'll be going to snowpoint. Also, she probably has a sweet side to her, as she didn't kick me out instantly. And... Enzo knows about Mia.
Jim blushed slightly, but having told Enzo helped him a lot, he had to admit it. He wasn't flushing now at least.
"Still sleeping, huh?" Jim's face twisted into mischief. He tore a page out of notebook and folded it into an air horn. He then blew it into Enzo's ear with a large "BOOOOOOONG!". (the classic airhorn noise)

Lila tapped on Kawena's face, waking him up. "Wha- what is it?" He asked drowsy. Lila made some strange hand moves around her head. "...was I having a nightmare again?" That was her personal way of saying "you had a nightmare" to Kawena. "Oh, well. Where is Mia, by the way?"
Lila shrugged.
also kawena has fear of sleeping ouside home)
"Yeah. Apparently Lila said I was having a nightmare...but I don't remember anything. At all." Kawena slightly got up. He actually was sweating a little bit and a feeling of panic was just leaving his body. But he could not remember anything at all about the nightmare. He looked over to the window. "Its not morning yet. Guess I will go back to sleep, then! Good night!" He layed down on the bed again. Lila slowly lowered her head onto the ground.
Scarlett had been up for a while, finding a collection of books on a shelf in her room. It was like 3am when she'd waken up, cracking open the first book with a grin. Vaporeon had been sleeping the whole time, periodically waking up each time Scarlett stood, walking out the door and downsatairs to the café for coffee.