Forum Thread
Code Gijinka (Setup)
Forum-Index → Roleplay → RP Sign-up → Code Gijinka (Setup)It's another day at your boarding school in France. It's the middle of the Fall semester and you're in the middle of science class when suddenly you catch the signal from one of your friends. It's him again, X.A.N.A., trying to strike down Kadic Academy when he thinks you are unaware. Sneaking out of class, you and your teammates dive into the vast world of Lyoko. Greeted by your five friends, known as the AIs, you stop the most recent attack and return to your life as a normal boarding student. But X.A.N.A. won't stop any time soon, so you continue your life as a Lyoko Warrior, working to stop his evil plots as they come.

1. When a character enters Lyoko, they can
become a Pokemon Gijinka. It can be any Gijinka you want as long as
it is not a mega evolution or a large legendary. Pixie legendaries
such as celebi or mew. If you have a question about a possible
pokemon, feel free to ask.
2. Mega Evolution is available as a possible weapon for your characters if they are a pokemon gijinka, they just cannot be a mega all the time.
3. You can make as many characters as you want, just don't go overboard with it.
4. No bunnying, godmodding, and no Mary-sues.
5. Try to have somewhat of proper grammar. I'm not picky but at least be able to type well enough that I can understand what you are saying.
6. No one-liners. Try to contribute something to the story. I get it can be difficult sometimes but just try to contribute something.
7. Ages should be somewhere between 14 and 18. This is a high school boarding school. I am willing to allow a little younger or older with the explanation that they skipped a grade or were held back, but nothing too unreasonable.
8. Gijinkas can have up to four moves and up to two weapons. The weapons should be simple items such as a trident or dart gun, nothing too unreasonable like a bazooka. Movesets can be anything the pokemon has been able to know in the past, anything from Gen I to Gen VII, including learnset, TMs, tutors, egg moves, and special distributions. Just don't go too crazy all right?
9. Try to keep everything at max the PG-13 level when it comes to romance, violence, etc.
10. If art is not yours, please do say so. Give credit where credit is due.
11. XANA attacks happen semi-frequently. I will control when these attacks occur as well as control XANA itself. If you have an idea for an attack feel free to suggest one but generally attacks are things that can cause mass destruction like mass earthquakes or crashing planes.
12. Have fun! And if you have any questions do feel free to ask me at any time, either by posting here or PMing me. I am always open to suggestions and questions to make your experience more fun!
2. Mega Evolution is available as a possible weapon for your characters if they are a pokemon gijinka, they just cannot be a mega all the time.
3. You can make as many characters as you want, just don't go overboard with it.
4. No bunnying, godmodding, and no Mary-sues.
5. Try to have somewhat of proper grammar. I'm not picky but at least be able to type well enough that I can understand what you are saying.
6. No one-liners. Try to contribute something to the story. I get it can be difficult sometimes but just try to contribute something.
7. Ages should be somewhere between 14 and 18. This is a high school boarding school. I am willing to allow a little younger or older with the explanation that they skipped a grade or were held back, but nothing too unreasonable.
8. Gijinkas can have up to four moves and up to two weapons. The weapons should be simple items such as a trident or dart gun, nothing too unreasonable like a bazooka. Movesets can be anything the pokemon has been able to know in the past, anything from Gen I to Gen VII, including learnset, TMs, tutors, egg moves, and special distributions. Just don't go too crazy all right?
9. Try to keep everything at max the PG-13 level when it comes to romance, violence, etc.
10. If art is not yours, please do say so. Give credit where credit is due.
11. XANA attacks happen semi-frequently. I will control when these attacks occur as well as control XANA itself. If you have an idea for an attack feel free to suggest one but generally attacks are things that can cause mass destruction like mass earthquakes or crashing planes.
12. Have fun! And if you have any questions do feel free to ask me at any time, either by posting here or PMing me. I am always open to suggestions and questions to make your experience more fun!
Basic Need to Know Information about Lyoko:

