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Magbruja (Sign-ups, Not Accepting!)

Forum-Index Roleplay RP Sign-up Magbruja (Sign-ups, Not Accepting!)
Trainerlevel: 22

Forum Posts: 90
Posted: Thu, 20/04/2017 04:07 (7 Years ago)

Magbruja, a school located somewhere in the Andes, hidden from Regmano's eyes (Same as Muggles, or No-Mags). Here students come to learn magic. So...let us learn more about Magbruja...

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Excuse the messiness!

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Tapiriuss is the house that favours dreamers. Many authors have come from this house. Proudly bearing the dreamy tapir as their symbol, and dressed in lavender, Tapiriuss is a quiet house. Students in this house usually don't argue, or develop enemies. Tapiriuss students usually are the best at Divination and Astrology, but there are exceptions! The Tapiriuss tower is entered by answering this riddle -

'In your future and in your past
I come and go so senseless and fast
My purpose is unknown to all
Remembrance seems to drift then fall
I travel by night and fade by day
Because that is my common way, what am I?'

The correct answer is 'Dream'. If someone doesn't answer correctly, the door will spit vinegar all over that person. If answered correctly though, the door opens into a cozy common room. A giant window lets natural light pour in, bathing birch tables in sunlight/moonlight. Shelfs line the walls, filled with books to stoke up imagination. Cozy armchairs litter the room, most circled around a hearth that always gives off a warm heat. People even say that Tapiriuss' common room is so cozy, you almost fall asleep as you walk through the door. A birch staircase leads up to the second level of the tower. On this level is two doors, each door opening to dorms. Boys on the right, girls on the left.

Latierra is the house that favours hard-workers. If you are lazy and dislike working hard in getting good grades and such, then Latierra is not your house! Students in this house never complain! They portray the same attitude as the symbol of this house, the oak tree! Latierra students are strong people, who are determined to acomplish whatever they promise. To reach Latierra tower, you must answer a riddle asked by a painting of an oak tree. Here is the riddle -

'Born of Earth, but with none of its strength.
Molded by Flame, but with none of its power
Shaped by Wind, and with all of its clarity, what is it?'

The answer is 'Glass'. If answered in-correctly, the oak 'dies' and the painting will not budge, dispite any spell casted. If answered correctly, the painting swings open, revealing the entrance to the Latierra common room. The common room has a tiny hearth in the middle of the room, with a giant oak table off to the side. Different chairs surround the table, giving a spot for studying. Armchairs and couches are on the other side of the room, allowing for social interaction in a comfortable setting. Two doors are in the corner, the left one leading to the girls dorm, the right, the boys.

Caniento favours those who are empathetic. Have you ever needed someone who just listens, but you know they understand. Well, students in Caniento are those people. They truly feel you, and really love everyone. Those in Caniento only want to give. In fact, if they are given something in return for their listening ear, it upsets them a little. They are true willow trees, soft, kind, beautiful....their house symbol is perfect for them. To reach Caniento tower, all you have to do is offer the right advice to the distraught painting. If you don't offer the 'right' advice, the painting will refuse to open because they are upset with you. If you offer 'acceptable' advice, the painting slides to the right, revealing a trapdoor in the wall. When pushed open, it opens into the Caniento common room. Sitting mats lay in a neat stack in the corner, and low tables are stationed to the left of the room. Hanging lamps give the room a warm and inviting glow. A spiral staircase, located in the middle of the room, leads to the doors of the girls dorms and the boys dorms.

And lastly, Ramitach
This house favours people who are fearless. Many aurors have come from this house. Students who are put in this house usually portray some trait of the house's symbol, the wolverine! To enter into Ramitach tower, you must beat on the wall,

'Ramitach, Ramitach, fearless and strong! Give me...the strength...to beat...this wall!' (I had no other ideas!)

If you mess up, the wall will burst into harmless, but frightening flames. If done correctly, a tunnel will appear in the wall, you crawl into the tunnel which leads up to the common room. A big hearth is at the far end of the room with simple chairs surrounding it. Ramitach students dislike how much space tables take up, so, the Ramitach common room is the only room with no tables. A metal staircase leads to a door that, when opened by a boy, leads to the boy's dorm, and when opened by a girl, the girl's dorm.

So here are the houses for Magbruja! I hope you are drawn to one!

Sorting Ceremony
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So, when you enter through the main entrance of the school, there is a small round platform. When your name is called, you step up onto the platform. If you hear the sound of one of the houses, that house has chosen you. The sounds for the houses are -

Tapiriuss: A dream whispering
Latierra: An oak groaning
Caniento: A gale blowing
Ramitach: A wolverine growling

If you hear more than one sound, focus on the house's sound you want, and that's the house you're put in. Nobody else can hear the sounds, so to let everyone else know, the platform glows the house's color.

