Forum Thread
The Boxes
Forum-Index → Roleplay → The BoxesYou arrive at the building you were told to go to. It's not particularly interesting, just a lonely house in the middle of a wind-swept field, no other kind of civilization in sight. A sign by the gravel road reads 'Dragon's Lair', but the words are crossed out in red paint. Under it, in much more graceful handwriting, obviously skilled with a brush, elegant letters spell out 'The Paradise of an Angel is a Nightmare for a Demon.'
You may begin when ready.

Credit to Viper
She knocked on the door and leaned on the side of the house, yawning slightly. She straightened out her shirt.

Credit to Viper
"Yeah, who else would I go out with?" Syd calls from somewhere else in the house.

Credit to Viper

This awesome art and Avatar is made by Grietine! Visit her deviantart.
Anna sighed. It was always enjoyable to see Riley happily going on about Science but once again he forgot what people said. Shaking him a bit he stopped his rant. "Earth to Riley, they said no. If you want to tamper with something my sword needs repaired. Sorry...he is easily excited. You were explaining what a protector is."
And it worried the smith mage.
He has learned a long time ago that underestimating anything based on appearance can prove to be dangerous and sometimes, fatal--he even has the scars to prove it! Nonetheless, he approached the front door of the building with as much caution as a man lugging behind a giant ax could muster.
He has received a flyer that looked for "interested parties" willing to be "guardians". If not for the cloying smell of adventure--and stale alcohol in the dilapidated pub he was in--he never would have taken the job.
And here he was now, knocking on the door with callused hands, sweating through his armpits in his almost-half-naked getup. Hope this house has AC or adventure will not be the only thing smelling around here.