1. There are five main zones: Forest, Desert, Glacier, Mountains, and Core. All can be reached with designated coordinates inputted into the super computer, except the Core, which requires a transporter that has a password (SCIPIO) that must be entered into the super computer by the computer handler.
2. Monsters are viruses sent in by X.A.N.A, a program created by the creator of Lyoko that went bad, to keep the players from deactivating towers. They can be destroyed by striking the XANA symbol on them. Usually only requires one hit to destroy, but certain monsters like the Kolossus may require more than one strike to take down. Towers are very important. A tower with red aura has been taken over by X.A.N.A and is being used to attack the real world, ranging from anything from filling the area with severe laughing gas to driving a bus into a nuclear power plant to blizzards. A tower with blue aura is a deactivated tower. Only AIs can deactivate towers and they can only deactivate the towers within the sector they manage.
3. Each player has a set amount of life points, when the health points drop to zero, one of two things happen. If the player is from the real world, the player will then return to the scanners. If the player is an A.I. that cannot go to the real world, then they disappear forever. The only ways for a real world player to die is if either they fall into the Digital Sea or if the deactivation codes are suspended and the player's life points were to run out. If the Super Computer that hosts Lyoko is shut down while a player is inside, the player does not die, but rather loses the ability to devirtualize, making them effectively an AI until these codes can be restored.
4. In order to often reverse the damage XANA has caused, players can do what is called a "Return to the Past". This will take players back to a set time and date depending on what is inputted into the computer. Only players registered in the computer will have recollection of the events that have occurred. However, these returns have two negatives to them. Firstly, they cannot undo death. In the event someone dies and a return to the past occurs, the individual that passed with simply die at the instant the players return to. Secondly, it increases the amount of power XANA has, though no one is exactly sure why.
5. Real world players can only enter Lyoko once every twelve hours.
6. If you wish to look for further info either go here or ask me.

Species of their Lyoko Appearance:
Real World Appearance (if RW Player):
Lyoko Appearance:
Bio/History (optional):
AI or Real World Player?:
Attacks (Four in total):
Weapon (Two in total):
Species of their Lyoko Appearance:
Real World Appearance (if RW Player):
Lyoko Appearance:
Bio/History (optional):
AI or Real World Player?:
Attacks (Four in total):
Weapon (Two in total):
My Forms:

Name: Shayla Thomson
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Species of their Lyoko Appearance: Shaymin Gijinka
Personality: Shayla is a bit of a stubborn woman. Once she sets her mind to something, she’s not one to give in. Shayla is a bit overprotective sometimes, especially towards those younger than her. She’s especially protective of her younger brother, Casey, but knows that he can handle himself too. She enjoys painting and spending time outside. She wants to be a park ranger someday. Shayla is, at her core, very kind and is willing to help anyone despite all their faults.
Real World Appearance (if RW Player): Very similar to her Lyoko appearance, she has flowing black hair with reddish brown eyes. She is about 5'7, not very strong, but very light on her feet. She tends to wear blue dresses and skirts, and absolutely loves to wear hats of all sorts. She actually changed her appearance to match her Lyoko appearance more closely.
Lyoko Appearance:

Made by a friend of my on Deviantart.
Bio/History (optional): Shayla was born in Zürich, Switzerland. She grew up in a semi-wealthy household for many years under the care of a nanny because her parents were always away on business. During one of their travels, Shayla’s parents visited a village in Africa, and not too long after, they adopted a young boy that became Shayla’s younger brother. The two were inseparable as soon as they met. Shayla always fought off the bullies while Casey helped her with her homework. It was a great team effort. However, when high school came around, Shayla was shipped off to Kadic Academy without much notice or warning to the children. The siblings kept in touch via email but it was just not the same. It was a pleasant surprise to Casey when she found out her little brother was coming to Kadic. By that point it had been two years since she and her friends had discovered the Supercomputer, and while Shayla had done her best to hide it from Casey, her brother found out rather quick. Now they work together to help take down the towers that XANA has captured.
AI or Real World Player?: Real World Player
Attacks (Four in total): Seed Flare, Quick Attack, Seed Bomb, and Air Slash
Weapon (Two in total): Gracidea Rapier (a green rapier wrapped in vines with a Gracidea flower right above the grip) and Flower Shield (a large shield shaped like a Gracidea flower)
Crush/Relationship: Open
Other: Older sister of Casey
Name: Casey Thomson
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Species of their Lyoko Appearance: Quilava
Personality: Casey is a bit of a hot head. While he’s loyal to a fault, Casey can be easily manipulated and his rage easily triggered. He’s a very smart individual but is very weak physically, often having trouble in classes such as Physical Education. He enjoys playing video games and messing with computers. He aspires to be a scientist one day.
Real World Appearance (if RW Player): He looks similar to his sister with the same color hair and same reddish brown eyes. His skin is very dark due to his African heritage and he’s about two inches shorter than Shayla is. He’s dyed the tips of his hair to be the colors of flames and usually wears a black hoodie with an orange shirt and some jeans.
Lyoko Appearance:

Made by a friend on Deviantart
Bio/History (optional): Casey was born in Uganda and abandoned at a local orphanage when he was a baby. Around the time he was five, he met Shayla’s parents, and not too long after they had successfully adopted him. Whisked away to Switzerland, Casey was very scared at first, but Shayla made him feel right at home, even giving him the name “Casey”. He was shown to be very bright in school despite his rather humble beginnings, but this made him the subject of common bullying attacks. Shayla often came to his rescue, but it never helped Casey’s self confidence to have his sister rescue him. Still, he always appreciated her love for him. It wasn’t until she was sent away to France that Casey truly felt alone. Determined to reunite with her, Casey worked hard throughout his final two years of middle school so that he could qualify for Kadic, and sure enough he did. Upon arriving on campus, Casey could tell right away that Shayla was hiding something. It took some sleuthing but eventually he figured it out and demanded to fight by his sister’s side. Now they’re an unstoppable team.
AI or Real World Player?: Real World Player
Attacks (Four in total): Flamethrower, Brick Break, Smokescreen, Swift
Weapon (Two in total): Flame whip (a whip made out of a column of flames that can shrink or extend at Casey’s will) and Blaze gauntlets (gloves for Casey that create claws of flames for him)
Crush/Relationship: Open
Other: Adopted younger brother of Shayla
Name: Circe Starling
Age: Appears 18
Gender: female
Species of their Lyoko Appearance: Honchkrow
Personality: Circe is a kind young woman that still has a sense of naivety to her. She loves nothing more than to write and tells stories, often hiding away in the tower of the Core to write her stories. Her least favorite monsters, ironically, are the creepers, the ones that are most prevalent in the Core. She wants nothing more than to leave the supercomputer and find her old team, as she has somewhat of a vague recollection of who they were. However, the shutting down of the supercomputer while she was inside has dulled her memory quite significantly. Still, she remembers that one of the guys on her old team was a close friend of hers, a man with an affinity for magic.
Real World Appearance (if RW Player): N/A
Lyoko Appearance:

Made by a friend on deviantart.
Bio/History (optional): Circe was born in Ulm, Germany. She came to Kadic and became best friends with a man from Great Britain, though she cannot recall his name. These two were the founders of the most recent prior Lyoko team. However, due to events that Circe cannot remember, the computer was shut down while she was inside, destroying any chance of her returning to the real world. Still, Circe has a feeling these events did not take place too long ago, and Circe only wishes to exit the supercomputer so she can figure out what happened and locate her old friends.
AI or Real World Player?: Core AI
Attacks (Four in total): Night Slash, Dark Pulse, Heat Wave, Air Cutter
Weapon (Two in total): Cutlass (the type of sword used by pirates, it has a golden hilt and a silver blade for close combat) and a Quill (allows her to write words into the air and use them as projectile weapons against monsters)
Crush/Relationship: open
Other: Sometimes she is jokingly called Raven
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Species of their Lyoko Appearance: Shaymin Gijinka
Personality: Shayla is a bit of a stubborn woman. Once she sets her mind to something, she’s not one to give in. Shayla is a bit overprotective sometimes, especially towards those younger than her. She’s especially protective of her younger brother, Casey, but knows that he can handle himself too. She enjoys painting and spending time outside. She wants to be a park ranger someday. Shayla is, at her core, very kind and is willing to help anyone despite all their faults.
Real World Appearance (if RW Player): Very similar to her Lyoko appearance, she has flowing black hair with reddish brown eyes. She is about 5'7, not very strong, but very light on her feet. She tends to wear blue dresses and skirts, and absolutely loves to wear hats of all sorts. She actually changed her appearance to match her Lyoko appearance more closely.
Lyoko Appearance:

Made by a friend of my on Deviantart.
Bio/History (optional): Shayla was born in Zürich, Switzerland. She grew up in a semi-wealthy household for many years under the care of a nanny because her parents were always away on business. During one of their travels, Shayla’s parents visited a village in Africa, and not too long after, they adopted a young boy that became Shayla’s younger brother. The two were inseparable as soon as they met. Shayla always fought off the bullies while Casey helped her with her homework. It was a great team effort. However, when high school came around, Shayla was shipped off to Kadic Academy without much notice or warning to the children. The siblings kept in touch via email but it was just not the same. It was a pleasant surprise to Casey when she found out her little brother was coming to Kadic. By that point it had been two years since she and her friends had discovered the Supercomputer, and while Shayla had done her best to hide it from Casey, her brother found out rather quick. Now they work together to help take down the towers that XANA has captured.
AI or Real World Player?: Real World Player
Attacks (Four in total): Seed Flare, Quick Attack, Seed Bomb, and Air Slash
Weapon (Two in total): Gracidea Rapier (a green rapier wrapped in vines with a Gracidea flower right above the grip) and Flower Shield (a large shield shaped like a Gracidea flower)
Crush/Relationship: Open
Other: Older sister of Casey
Name: Casey Thomson
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Species of their Lyoko Appearance: Quilava
Personality: Casey is a bit of a hot head. While he’s loyal to a fault, Casey can be easily manipulated and his rage easily triggered. He’s a very smart individual but is very weak physically, often having trouble in classes such as Physical Education. He enjoys playing video games and messing with computers. He aspires to be a scientist one day.
Real World Appearance (if RW Player): He looks similar to his sister with the same color hair and same reddish brown eyes. His skin is very dark due to his African heritage and he’s about two inches shorter than Shayla is. He’s dyed the tips of his hair to be the colors of flames and usually wears a black hoodie with an orange shirt and some jeans.
Lyoko Appearance:

Made by a friend on Deviantart
Bio/History (optional): Casey was born in Uganda and abandoned at a local orphanage when he was a baby. Around the time he was five, he met Shayla’s parents, and not too long after they had successfully adopted him. Whisked away to Switzerland, Casey was very scared at first, but Shayla made him feel right at home, even giving him the name “Casey”. He was shown to be very bright in school despite his rather humble beginnings, but this made him the subject of common bullying attacks. Shayla often came to his rescue, but it never helped Casey’s self confidence to have his sister rescue him. Still, he always appreciated her love for him. It wasn’t until she was sent away to France that Casey truly felt alone. Determined to reunite with her, Casey worked hard throughout his final two years of middle school so that he could qualify for Kadic, and sure enough he did. Upon arriving on campus, Casey could tell right away that Shayla was hiding something. It took some sleuthing but eventually he figured it out and demanded to fight by his sister’s side. Now they’re an unstoppable team.
AI or Real World Player?: Real World Player
Attacks (Four in total): Flamethrower, Brick Break, Smokescreen, Swift
Weapon (Two in total): Flame whip (a whip made out of a column of flames that can shrink or extend at Casey’s will) and Blaze gauntlets (gloves for Casey that create claws of flames for him)
Crush/Relationship: Open
Other: Adopted younger brother of Shayla
Name: Circe Starling
Age: Appears 18
Gender: female
Species of their Lyoko Appearance: Honchkrow
Personality: Circe is a kind young woman that still has a sense of naivety to her. She loves nothing more than to write and tells stories, often hiding away in the tower of the Core to write her stories. Her least favorite monsters, ironically, are the creepers, the ones that are most prevalent in the Core. She wants nothing more than to leave the supercomputer and find her old team, as she has somewhat of a vague recollection of who they were. However, the shutting down of the supercomputer while she was inside has dulled her memory quite significantly. Still, she remembers that one of the guys on her old team was a close friend of hers, a man with an affinity for magic.
Real World Appearance (if RW Player): N/A
Lyoko Appearance:

