Saddly some peoples would never change about it..
They might not accept it but you'll still be their child and they
will probably still love you.
Yeah try to talk about it with your dad, this is a good start.
I wanna be a Member!
Main Reason:
i'd like to participate in cheering up fellow pokeheroes members as
well as vent a little or seek advice whenever needed. i don't
usually vent much, so i'll probably be giving advice or cheering up
other users. Stuff i like that can eventualy cheer me up:
cute animal videos, funny videos, calming music, or pictures of
nature password:
pokemon heart gold
So my parents moved me to a new school in March. At first everyone
was friendly and all, and I was kind of shy. But as the days
passed, I started to get hated for no reason. Like I was sitting
with a girl who hates me because we were put in a group. She kept
eating spicy Cheetos when we're not supposed to eat. Then she kept
flicking the little crumbs onto my desk. I politely told her to
please stop,but she kept doing it. When I had enough, I grabbed her
arm and she immediately raised her hand and told the teacher. The
teacher got angry at me. Then this other time, a new kid showed up
a little after me. I treated him with all the kindness I had. But
we had lockers close to each other. My lockers lock is kind of
broken, so once I unlock it and open it the lock will lock back, so
I have to keep it open to not let it close. But everytime I opened
my locker, he would shut the door. Then this other time, I have a
friend who always gives out his home brought lunch. He was about to
hand me his sandwich when suddenly the new kid grabbed it and said"
Ha! You a*s." Then yesterday, the first girl and her friend went to
me. See, that day I was sleepy, so i rested my head on my pencil
pouch. The friend hit my neck and the first girl slapped the pencil
pounch from under my head. I put it back into place, but she kept
slapping it away. I told the teacher, but she won't believe me
becausr I'm newish. This is just some stuff that happened.
Go to the principle, or another teacher; if one isn't going to
believe you, another will. That's straight-up bullying, and if
people aren't going to help you out, then you have to do something
more about it.