Uniform Robes
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The robes are black except for the inside and the rings around the sleeves and the bottom.
Colors -

Tapiriuss: Lavender
Latierra: Dark Green
Caniento: Slate Blue
Ramitach: Silver

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First-years recieve their wands after they are sorted. The wand does choose the child though.

Wood - Same wood types available, oak, pear, ash, etc.

Cores - a Xena's hair, a Jaromanos' feather, and a Ramidreju's whisker

Length - 10 - 15 inches

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Professor Malcolm Wopsle
He teaches History of Magic
Head of Latierra

Professor Alma Alder
She teaches Potions

Professor Benedict Collett
He teaches DADA
Head of Ramitach

Professor Ana Suárez
She teaches Divination and Astrology
Head of Tapiriuss

Professor Cecil Morgan
He teaches Charms
Head of Caniento

Professor Cybil Wright
She teaches Transfiguration

Professor Silas Borgia
He teaches Care of Magical Creatures

Madame Bonnie Prince
She teaches First-years how to fly with a broom

Madame Parsley
She is the matron in the Hospital Wing.

Junko Bellwether
She is the Keeper of the Keys (I think that's what it's called...) and the grounds keeper

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Professor Frost Harrisworth
A short man, of middle age. Laugh lines are always visible at the corners of his twinkling hazel eyes. Professor Harrisworth's peppered hair is starting to thin, giving it a wispy look.

Appearance (Description only!):

Wand -
Other things about wand:
Pet (Optional):

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All PH rules apply!
No GM, or MS!
No 1x1! Interact with everyone.
Only up to 2 characters!
Professors can be played by everyone! But when controlling the teacher, the teacher is only interacting with your characters.
Please have fun!
If you have any questions, just PM me!
Magbruja is a creation by Atavan and me!

My Form
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Name: Oksander Crump
Nickname?: No
Gender: Male
Appearance (Description only!): Oksander is a very tall boy for being only 11. He equals out at 5 feet 6 inches. Oksander has a round baby face that is covered in little freckles, and burns very easily! His nose is on the smaller side, but his eyes are enormous! His hooded eyes are a dark gray/blue color. Almosg like a stormy sea. They always seem to be far off, in another place. He has pale skin, it almost looks sickly. His frame is very skinny, so skinny it looks like he's about to break! His limbs are shaped oddly and are very long. Oksander has dark brown hair. So dark, it looks almost black. The hair usually has a mind of its own, pointing this way and that way. Oksander tries brushing it everyday though.
Personality: Oksander is a very kind person, but very immature at some points. Oksander is always in a dream world, far away. This gets him in trouble though! Oksander is very clumsy also! He enjoys meeting new people and loves making friends!
Blood-Status: Regmanos-born

House: Tapiriuss
Wand -
Wood: Rowan
Core: Jarosmanos' feather
Length: 14 1/2 inches
Other things about wand: Slightly springy, has an ornate design of lizards circling around the handle.
Pet (Optional): None
Other: -

Trainerlevel: 48

Forum Posts: 318
Posted: Thu, 20/04/2017 04:34 (7 Years ago)

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Name: Nyx Somun
Nickname?: N/A
Gender: Female
Appearance (Description only!): Nyx is a short girl at only 2 feet 5 inches.She is also weighs very little,85 pounds to be exact.She has plum colored hair and lilac color eyes that have been known to change depending on her mood.Her skin is always pale but not in a sickly way but a graceful way.Within her common room she is shown wearing a pale purple dress with black markings on the top of it.She does not like to wear shoes but does so if she is going out of the common room.Other times she is wearing foot wraps.She also wears a slate blue scarf at all times so she does not accidentally scratch her neck.
Personality:She is as sweet and adorable as a cinnamon bun.She is always willing to help others out even if they have wronged her.She is shy though and very quiet causing her to stutter when she talks.
Blood-Status: Regmanos and pure-blood mix.

House: Caniento
Wand -
Wood: Ash Wood
Core: Jaromanos' Feather
Length: 10 inches
Other things about wand: Its flexible and good for potions and charms.It has what seems to be pale purple and blue lines running up and down the handle.
Pet (Optional): Owl named Magi.

