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I'm Feeling Lucky

Searching for: Posts from Kattata.
Posted: Tue, 13/03/2018 06:36 (6 Years ago)
So. Ho-oh is hands down my ABSOLUTE FAVORITE legendary, and has been ever since I played Pokemon Gold fifteen years ago!

It was heartbreaking to find that I'd missed the SCE, and therefore my chances of ever getting one were ... not great. I'm not gonna lie: I cried.

Then I realized that this is an amazing community, just filled to the brim with kind players, and maybe if I made an explanatory post someone might help me acquire a retro Ho-oh. ;w;

So ... here's my explanation, if any of you really want to read it and aren't just interested in my off-site currencies (those will be listed near the bottom of this post, btw c;).

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I've been so super-busy with work and personal tragedies—my mom lost her cat in December, and he was a sweet little old pure-black gentleman that I practically grew up with; then in January I lost my tortie baby girl out of NOWHERE, to a hideous disease for which there is no cure and no for-sure diagnostic test either, with 100% mortality: feline infectious peritonitis.

Now, because there's apparently nothing the universe loves more than kicking someone while they're down, my dad's had a cancer scare. We're waiting for the results that will tell us whether the tumor is malignant or benign ... which is exactly as stressful as it sounds, so I guess it shouldn't have surprised me that I hadn't even thought to check PH ... so I missed the event that gave out the retro Ho-oh and Lugia. ;w;

Of course, I'm not expecting it for free!!
I have a number of things I'm willing to trade, and first up is ART.

I'm offering either banner/header/forum-decorative art (I made that banner up there, or you can go here to see more examples of my work) or just art in general (here is my semi-official portfolio).

Quote from Slots for Art(¯`·._.··¸.-~*´¨¯¨`*·~-.,-( 1.
(¯`·._.··¸.-~*´¨¯¨`*·~-.,-( 2.
(¯`·._.··¸.-~*´¨¯¨`*·~-.,-( 3.
(¯`·._.··¸.-~*´¨¯¨`*·~-.,-( 4.
(¯`·._.··¸.-~*´¨¯¨`*·~-.,-( 5.

I can also offer:

FR currency, both treasure and gems
PokeFarm Q currency, both credits and Gold Poké (GP)
CS pets, my account is here. I will trade only duplicates, any rarity

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Posted: Sat, 03/03/2018 19:52 (6 Years ago)
Her friends had told her it was an impossible goal ...

She heard of the distribution event only three days before the deadline for the special Ho-oh/Lugia plushies? Madness. She'd never be able to rake up 1.5k Dream Points before then.

(Not without buying them with nuggets, anyway—and due to other recent events in her personal life, that was so far out of the question it had just pierced the stratosphere and was still accelerating.)

"We know you love Ho-oh," they said. "We know it's your favorite legendary, and we know, too, that you have another wishlist thread half-written regarding the retro sprite—we're your imaginary friends, remember? Everything that you know, we know. Sorry, bud—but you're only gonna be denying yourself sleep, and for what?"

She continued to click, her jaw set with determination. Click, click, click, click ...

"Maybe they'll bring back the Ho-oh plushie some other time, hey? We could go out for ice cream. We could frolic about in the sun, feel grass beneath our hideously calloused feet—I told you you should have bought a pair of flip-flops, now our horny calluses snag on our satin sheets and allow me to reiterate how AWFUL that feeling— ... is ..."

Their voice trailed away into dumbfounded silence.

Kattata simply grinned, arranging a veritable sea of winking golden Dream Points into neat stacks before her.

Boy, was she glad that she never listened to anyone's doubts where there was Ho-oh (or Mewtwo, or Zapdos) concerned.