Made by a friend on deviantart.
Bio/History (optional): Circe was born in Ulm, Germany. She came to Kadic and became best friends with a man from Great Britain, though she cannot recall his name. These two were the founders of the most recent prior Lyoko team. However, due to events that Circe cannot remember, the computer was shut down while she was inside, destroying any chance of her returning to the real world. Still, Circe has a feeling these events did not take place too long ago, and Circe only wishes to exit the supercomputer so she can figure out what happened and locate her old friends.
AI or Real World Player?: Core AI
Attacks (Four in total): Night Slash, Dark Pulse, Heat Wave, Air Cutter
Weapon (Two in total): Cutlass (the type of sword used by pirates, it has a golden hilt and a silver blade for close combat) and a Quill (allows her to write words into the air and use them as projectile weapons against monsters)
Crush/Relationship: open
Other: Sometimes she is jokingly called Raven

Oliver Carson Hymun
Male / Femboy ((He / Him Pronouns))
Species of their Lyoko Appearance:
He's a sweet, kind boy with an excited personality. He is quite feminine, but not in a rude way. In a nice and tiny way. He loves people and his friends, and rarely yells or gets angry. He's a crybaby, though. And sensitive, with a heart bigger than his body. He loves cuddling and being a little spoon. He loves hugs!!
Real World Appearance (if RW Player):
Oliver has bright blue eyes and curly red hair to his mid-neck. His face is covered in freckles, and he has a quite feminine facial structure. He is short and thin, standing at 4'3" and weighing 92 lbs. He has really thin limbs, and any average person could wrap their hand around his arm or lower leg. His upper leg is a bit thicker, but not by much. His body is covered in little freckles, not just his face. His nails are almost always painted a light pink or pastel purple. His ears are pierced, and he has two piercings on each ear. A silver stud and a pink flowers as earrings. He usually wears casual sundresses and sweaters, and loves to wear pink. He wears knee high socks or leggings with most outfits, along with flats or converse.He is stuck with horrible eyesight, meaning he needs glasses. He has wide rimmed, circular glasses, and he loves them. Going against his usual "feminine" look, he has a septum piercing. This was obviously not his idea or plan, though. Let's just say, his cousin wanted to be a piercing and tattoo artist. He's lucky she didn't give him a tattoo.
Lyoko Appearance:
I hope it's ok if I describe this too
In his Lyoko Appearance, Oliver isn't really changed. His hair is a cotton candy pink, but still curly and bouncy. He has freckles, he's still tiny, and he still has that danged septum piercing. It never leaves, and he's too scared to take it out. He wears an adorable pink dress. He wears knee high socks that are striped pink and white, and he wears pink flats. He wears pink fishnet gloves to his forearm, and bright pink lipstick. He has Slyveon ears and tail, and he wears a little bow in his hair, Sylveon style.
Bio/History (optional):
Oliver was born in France and grew up there. He lived with his aunt and uncle since his parents were alcoholics. His parents were found to be abusive when Oliver was younger, so child services intervened. He moved in with his aunt and uncle, who loved him to death. And he loved them. His aunt and uncle treated him very well, and he knew why. His cousin, the one who had pierced his nose, died in a car crash a week after Oliver moved in. It was terrible. Oliver loved his cousin dearly, and he had no other siblings or cousins. He went to this school shortly after the incident. He was treated as his aunt and uncle's own child. He loved it. He had never had loving parents. He was a part of the little crew that discovered the Supercomputerif that's ok.
