Forum Thread
[Interest Check] Gravity Falls RPs?
Forum-Index → Roleplay → RP Sign-up → [Interest Check] Gravity Falls RPs?In order to avoid spoilers, all of these will be considered alternate universes!
SPEAKING OF AUs! Some of these are going to be super, super silly. Don't judge me.
• Demonic Guardians—This is hands down my favorite. Here are the canon comics if you're not familiar with it.
• Reunion Falls—THIS ONE IS SO CUTE AHHHH. Easily my favorite after DG! Have some canon comics because seriously, alsdkfahg ♥♥♥
• Monster Falls—Although I've not dabbled as extensively in this one as I have with DG, I'm at least passingly familiar with the premise, so I'd be cool with playing around in it!
• A sort-of companion-idea to Monster Falls—due to a curse/demon holiday/whatever, everyone is a were-critter of some sort. Think of the possibilities.
• Transcendence—Not as familiar with this one, but willing to learn.
• Reverse Falls—Same as with Transcendence.
• Cats are Demons Anyway—Remember how I said some of these were going to be silly? Yeah. You can blame all those dang cat!Bills for this one. To atone for his past sins (and to cheat his way into getting another chance at that whole world-domination thing, because really, who are we kidding?), Bill's death in Stanley's mindscape was permitted to be ... mitigated by the Powers That Be in exchange for his spending a lifetime (or nine) as a cat. They didn't expressly say he had to go live with the Pines, but really, like he'd choose anyone else to
• Now We're Just Living in a Sitcom, Aren't We—Blame the midnight brain-bunny for this one. Semi-related to the Demonic Guardians AU, Bill and either Dot Matrix (or Tad Strange, if you were into that AU before canon!Tad Strange was a thing) or some demonic OC needs to stay close to the twins as they're growing up, so ... for the sake of expediency ... they assume human forms and start squatting—errr, I mean, "take up residence" next door. This can be handled one of two equally intriguing ways: "the twins" meaning Dipper and Mabel, implying a fairly well-to-do modern suburb; ooor "the twins" meaning baby Stanley and baby Stanford, meaning, well. Less well-to-do, more carjackings in the middle of the night, hope-you-can-get-used-to-falling-asleep-with-a-drunk-puking-outside-your-window.
• I have a soft spot for Elentori's human!Bill, ESPECIALLY when he's drunk, so let me play him and I'll love you forever.
• Given the choice, I'd prefer to play either Bill or Ford (or both, because I'm still holding out for hilarious non-twincest Ford/Stan hijinks, even though I couldn't come up with any AUs for them right off the top of my head—Bill just lends himself so well to AUs!).
• I am perfectly cool with grimdark, blood, and gore! Within the limits of PH's rules, naturally, unless you'd prefer to go off-site, in which case I have Skype and can message you my username or we could tackle a Google Doc, which would allow for a group.
Interested in playing one I missed? Let me know! I'm desperate enough for a GF RP I'll probably do my homework for it and everything. ;A;

Art credit: gelatin

Art credit: gelatin