Not even her own.
banner made by meeeee!

pssst! would you like a similar banner for your shop, journal, or rp? I'm accepting commissions!
omg please do I am DYING for monies, DYING I TELL YOU. XD

(don't worry, there aren't many! )

Be good to each other! I don't really anticipate there being any difficulties of this nature, but better safe than sorry.
First come, first served. I intend to do my absolute best to be sure that everyone gets what they want, but I'm only feline human!
Please use the provided form. It makes it a heckuva lot easier for me to keep up!
Understand that once my DP is gone, it's gone! While I am after dat sweet, sweet Ho-oh plushie, I'm also delighted to be able to give back to the community in this way—a community that has been so wonderfully kind and generous to me, I leapt at the chance to show my appreciation for you all!

So now, with no further ado ...

[b]Username of Recipient[/b] (this can be you or a friend!):
[b]Region[/b] (OR, indicate if [b]Shiny[/b], [b]Popular[/b], or [b]Newest[/b]):
[b]Page Number[/b]:
[b]Plushie Species/Type[/b]:
[b]Would you like to receive a random quote, story snippet, or joke in your message?[/b] (optional):



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Posted: Fri, 02/03/2018 17:52 (6 Years ago)
I'd like one of each gender, if you still have them! :D

Otherwise, just one of any gender is fine. ♥

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Posted: Fri, 02/03/2018 07:34 (6 Years ago)
... is this guide still being updated? The last update having been two years ago makes me doubt that. |D

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Posted: Thu, 26/01/2017 10:08 (7 Years ago)
Excellent! That's a great rule of thumb; I'll keep it in mind. Thanks so much again >w<

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Posted: Thu, 26/01/2017 08:11 (7 Years ago)
Oh dang, I'm so sorry! I kinda rolled the dice on whether it belonged in sign-ups (I didn't see any similar interest checks) or not. Sorry ;;; Yes, please, moving it to sign-ups would be great.

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Posted: Thu, 26/01/2017 07:37 (7 Years ago)
Hullo, my name is Kat and I'm a huge nerd. This can be said of me in regards to a lot of things, but for this particular purpose, Gravity Falls! I'm not sure if this is in the right forum, but fingers crossed~

In order to avoid spoilers, all of these will be considered alternate universes!

SPEAKING OF AUs! Some of these are going to be super, super silly. Don't judge me.

Demonic Guardians—This is hands down my favorite. Here are the canon comics if you're not familiar with it.

Reunion Falls—THIS ONE IS SO CUTE AHHHH. Easily my favorite after DG! Have some canon comics because seriously, alsdkfahg ♥♥♥

Monster Falls—Although I've not dabbled as extensively in this one as I have with DG, I'm at least passingly familiar with the premise, so I'd be cool with playing around in it!

• A sort-of companion-idea to Monster Falls—due to a curse/demon holiday/whatever, everyone is a were-critter of some sort. Think of the possibilities.

Transcendence—Not as familiar with this one, but willing to learn.

Reverse Falls—Same as with Transcendence.

Cats are Demons AnywayRemember how I said some of these were going to be silly? Yeah. You can blame all those dang cat!Bills for this one. To atone for his past sins (and to cheat his way into getting another chance at that whole world-domination thing, because really, who are we kidding?), Bill's death in Stanley's mindscape was permitted to be ... mitigated by the Powers That Be in exchange for his spending a lifetime (or nine) as a cat. They didn't expressly say he had to go live with the Pines, but really, like he'd choose anyone else to destroy ignore. And they'll probably ignore him right back! It's win-win all around!

Now We're Just Living in a Sitcom, Aren't We—Blame the midnight brain-bunny for this one. Semi-related to the Demonic Guardians AU, Bill and either Dot Matrix (or Tad Strange, if you were into that AU before canon!Tad Strange was a thing) or some demonic OC needs to stay close to the twins as they're growing up, so ... for the sake of expediency ... they assume human forms and start squatting—errr, I mean, "take up residence" next door. This can be handled one of two equally intriguing ways: "the twins" meaning Dipper and Mabel, implying a fairly well-to-do modern suburb; ooor "the twins" meaning baby Stanley and baby Stanford, meaning, well. Less well-to-do, more carjackings in the middle of the night, hope-you-can-get-used-to-falling-asleep-with-a-drunk-puking-outside-your-window.