AI or Real World Player?: Real World Player
Attacks: Hyper Voice, Shadow Ball, HP Ground, Calm Mind
Weapons: A staff with pink ribbon wrapped around it, called "Fée Baton". Also has a dart gun known as "Dash."
Crush/Relationship: Crush on Conner !!
-Hasn't come out ((ppl have guessed, though))
-Easily scared around men
-His septum piercing
-His glasses
Oliver Carson Hymun
Male / Femboy ((He / Him Pronouns))
Species of their Lyoko Appearance:
He's a sweet, kind boy with an excited personality. He is quite feminine, but not in a rude way. In a nice and tiny way. He loves people and his friends, and rarely yells or gets angry. He's a crybaby, though. And sensitive, with a heart bigger than his body. He loves cuddling and being a little spoon. He loves hugs!!
Real World Appearance (if RW Player):
Oliver has bright blue eyes and curly red hair to his mid-neck. His face is covered in freckles, and he has a quite feminine facial structure. He is short and thin, standing at 4'3" and weighing 92 lbs. He has really thin limbs, and any average person could wrap their hand around his arm or lower leg. His upper leg is a bit thicker, but not by much. His body is covered in little freckles, not just his face. His nails are almost always painted a light pink or pastel purple. His ears are pierced, and he has two piercings on each ear. A silver stud and a pink flowers as earrings. He usually wears casual sundresses and sweaters, and loves to wear pink. He wears knee high socks or leggings with most outfits, along with flats or converse.He is stuck with horrible eyesight, meaning he needs glasses. He has wide rimmed, circular glasses, and he loves them. Going against his usual "feminine" look, he has a septum piercing. This was obviously not his idea or plan, though. Let's just say, his cousin wanted to be a piercing and tattoo artist. He's lucky she didn't give him a tattoo.
Lyoko Appearance:
In his Lyoko Appearance, Oliver isn't really changed. His hair is a cotton candy pink, but still curly and bouncy. He has freckles, he's still tiny, and he still has that danged septum piercing. It never leaves, and he's too scared to take it out. He wears an adorable pink dress. He wears knee high socks that are striped pink and white, and he wears pink flats. He wears pink fishnet gloves to his forearm, and bright pink lipstick. He has Slyveon ears and tail, and he wears a little bow in his hair, Sylveon style.
Bio/History (optional):
Oliver was born in France and grew up there. He lived with his aunt and uncle since his parents were alcoholics. His parents were found to be abusive when Oliver was younger, so child services intervened. He moved in with his aunt and uncle, who loved him to death. And he loved them. His aunt and uncle treated him very well, and he knew why. His cousin, the one who had pierced his nose, died in a car crash a week after Oliver moved in. It was terrible. Oliver loved his cousin dearly, and he had no other siblings or cousins. He went to this school shortly after the incident. He was treated as his aunt and uncle's own child. He loved it. He had never had loving parents. He was a part of the little crew that discovered the Supercomputer
AI or Real World Player?: Real World Player
Attacks: Hyper Voice, Shadow Ball, HP Ground, Calm Mind
Weapons: A staff with pink ribbon wrapped around it, called "Fée Baton". Also has a dart gun known as "Dash."
Crush/Relationship: Crush on Conner !!
-Hasn't come out ((ppl have guessed, though))
-Easily scared around men
-His septum piercing
-His glasses

