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I'm Feeling Lucky

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Posted: Thu, 27/07/2017 14:06 (7 Years ago)
Name: Corrie Adams

Wizard Name: Corellina LightningSwift

Nickname: Corrie

Age: 16

Level: 1

Gender: Female


Type: Life

Corrie is a cheerful, optimistic person, who never fails to see the bright side of things. She always tries her best to make others as happy as she feels, and usually ends up rather distraught when she fails. She tries too hard to please others, and usually neglects herself in the process.

Corrie lived an ordinary life to be honest. She was just a normal teen who happened to love playing internet RPGs. If anything she felt rather bored at times, as there seemed to be nothing interesting going on.

James Adams- Her older brother, and she adores him. He's the one she turns to when she needs a shoulder to cry on or when she wants advice. She's rather worried about his lack of friends and tries to get him to socialize more.

Roleplay Sample:
"Die?" Corrie echoed, eyes wide as she tried to process what she had just heard. The sentence refused to compute. Dying had seemed like such a distant thing at the young age of 16, but right now the reality of it was weighing down on her like an invisible ball and chain.

The girl swallowed, then gave a rather shaky smile. "T-Then, I guess we just have to make sure we don't die then!" Yes, that was right. She needed to level up and gain healing spells if she wanted to keep herself and James safe.
She doesn't know James is adopted.

Name: James Adams

Wizard Name: Jameson LightningSwift

Nickname: James, Jamie

Age: 18

Level: 1

Gender: Male


Type: Death

James can come across as cold and intimidating, but in truth he just doesn't know how to act around people, and his silence is more akwardness on his part. He has a habit of bottling up his emotions, especially his negative ones, and usually tries to remain as calm as possible. If he ever loses his cool and lashes out he feels tremendously guilty, even if it's not his fault.

James's mother was a strange woman. She loved her son very much, but had a horrible temper problem. Whenever she was angry she'd say horrible things, like calling James a curse, a horrible boy, or insults of that sort. Sometimes this'd be set off by the simplest of things. She would always apologize when she had calmed down, but that didn't mean her words did not make an impact. James learned to be impassive in the face of anger, and privately swore never to lash out at anyone like his mother did.

His mother died when he was six in a car accident. James was then whisked off to an Orphanage, where he stayed for a few weeks before the Adams family took him in. He gained a little sister and loving parents that day, and he'd do anything he can to keep them.

Corrie Adams-His little sister. He's awfully protective over her, and cares for her very much. He worries about her naive outlook on life and how it's might impact her in the future.

Roleplay Sample:
See above

Corrie doesn't remember him being adopted, and James intends to keep it that way.

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Posted: Mon, 01/05/2017 23:10 (7 Years ago)
James nodded, cracking a slight smile as he ate some of his snacks. He really enjoyed panacotta. They were delicious. ""I suppose. She'd love you, I'm sure." The teen said, and he meant it too. Corrie would definitely like Oliver.

Corrie realized it was time for the last dance. A part of her wanted to have it with Troye for some reason, but she did not act on the feeling. It felt rude and selfish, as if she was hogging Troye for herself.

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Posted: Mon, 01/05/2017 03:01 (7 Years ago)
Corrie was no closer to deducing who her soulmate was then she had been previously. She had considered Troye, but realized there was no way the boy wouldn't have noticed his writing had disappeared while dancing, and she had seen him adjust his gloves many times already. So yeah, not Troye.

Still, she better find her soulmate quickly! The gala would soon end, and she'd definitely have a harder time finding him once it did. With that in mind, Corrie began painstakingly observing everyone she had interacted with and their wrists closely.

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Posted: Sun, 30/04/2017 07:11 (7 Years ago)
Corrie was internally panicking, even if she still seemed calm to everyone else. When did her writing disappear? Who was her soulmate? All the thoughts swirling in her head was enough to make her dizzy. She had talked to a lot of people in the gala, and she didn't remember what was written on her wrist. This was bad...

James blushed when he heard Oliver call him Jamie, but otherwise did nothing to get the other to stop. Usually Corrie was the only one to call him that, but he was willing to make an exception. "She's my younger sister Corrie, the one I told you about just now." He murmured, before giving Oliver the snacks he had taken from the table.