• I have a soft spot for Elentori's human!Bill, ESPECIALLY when he's drunk, so let me play him and I'll love you forever.

• Given the choice, I'd prefer to play either Bill or Ford (or both, because I'm still holding out for hilarious non-twincest Ford/Stan hijinks, even though I couldn't come up with any AUs for them right off the top of my head—Bill just lends himself so well to AUs!).

I am perfectly cool with grimdark, blood, and gore! Within the limits of PH's rules, naturally, unless you'd prefer to go off-site, in which case I have Skype and can message you my username or we could tackle a Google Doc, which would allow for a group.

Interested in playing one I missed? Let me know! I'm desperate enough for a GF RP I'll probably do my homework for it and everything. ;A;


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Posted: Sat, 24/09/2016 21:55 (8 Years ago)
I swear I saw some kind of shiny Mega Mewtwo—it was black, anyway, and very much a Mewtwo; is there a Rocket Mewtwo on Pokeheroes?—but I was fast-clicking and clicked by it before I could see for sure what it was. Dx

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Posted: Mon, 12/09/2016 09:15 (8 Years ago)
((True, but if there are enough players who are still willing to play, then the creator can return to find the game still thriving! Perhaps someone can take over as the GM-type figure for a bit until the original creator returns?))

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Posted: Mon, 12/09/2016 07:51 (8 Years ago)
((I've been thinking about joining this for a while, and since everyone seems kind of at a loss for what to do next, maybe I could help breathe life back into it?? I mean, I Pokemon (why else would I be on this site, I ask you??), but then ERMAHGERD ZOMBIES.

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Funny story: A friend of mine once did a mock-up of a pamphlet on how to deal with the undead for laypeople, and I actually was credited as her expert source. XDD

I just don't know who I want to play. :T A flamboyant (and yet strangely, bewilderingly straight) Frenchman (who used to be a geneticist in his "real life" (y'know, before the zombies), a Pokemon of some sort (I'd say Jolteon but it looks like that's taken and I want to be ~*~ unique ~*~, soooo maybe Umbreon? Or I guess I could branch out and try another pokemon ... Ninetales, maybe?), or ... idk ... something cracky, like a sentient domesticated non-pokemon/non-human cat. ))

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Posted: Mon, 15/08/2016 07:10 (8 Years ago)
((Thank you. ;w; <all the hugs>

I'll probably dedicate myself to catching up tomorrow; I'm pretty exhausted tonight and trying to fix my laptop, which naturally chose this time to give up the ghost. x_x))

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Posted: Mon, 15/08/2016 04:50 (8 Years ago)
((It did as to why this was still in the sign-up sub-category ... ah well! ANYWAY

This explanation is reeeeally long (although, believe it or not, not half as comprehensive as it could be, if you can wrap your mind around that @_x Believe me, rofl, I'm going insane trying to deal with every little detail, and OF COURSE if so much as one thing gets left out, it has to be mailed back out and redone and then mailed back in ... *cries softly to herself*

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Putting my explanation behind a spoiler tag because it's kinda long

[spoiler]Sorry I vanished off the face of the earth, guys. I had ... gosh, saying a bad few weeks is a serious understatement!

I was in a catastrophic car accident last month. I swerved to miss something in the road—I wound up getting a concussion, so my memory is super spotty and I can't remember exactly what it was, except that it was alive—so not a paint can or whatever—and tall and pale-colored; I lost control, drove up onto the embankment (because naturally I was on the freeway on my way home), and flipped my truck three times. It came down on its wheels—thank God—but facing the completely opposite direction.

