"I saw some people in my elementary play the flute once.. but they
were so bad, they broke a window and the school had to ban the
flutes from the band!" Lillian chuckled.
"Glad to know that then. To be honest, you're actually my very
first friend here. Everyone already met up earlier and i was late
so i guess i didn't really get the chance to talk to them." Viola
said, feeling happy that she made her first friend "By the way, do
you have roomate?"
"That's terrifying," Shion winced at the thought. "I never decided
to paint nor draw in my life because I didn't have the time to," he
said. Ryan was about to say something before Shion hit him again.
Liam shook his head. "That's awful. Hope she got her comeuppance
for that one," He replied. He turned to Shion. "Try it sometime!
It's really quite relaxing, even if you aren't good at first."
"Horrible," Ryan simply said. "I wonder if we can go to other
clubrooms yet. I can't wait to see the Music clubroom," Shion
mumbled, smiling again for the second time at the school.
"Oh my, well...friends are extremely hard to make, I would agree.
And I do not have a roommate, as a matter of fact, haha!" Sage
said, smiling slightly.
Lilith woke up from her nap with a small yawn.She shakes her head
to get rid of the groggy feeling before getting up to throw her
trash away.Afterward, she goes to leave the dining hall.As she was
leaving she passes by the table Ryan and his group were sitting at.
Lilith freezes and turns to look at Liam."No thank you, sir.I do
not believe that would be...wise."She says softly while discreetly
glancing at Lilian.She then turns back around and continues to
leave the dining hall.
"Why, how wonderful that would be!" Sage said. I just don't know
how Lillian would feel about me rooming with a geek, you know..."
Sage said with a small frown. She looked up at the ceiling, looking
for solutions to the problem.
"Ah i see. Well i guess that would be fine if you can't room with
me. I think i understand" Vi said a bit disappointed. "Anyway, no
offense or anything but does she really mind THAT much about
types?" Viola asked.