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Posted: Sat, 29/04/2017 00:04 (7 Years ago)
((Alright, we keep going))

"Probably London and Los Angeles, though I've only been to the latter." That was when James noticed Oliver glance at the snack table. It dawned on him that they've been talking for a long time, without pausing to eat. "...I'll get us something to eat, okay?"

The teen stood up and headed to the snack table. Corrie noticed and went over to see her brother now that he was alone.

"So, you've been talking with that guy for a suspiciously long time. Should I know anything?" The girl teased, waggling her eyebrows.

"Corrie, he's my soulmate."

The girl actually dropped her glass of water at that, and only quick reflexes saved the glass from becoming shards on the floor. The shock didn't last though. Soon a grin spread across her face.

"That's great! Well, I wouldn't want to keep him waiting. Don't forget to introduce me later!" Corrie all but pushed her brother, who had two plates of snacks, back to his soulmate.

The girl sighed and gave a sad smile. It must be nice, having found your soulmate. She raised her hand to gaze at her wrist...

... Only to gasp when she realized the writing was gone.

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Posted: Wed, 26/04/2017 15:50 (7 Years ago)
(Guys do you want to time skip to the end of the gala? Or do you still want to interact with each other?)

James noticed Oliver's smile fading when he said he didn't handle heat that well. The teen wondered if he offended his soulmate by accident. A part of him wanted to apologize, but he finally decided to just murmur a soft "That doesn't mean I hate heat though, just that I prefer cold weather".

"I suppose I enjoy 'Safe and Sound' as well as 'City of Stars'." He finally answered, humming said songs under his breath.

"Do you play any instrument? I can somewhat play the Piano."

Meanwhile, Corrie was starting to feel bored again. James was still engrossed in his conversation, and she didn't seem to have anything to do at this point. Wasn't it time for the gala to end already? If only she wore a watch...

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Posted: Mon, 24/04/2017 23:45 (7 Years ago)
"Likewise." Corrie. pouted as well, but wisely refrained from saying anything. It wouldn't be fair not to let Troye dance with anyone else, he was the host of the party after all. Still, it felt strange watching him dance with yet another blushing woman.

The girl headed back to meet James, but stopped when she saw he was still talking to that pretty girl from before. That was weird. Her brother wasn't one to talk that much that easily, but Corrie was too glad to look a gift horse in the mouth.

Deciding not to bother them, the girl headed to one of the benches instead, sitting down and watching people dance. Their fluid movements, how graceful they were... It was mesmerizing truth to be told.

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Posted: Sat, 22/04/2017 06:50 (7 Years ago)
James blushed slightly when Oliver tilted his head. His soulmate was so adorable, he was beginning to feel shy again. "Well... I like cloudy or rainy weather more. I can't really handle heat that well." At least he was somewhat resistant compared to Corrie, who would complain that she was 'dying' whenever it was too hot.

"What kind of food do you dislike? I don't like fruits that well."

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Posted: Sat, 22/04/2017 05:17 (7 Years ago)
Corrie gave a thoughtful frown when Nyx stuttered. So she was shy? That was no good. The other girl needed more confidence.

"What kind of wand do you think you'd get? I'm hoping to get one with a Feather core, though I suppose any wand would be fine as long as we can use it."

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Posted: Sat, 22/04/2017 05:15 (7 Years ago)
James pondered on what to answer. "I don't actually have a favorite. I'd read almost anything, with the exception of horror. If I have to pick, I guess I like adventure fiction stories." He replied.

"What's your favorite song genre? Mine is Classic or Country." James said, giving a small smile.

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Posted: Sat, 22/04/2017 04:13 (7 Years ago)
James apologized, but the other boy had already ran off. Sighing to himself, the teen joined the mass of students filing into the Great Hall, having heard the announcement.

Meanwhile, Corrie was introducing herself to Nyx. "Hi! My name's Corrie! You're a first year too right? It's nice to meet you!" She said in excitement.

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Posted: Sat, 22/04/2017 03:12 (7 Years ago)
James was beginning to enjoy the game, and he didn't seem to act as awkward around Oliver anymore. "I like the color Indigo best to be honest, though green is a close second." The teen answered, grinning.

