"I'll go!" Jamie mused as they picked up their bag and walked off
with Fluff still in their arms. "I think I just had one of my
Pokemon stolen by my little sibling." Robert grumbled.
The street show fascinated Mira to no end, though a local probably
wouldn't get much of a kick out of it. It was a fire show with a
Magmar, essentially, and his trainer was just doing a bunch of
stunts with it.
"No clue. Emolga, Serperior, let's go!" Casey said, calling out the
latter and skating towards the scene. There, she found a group of
Plasma grunts rushing at unsuspecting trainers. "Hey! Stop! Emolga,
acrobatics! Serperior, Leaf Storm!"
"Quill, Pawn. Let's dance." Robert mused as he called out his
starter and Pawniard. "Pawn use Feint Attack, Quill use Pin
Missile." The two Pokemon nod at their trainer before pulling off
their attacks. Pawn walked up to a grunt and looked at him
innocently before punching him in well the family jewels causing
Robert to wince. "I bet that hurt." He mutters.
Quill fired two Pin Missles and smirked as they both hit their
mark. He also winced at Pawn's attack.
"Jellicent! Combine attacks with Serperior! Hydro Pump and Leaf
Storm!" Casey commanded. Seperior's ability was contrary, her
special attack was raised after Leaf Storm. The field turned into a
swampy area.