Trainerlevel: 22

Forum Posts: 90
Posted: Thu, 20/04/2017 04:35 (7 Years ago)
Trainerlevel: 13

Forum Posts: 268
Posted: Thu, 20/04/2017 14:43 (7 Years ago)
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Oliver Carson Hymun
Male ((Femboy))
Appearance (Description only!):
Oliver has bright blue eyes and curly red hair to his mid-neck. His face is covered in freckles, and he has a quite feminine facial structure. He is short and thin, standing at 4'3" and weighing 92 lbs. He has really thin limbs, and any average person could wrap their hand around his arm or lower leg. His upper leg is a bit thicker, but not by much. His body is covered in little freckles, not just his face. His nails are almost always painted a light pink or pastel purple. His ears are pierced, and he has two piercings on each ear. A silver stud and a pink flowers as earrings. He usually wears casual sundresses and sweaters, and loves to wear pink. He wears knee high socks or leggings with most outfits, along with flats or converse. He is stuck with horrible eyesight, meaning he needs glasses. He has wide rimmed, circular glasses, and he loves them.
He's a sweet, kind boy with an excited personality. He is quite feminine, but not in a rude way. In a nice and tiny way. He loves people and his friends, and rarely yells or gets angry. He's a crybaby, though. And sensitive, with a heart bigger than his body. He loves cuddling and being a little spoon. He loves hugs!! He loves being adored and complimented, though they make him a flustered bean. Small gay.
He's Pureblood, but tries not to tell people. He says he's a half blood, thinking that people will call him "rich" or "prissy" for being pureblood born.

Tapiriuss. He could have fit in two houses, Tapiriuss and Caniento, but his heart wanted Tapiriuss, so as he walked up he heard two noises. But the dreams whisper lasted longer and was louder, so he knew he was in Tapiriuss. ((Is that okay?))
Wand -
Willow Wood
Ramidreju's whisker
11 inches
Other things about wand:
Wood is soft and smells good?? It's kinda weird, but Ollie finds comfort in it.
Pet (Optional):
Mouse named James Madison Hymun ((shush))
-he's a tiny bean
-practically radiates heat
-hopeful all the time, even if everything has gone wrong.
Trainerlevel: 22

Forum Posts: 90
Posted: Thu, 20/04/2017 15:08 (7 Years ago)
Trainerlevel: 49

Forum Posts: 576
Posted: Thu, 20/04/2017 15:45 (7 Years ago)
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Name: Casey Crawjirda
Nickname?: N/A
Gender: Female
Appearance: Casey has dark green eyes and tan-ish skin. She is covered in orange freckles, matching her short ginger hair. She has really broad shoulders and is very tall for her age. She has a scar under her left eye.
Personality: Casey is fearless, determined, and courageous. She's somewhat snarky and a bit mean, but has good leader qualities.
Blood-Status: Pure-blood/Regmanos

House: Ramitach
Wand -
Wood: Ash
Core: Jaromanos' Feather
Length: 13 1/2 inches
Other things about wand: The handle has a design of dragons on it.
Pet (Optional): Black cat named Ginger
-Kind of a pessimist
-Really good upper body stregnth

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Name: Morgan Palla
Nickname?: Morrie, Morgan
Gender: Female
Appearance (Description only!): Morgan has pale skin and warm brown eyes. She usually braids her medium-length black hair, and has bangs that she sweeps to the side. She also has pierced ears. She wears black tights under her uniform. About 5'5. Lanky.
Personality: Morgan initally comes off as standoffish, but is really friendly. She's the most determined person ever, never letting anything get in her way. She's really helpful and kind.
Blood-Status: Half-Blood

House: Latteria
Wand -
Wood: Redwood
Core: Xena's Hair
Length: 14 inches
Other things about wand:
-Not very flexible
Pet (Optional):

Trainerlevel: 22

Forum Posts: 90
Posted: Thu, 20/04/2017 15:47 (7 Years ago)

Trainerlevel: 8

Forum Posts: 0
Posted: Thu, 20/04/2017 16:54 (7 Years ago)
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Name: Corelina Swift
Nickname?: Corrie
Gender: Female
Corrie is a tall, rather chubby girl. This is because she has somehow retained her baby fat. She has straight white Hair and blue eyes. Her hair is very long and usually kept in a braid.

Outside of school, she usually wears traditional wizard robes with the Swift Family Crest.

Corrie is cheerful, upbeat and optimistic. She's quick to trust and forgive, and the person you seek out when you're in need of a shoulder to cry on.

Wand -
Wood: Ash Wood
Core: Unicorn Hair
Length: 13 inches
Other things about wand: Extremely Flexible
Pet: An Owl she named Mercury
Only Child of the Swift Family
Swifts are usually sorted into Tapirrus, so it was a bit shocking to see her get sorted into Caniento
Was nearly sorted into Ramitatch
Has no idea her big brother James is adopted

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Name: James Swift
Nickname?: N/A
Gender: Male
James has short wavy white hair and violet eyes. He's tall for his age, which makes him look even more intimidating than he already looks.