"What's your favorite movie? I like La La land." James admitted. He remembered being teased by Corrie for liking the movie, but truthfully the movie was great and he didn't regret watching it. Not one bit.

Corrie was also silent as Troye and her danced. Usually she'd talk to fill the silence, but with Troye it was different. The silence was comfortable, not akward like normal. She wondered why. What was so different about him?

All too soon the music came to an end, and by extension, the dance. Corrie felt a pang of disappointment when she had to stop dancing with Troye.

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Posted: Fri, 21/04/2017 15:06 (7 Years ago)
James ran a hand through his hair as he answered Oliver's question. "... I used to have a pet rabbit named Donny and a Cat named Sabrina, but I had to leave them behind at my parents house when I moved out. The apartment I'm living in doesn't allow pets." He remembered feeling a bit down about that, but had visited often to go make sure they were doing okay.

"Do you have any siblings? I have a younger sister named Corrie. She's there." James pointed to where his sister was still dancing with the eldest Benton son, and they weren't showing any signs of stopping anytime soon.

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Posted: Fri, 21/04/2017 13:51 (7 Years ago)
Corrie waved back at Nyx, wearing a matching grin. The girl headed to the bathrooms to change into the shool uniform, humming a cheerful tune as she walked. She might not have been sorted into Tapirrus, but she was glad all the same.

James had also gone to the bathroom, holding his robes under one arm. He had just been about to enter when he bumped into someone exiting the bathroom. Groaning a bit, he steadied himself so he wouldn't fall over.

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Posted: Fri, 21/04/2017 13:48 (7 Years ago)
James took a moment to think about it. "... Probably reading and writing." The teen answered. It had always been a favored activity of his, and he usually always had a book or notepad by his side.

"What's your favorite food? Mine is pasta." He asked Oliver, deciding to do the same as his soulmate and answer his own question. The point to this game was to get to know each other better after all.

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Posted: Fri, 21/04/2017 06:04 (7 Years ago)
(Oops I forgot to write his back name. Its swift by the way)

James strode up to the Platform, looking completely unfazed. If anyone looked really closely however, they would see that was not the case. He was fidgetung slightly, a sign he was nervous.

He had barely set foor on the stage when he heard a noise. It was the sound of a great oak groaning, as if in pain. That meant only one thing...

James was proven right when the platform flashed green. Smiling slightly, the teen headed to his designated house.

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Posted: Fri, 21/04/2017 04:53 (7 Years ago)
Corrie stepped up, looking excited. Unlike the others, she didn't seem nervous at all. She pratically skipped as she headed on the round platform where everyone would get sorted, wondering which house she'd enter.

Almost as soon as she had stepped foot on the platform, she heard two sounds. A wolverine growling, and a gale blowing. That was surprising, she had expected to be sorted into Tapirrus like most of her family, but apparently that was not the case.

Both sounds were equally loud to her, but there was one difference. The growling became softer and softer as time went on, while the Gale became even louder. In the end, the platform flashed blue. Corrie grinned as she realized she had just been sorted into Caniento.

The girl headed to her house, pausing to wave at her brother, James, who was still waiting to be sorted.

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Posted: Fri, 21/04/2017 03:35 (7 Years ago)
James have Oliver a reassuring smile. "Sure." He answered, even if he did feel a bit nervous playing such a game. Still, he wanted to know more about Oliver, and a small part o him wanted Oliver to know him better as well.

"Why don't you start?"

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Posted: Fri, 21/04/2017 03:27 (7 Years ago)
I've edited my form and added James~

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Posted: Fri, 21/04/2017 01:07 (7 Years ago)
Corrie grinned and nodded. "Yup! It's been really fun. I got to meet someone new, and I got to dance. I'd say this was a great Gala." She meant it too, not just to spare Troye's feelings. She was honestly enjoying herself very much.

Corrie briefly wondered how it must feel to have a younger sibling. She wondered if James was once like Troye, although the likelihood of that was slim. Remembering James, she turned her head slightly to find her brother. He was sitting on a bench, holding hands with another boy.

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