Forum Thread
Forum-Index → Forum Games → WerewolfSylveonGirl23 - Deceased - Hunter
KevinXDE - Alive - Former Cupid, AGAIN
razorblade620 - Alive - Milkman
Lapis~~Lazuli - Deceased - Saboteur
Lunar_Dragonsong - Alive - ???? (@Prom)
Tsukishima - Deceased - Werewolf
Shinichi - Alive - Baker
Tx_Son_of_Liberty - Alive - Former Thief turned Villager/Lover
Guzma - Alive - Serial Killer/Mayor
TurquoiseMuffins - Alive - Werewolf
Mikage - Alive - Villager
Four - Deceased - Wizard
BellaFox - Alive - Fortune Teller/Lover
Pilufa - Beyond - Narrator
Fortune Teller, you let KevinXDE goads you, into revealing your role. The Wizard is dead, there is no one to protect you from the Werewolves nor the Serial Killer, you were supposed to stay alive to find out info and try to guide the voting.
Your strategy can be a good one, but it can backfire, as we have seen, the Hunter was dogpiled, the Hunter killed the Wizard, the only reason a Wolf is dead is because the Serial Killer lucked into one before we knew anyone's role. We then executed a helpless villager because he didn't want to make the biggest lie a Werewolf can make, "I'm a normal Villager", which no one can be sure of until most of the normal villagers are dead.
Well, since Guzma has admitted she's the SK, I say we have a double Vote, one to execute our evil serial killing Mayor, and one for new Mayor. I nominate KevinXDE as Mayor, and vote Execute Guzma.
Edited: Also fixed the above post to remove the question marked roles and move the Serial Killer to its proper spot.
We know the Serial Killer, we can kill her now, and then figure out the wolves tomorrow.
If the real Baker or Milkman didn't tell us the ones who claimed were lying, it would mean Villagers would lose for sure. Cause they wouldn't be helping by exposing the Werewolves
Edit: Whoops. Votation. Stop Discusing xD. Let me think of my vote lol