Name: Pagala Patkins
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Species of their Lyoko Appearance: Mismagius
Personality: Pagala is a friendly woman who tries to get along with everyone, but she doesn't go out of her way to be nice. If she can be nice along the way to what she was doing or if she sees it as something important, she will, but that's the extent. With her friends, she can be quite talkative, but usually she's quiet, even around them.
Real World Appearance (if RW Player): Pagala has black hair that falls to the middle of her back, and stands at about 5'7". She's about average weight, maybe a bit over, though how she manages to stay even that thin baffles anyone considering she eats fast food and sugary sweets more than anything. Her usual oufit consists of a plain t-shirt of any color, though she prefers black, and a pair of blue jeans, and, on the rare occasions that she puts her hair up, it's always just in a simple ponytail.
Lyoko Appearance: In Lyoko, she looks much the same, but her hair changes from black to dark purple and she now wears a purple hooded cloak with matching witch's hat and red jewels around her neck.
Bio/History (optional):
AI or Real World Player?: Real World Player
Attacks (Four in total): Magical Leaf, Shadow Ball, Aerial Ace, and Mystical Fire
Weapon (Two in total): She has two daggers for close-range fighting, though if necessary she will throw them to the same effect. (Her aim isn't great, but at the range she's comfortable with throwing from, which would be about mid-range, it's usually enough to get the job done.)
Crush/Relationship: Open
Other: N/A
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Species of their Lyoko Appearance: Mismagius
Personality: Pagala is a friendly woman who tries to get along with everyone, but she doesn't go out of her way to be nice. If she can be nice along the way to what she was doing or if she sees it as something important, she will, but that's the extent. With her friends, she can be quite talkative, but usually she's quiet, even around them.
Real World Appearance (if RW Player): Pagala has black hair that falls to the middle of her back, and stands at about 5'7". She's about average weight, maybe a bit over, though how she manages to stay even that thin baffles anyone considering she eats fast food and sugary sweets more than anything. Her usual oufit consists of a plain t-shirt of any color, though she prefers black, and a pair of blue jeans, and, on the rare occasions that she puts her hair up, it's always just in a simple ponytail.
Lyoko Appearance: In Lyoko, she looks much the same, but her hair changes from black to dark purple and she now wears a purple hooded cloak with matching witch's hat and red jewels around her neck.
Bio/History (optional):
AI or Real World Player?: Real World Player
Attacks (Four in total): Magical Leaf, Shadow Ball, Aerial Ace, and Mystical Fire
Weapon (Two in total): She has two daggers for close-range fighting, though if necessary she will throw them to the same effect. (Her aim isn't great, but at the range she's comfortable with throwing from, which would be about mid-range, it's usually enough to get the job done.)
Crush/Relationship: Open
Other: N/A
Girls live in dorms on the first floor and guys on the second. You all can decide if you want your characters to have roommates or not. Your roommates can be NPCs or other roleplayer's characters. That is up to you.

Age: 15
Gender: Female
Species of their Lyoko Appearance: Serperior
Personality: Lisa can be pretty snarky sometimes, but she's Quite silly and dorky once you get to know her! Arty and a TOTAL Doctor Who nerd, she's a bit masculine, and overprotective of her friends.
Real World Appearance (if RW Player): She has waist length black hair, and bright green eyes. She's prety tall, and doesnt like to wear much makeup. She has three hoop piercings and wears a too small checked shirt over a green t-shirt , converse and ripped skinny jeans with sharpie doodles all over.
Lyoko Appearance:

Bio/History (optional): Lisa was born in Belfast, Northern Ireland. She lived with her older brother, Conner, and their mother and father. She lived there for her entire life, but she had always known that her and Conner looked different to their parents, or some of her family members. She and Connor found out that they actually were the spitting images of their great great great Grandmother and grandfather, who had passed away the year before they were born, and both revived their names in memory of them. Knowing why she looked different and findong out that their great great great grandparents had been Lyoko Warriors made both siblings feel like they had a legacy to protect. They studied hard, with Lisa getting some of the highest grades in French, Art, Design Technology, Maths and Physics, and both got scholarships to the academy. She met some of her best friends their and became a Warrior alongside them.
AI or Real World Player?: Real World
Attacks (Four in total): Leaf Storm, Giga Drain, Dragon Tail, Areal Ace
Weapon (Two in total): A Broad Sword she nicknamed Terra and a Bow and Arrow
Crush/Relationship: N/A
Other: Normaly chews Mint bubble gum.
Irish accent

