"Hey man, someone has to be the wise one." Luciana grinned. She
pulled up a chair and at down, pulling her legs up to cross them.
"When the rest of you go running off exploring, I'll stay here and
warn you not to go or something."
"Pfft. Semantics. But yeah, in a heartbeat. Can't let you go on
your own. Arceus knows what would happen." Luciana shrugged. "But
seriously. Don't bottle up your emotions. It really doesn't help
anyone. Yelling helps. I yell a lot. Just.. Talk to someone about
it, okay? Doesn't have to be me. Just talk." She smiled tiredly.
"You'll feel a bit better. Trust me."
Still smiling, Luciana fell silent and simply accepted the hug,
hugging back gently. She knew that nobody could ever change what
happened, but at least she could try and keep him happy for a bit.
That was always a nice thought.