Usually wears traditional wizard robes when outside the school, oftentimes with the Swift Family Crest present in front. (A Nightingale is the Swift Family Crest)
James may appear cold and unyielding when you first meet him, but truthfully he's just awkward and shy. Once you get to know him, he is a good friend and someone you can trust.

Constantly tries to prove himself worthy of the name Swift, which is the main reason he was sorted into Lattiera.
Blood-Status: Half-Blood

House: Lattiera
Wand -
Wood: Cedar
Core: Unicorn Hair
Length: 10 inches
Other things about wand: Not very flexible, rigid
Pet: A black cat he named Eris.
Remembers being adopted, tries to keep Corrie from finding out he's not her biological brother

Son of a good friend of the Swifts and a Half Blood wizard, hence his blood status. It's not widely known though.
Trainerlevel: 22

Forum Posts: 90
Posted: Thu, 20/04/2017 17:00 (7 Years ago)
Could you please describe Corrie's appearance instead of supplying a picture? Other than that, accepted!

Here's the link to the RP.
Trainerlevel: 23

Forum Posts: 46
Posted: Fri, 21/04/2017 02:58 (7 Years ago)
Name: Gajeel Xut
Nickname?: Gajeel
Gender: Male
Appearance (Description only!): He is a pale man with torn up clothes. He has long black shaggy hair that is only behind his head and he has blood red eyes. He has many body pierceings on his face and he usually wears fingerless gloves. He has black boots that have metal on them. Here is picture just to be clear:
Personality: He is very mean and cold but once he has warmed up to yoiu he can be nice
Blood-Status: Pure blood
House: Ramitach
Wand - Cores
Wood: Redwood
Core: A powerful gemstone
Length: 13 Inches
Other things about wand: N/A
Pet (Optional): He has a snake

Nanbaka Trash:
Trainerlevel: 8

Forum Posts: 0
Posted: Fri, 21/04/2017 03:27 (7 Years ago)
I've edited my form and added James~
Trainerlevel: 22

Forum Posts: 90
Posted: Fri, 21/04/2017 03:39 (7 Years ago)
@xXMiaXx accepted!

@Derpadoo, there are Blood Status' in the wizarding world: Pureblood, which means your family line is all pure wizards, no Muggle or Regmanos in this area blood taints your line; Half-blood, you have a wizard parent and a Muggle/Muggle-born parent; and Regmanos-born or Muggle-born, your parents are both Muggles/Regmanos. Usually Regmanos/Muggle-born wizards have a Squib (A wizard born without magic) in their family line. Other than that accepted! And please add your wand core!
Trainerlevel: 14

Forum Posts: 288
Posted: Fri, 21/04/2017 17:06 (7 Years ago)
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Amilie Poulain
Ami, Millie
Appearance (Description only!):
Amilie has pale brown shoulder length hair usually held back from her face with a red headband. She has caramel brown eyes and frecles and small bruises all over her body. She's 4" 5 and sometimes gets teased because of her height.
Amilie is very lighthearted and kind, but seriously clumsy, which annoys her as she has mild OCD. She copes with it, and often makes bad jokes and puns on EVERYTHING.
Pure Blood, but hates the treatment of Regmano born and Half blood students

Wand -
Pear Wood
Ramidreju Whisker
12.5 Inches
Other things about wand:
It has an intrecate pattern of runes on the main shaft and a curl on the bottom that fits perfectly into her hand.
Pet (Optional):
An tawny female owl called Hera
- Bisexual
- L O V E H E R

Mattaus Poulain
Appearance (Description only!):
Matt has short brown hair like his sister's and lighter coloured eyes then his sister. He's 7'' 6, so often uses Amilie's head as am arm rest. He's also quite wiry and very flexible.
Matt is quite polite and charismatic on the outside, but on the inside he baiscally is both of the Weasly twins combined. He's a prankster and once "accidentaly" setput fireworks in his father's car.

Wand -
Jaromanos' Feather
14 inches
Other things about wand:
Springy and lightweight with a spiral design
Pet (Optional):
A mouse called Thomas Jefferson (SHUT UP)
- G A Y
- Love him please

Trainerlevel: 22

Forum Posts: 90
Posted: Fri, 21/04/2017 17:35 (7 Years ago)

Accepted! But could you please change one of your characters houses? I don't want too many kids in one house...
Trainerlevel: 49

Forum Posts: 576
Posted: Fri, 21/04/2017 18:12 (7 Years ago)
I added another character if that's okay...
Trainerlevel: 22

Forum Posts: 90
Posted: Fri, 21/04/2017 18:45 (7 Years ago)
Ok @SlyveonGirl23 accepted! @Margreat, your second character is accepted.