To give an idea of how catastrophic, when I knew we were going to crash, I flung myself sideways to shield my dog (whom I'd taken with me, since I'd intended only to go up to Fry's Electronics and come home); the first responding officer on the scene said that if I'd remained upright, in the driving position, the way that the roof of the truck had crumpled, the windshield would have been in just the right position, and under enough stress, that it would have decapitated me. My dog, Jade, a German shepherd, saved my life ... but lost her own in the wreck. (And now I'm crying just talking about it. ;___________; )

After the accident, my best friend, @Danichu, stopped speaking to me altogether. My support system consisted entirely of her, and I literally haven't spoken with her since maybe four, five days since the accident, on July 9th. As a result, psychologically and emotionally I'm kind of a mess, so I've been avoiding the computer like a plague. I've been going to see a trauma surgeon, though, and he's helped a lot—he doesn't think that avoiding socialization is a good idea, even if Dani, for whatever reason, decided to choose this particular time to completely and utterly abandon me, which just absolutely shattered my proverbial rock and stripped away my support system, resulting in a particularly enjoyable bout of suicidal ideation, so ... I'm beginning to get better, seeing a counselor that specializes in trauma victims and sufferers of PTSD—but again, I'm sorry for there being such a long period of radio silence, but I'm back now and intend to catch up—though it seems there's been a pretty substantial hiatus on the game's part.))

For instance, I LOVE Shadina's character among others, so it kinda feels like this RP has been abandoned. D:))

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Posted: Mon, 15/08/2016 03:53 (8 Years ago)
((It did always kind of weird me out as to why this thread was still in the sign-up sub-category ... ah well! ANYHOO

This explanation is reeeeally long (although, believe it or not, not half as comprehensive as it could be, if you can wrap your mind around that @_x Believe me, rofl, I'm going insane trying to deal with every little detail, and OF COURSE if so much as one thing gets left out, it has to be mailed back out and redone and then mailed back in ... *cries softly to herself*

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Putting my explanation behind a spoiler tag because it's kinda long

[spoiler]Sorry I vanished off the face of the earth, guys. I had ... gosh, saying a bad few weeks is a serious understatement!

I was in a catastrophic car accident last month. I swerved to miss something in the road—I wound up getting a concussion, so my memory is super spotty and I can't remember exactly what it was, except that it was alive—so not a paint can or whatever—and tall and pale-colored; I lost control, drove up onto the embankment (because naturally I was on the freeway on my way home), and flipped my truck three times. It came down on its wheels—thank God—but facing the completely opposite direction.

To give an idea of how catastrophic, when I knew we were going to crash, I flung myself sideways to shield my dog (whom I'd taken with me, since I'd intended only to go up to Fry's Electronics and come home); the first responding officer on the scene said that if I'd remained upright, in the driving position, the way that the roof of the truck had crumpled, the windshield would have been in just the right position, and under enough stress, that it would have decapitated me. My dog, Jade, a German shepherd, saved my life ... but lost her own in the wreck. (And now I'm crying just talking about it. ;___________; )

After the accident, my best friend, @Danichu, stopped speaking to me altogether. My support system consisted entirely of her, and I literally haven't spoken with her since maybe four, five days since the accident, on July 9th. As a result, psychologically and emotionally I'm kind of a mess, so I've been avoiding the computer like a plague. I've been going to see a trauma surgeon, though, and he's helped a lot—he doesn't think that avoiding socialization is a good idea, even if Dani, for whatever reason, decided to choose this particular time to completely and utterly abandon me, which just absolutely shattered my proverbial rock and stripped away my support system, resulting in a particularly enjoyable bout of suicidal ideation, so ... I'm beginning to get better, seeing a counselor that specializes in trauma victims and sufferers of PTSD—but again, I'm sorry for there being such a long period of radio silence, but I'm back now and intend to catch up!


I hope I'll still be permitted to play! This was one of my favorite RPs here on PokéHeroes. ))

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Posted: Mon, 15/08/2016 03:36 (8 Years ago)

Putting my explanation behind a spoiler tag because it's kinda long

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Sorry I vanished off the face of the earth, guys. I had ... gosh, saying a bad few weeks is a serious understatement!

