I'm starting off this drawing tablet thing with an oc drawing
(probably gonna be pretty bad since it's the first thing I've done
with this thing but I'm confident so far :D)
But does anyone have any suggestions on how to draw a snout?
I'm artsy fartsy, let me join! Username: enderknux
Thank you!
I'd also like to be entirely honest and mention the fact I didn't
read //everything// because I honestly am too tired for that right
now, but I did read the rules / general info and such. If I missed
something please point me at it uwu"" sorry about that !!
I would change the position of the arms. It looks a little
unnatural for his arms to be in that position while flying, but
other than that it looks really, really good!
I agree, the pencil I used made it look odd, that's why it's a
sketch, sketches are always slightly off! As for the age...I've
always made young people look old and older people look young. I
have no idea why!
I'm artsy fartsy, let me join! Username: charingo
Thank you!
and i hope its ok if i put an art along with my entry post, since
heres somethng im a lil proud of
one of my grem2s sloane in her druid outfit, since im going to be
participating in a grem d&d campaign soon ^w^ criticisms
appreciated o/
Also I have an art contest too here. Just tell me if it's not ok to advertise
and I'll edit this post.
I'm also designing a Spritzee Pichu fusion, I'll post progress
tomorrow. I'm gonna take two requests for fusion designs though,
who wants one? They'll be traditional.