Gender: female
Species of their Lyoko Appearance:vaporeon
Personality: an extremilly calm person and even if she's mad she tries not to show it. A little obssessed with work and cant help herself with throwing a small flirt now and then
Real World Appearance (if RW Player):
Lyoko Appearance:
Bio/History (optional): tbrped
AI or Real World Player?: RW
Attacks (Four in total): aqua tail, water gun, hydro pump and wish
Weapon (Two in total): two daggers
Other: none of the art belongs to me
Name: Aria Nakamashi
Age: 15
Gender: female
Species of their Lyoko Appearance: altaria
Personality: unlike her Sister, Aria is easily excited, often speaks before thinking but never tries to harm anyone
Real World Appearance (if RW Player):
Lyoko Appearance:not mine
Bio/History (optional):tbrped
AI or Real World Player?:Rw
Attacks (Four in total): ice beam, dragon pulse, toxic, cotton guard
Weapon (Two in total): her mega evolution and she can summon a cloud like shield
Other:again, no images are mine
Name: Kira Nakashami
Species of their Lyoko Appearance: houndoom
Real World Appearance (if RW Player):
Lyoko Appearance:
Bio/History (optional):tbrped
AI or Real World Player?: RW
Attacks (Four in total): Dark Pulse,overheat,
Flamethrower and nasty plot
Weapon (Two in total): his claws and has gloves that allows him to throw small arrows
Crush/Relationship: open
Other:twin brother of Aoi
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Species of their Lyoko Appearance: Togekiss
Personality: TBRPED
Real World Appearance (if RW Player):
Lyoko Appearance:
Bio/History: TBRPED
AI or Real World Player?: RW player
Attacks: Sky Attack, Air Slash, Dazzling Gleam, Toxic
Weapon: The spear in the above picture and a bow and arrow
Crush/Relationship: N/A
Loves Pocky, preferably green tea
Has a packet of peppermints with her at all times

Name: Conner Centera
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Species of their Lyoko Appearance: Luxray
Personality: Conner is a goofball, plain and simple. He enjoys his sister's company, but unless you know him, he's a bit introverted. He's a bit of a flirt, and is the type of person who would send a 'Secret Admirer' note to the person he has a crush on. He has a dream to paint a massive mural someday.
Real World Appearance (if RW Player): Connor has bright green eyes and black hair like his sister, and is 72" tall. His hair is usually spiked up with gel, and normally you can tell what art project he's working on by the splatters of paint in his hair and on his jeans. He has a lot of fandom t shirts and wears a checked shirt open over it, paint splattered jeans and a pair of Doc Martins. He sometimes accidentally leaves his art overalls in as well.
Lyoko Appearance:

Bio/History (optional): Conner was born in Belfast, Northern Ireland. She lived with his little sister, Lisa, and their mother and father. He lived there for his entire life, but he had always known that he and Lisa looked different to their parents, or some of his family members. He and Lisa found out that they actually were the spitting images of their great great great Grandmother and Grandfather, who had passed away the year before Conner was born, and both recived their names in memory of them. Knowing why he looked different and finding out that their great great great grandparents had been Lyoko Warriors made both siblings feel like they had a legacy to protect. They studied hard, with Connergetting some of the highest grades in Spanish, Art, Drama, Maths and Physics, and both got scholarships to the academy. He met some of his best friends their and became a Warrior alongside them.
AI or Real World Player?: Real World
Attacks (Four in total): Thunder Fang, Toxic, Crunch, Hyper Beam
Weapon (Two in total): A set of nunchucks called White Lightning and Brass Knuckles nicknamed Amps and Volts.
Crush/Relationship: Crush on Oliver
Bakes ALOT.
Always smells of Vanilla
He's the BEST BI