Forum Thread
Forum-Index → Forum Games → Werewolf*Fatigued from the long day of stress and terror, as well as the depressing task of having to bury so many bodies, he microwaves a steak burrito, lazily nibbling on it as he goes to the website to cancel his milk delivery service, think about how Almond or Cashew Milk will be healthier, as well as not having to fear the Milkman trying to smash a bottle over his head.*
*He barely is able to finish his burrito before dozing off in his den recliner, watching iZombie and being glad there are no Zombies to fear, though the episode's theme about paranoid neighbors harming innocent people due to fear of Zombies dies hit a little close to home*
Yet a little voice inside her says that they all would've known the risk of voting anyone. meme was a sacrifice that was needed to make. She stared out of the window when Pilufa spoke.
"Thanks my dude," she responds, trying to cheer up.
(Yes, only two eliminations.)

(I'll still follow along owo I love this game ( : )
Lost a healing and killing. I didn't use any of them.
Wanted to wait a little longer into the game owo..

♫ She/her ♫ -7 PH Time ♫ ISFP ♫ Libra ♫
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