I was in a catastrophic car accident last month. I swerved to miss something in the road—I wound up getting a concussion, so my memory is super spotty and I can't remember exactly what it was, except that it was alive—so not a paint can or whatever—and tall and pale-colored; I lost control, drove up onto the embankment (because naturally I was on the freeway on my way home), and flipped my truck three times. It came down on its wheels—thank God—but facing the completely opposite direction.

To give an idea of how catastrophic, when I knew we were going to crash, I flung myself sideways to shield my dog (whom I'd taken with me, since I'd intended only to go up to Fry's Electronics and come home); the first responding officer on the scene said that if I'd remained upright, in the driving position, the way that the roof of the truck had crumpled, the windshield would have been in just the right position, and under enough stress, that it would have decapitated me. My dog, Jade, a German shepherd, saved my life ... but lost her own in the wreck. (And now I'm crying just talking about it. ;___________; )

After the accident, my best friend, @Danichu, stopped speaking to me altogether. My support system consisted entirely of her, and I literally haven't spoken with her since maybe four, five days since the accident, on July 9th. As a result, psychologically and emotionally I'm kind of a mess, so I've been avoiding the computer like a plague. I've been going to see a trauma surgeon, though, and he's helped a lot—he doesn't think that avoiding socialization is a good idea, even if Dani, for whatever reason, decided to choose this particular time to completely and utterly abandon me, which just absolutely shattered my proverbial rock and stripped away my support system, resulting in a particularly enjoyable bout of suicidal ideation, so ... I'm beginning to get better, seeing a counselor that specializes in trauma victims and sufferers of PTSD—but again, I'm sorry for there being such a long period of radio silence, but I'm back now and intend to catch up!


I hope I'll still be permitted to play! This was one of my favorite RPs here on PokéHeroes. ))

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Posted: Tue, 12/07/2016 18:04 (8 Years ago)
((Thank you so much, @Sableye. Maybe it's silly, but just your reassurances and your kind and sympathetic words have me crying again, because I appreciate them so much

Thank you from the bottom of my heart. It means so much to me.))

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Posted: Tue, 12/07/2016 17:54 (8 Years ago)
((hi everyone, I just wanted to let you know that I was in a really bad car accident on Saturday (my truck rolled three times), hence the radio silence.

I know most (if not all of you?) are dog lovers, so I know you'll know exactly where I'm coming from when I say that I've been absolutely devastated, because--along with my personal injuries--GSD of twelve years was in the car with me and she was killed on impact. She was my whole world.

Physically, I'm feeling a lot better today, so I hope to get caught up on the RP soon and maybe even make some posts to take my mind off it. I'm crying now as I type this, so... please have patience with me.))

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Posted: Tue, 12/07/2016 17:54 (8 Years ago)
((hi everyone, I just wanted to let you know that I was in a really bad car accident on Saturday (my truck rolled three times), hence the radio silence.

I know most (if not all of you?) are dog lovers, so I know you'll know exactly where I'm coming from when I say that I've been absolutely devastated, because--along with my personal injuries--GSD of twelve years was in the car with me and she was killed on impact. She was my whole world.

Physically, I'm feeling a lot better today, so I hope to get caught up on the RP soon and maybe even make some posts to take my mind off it. I'm crying now as I type this, so... please have patience with me.))

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Posted: Sat, 09/07/2016 06:24 (8 Years ago)
((Whoops, sorry I was late, guys! Had some family issues to clear up. I'll be on earlier tomorrow though, SO EXCITE

...hahahah at this rate Edelwise all on her own is going to make Pele seriously reconsider her life choices when it comes to that whole good/evil thing. I HOPE YOU'RE PROUD OF YOURSELF, @MAGUS ))

Not indeed a figment of Edelwise's (admittedly quite vivid) imagination, Pele was indeed following the duo. She seems a little wary of Manty, but given this second chance to make things right, she's determined to prove herself—so Edelwise doesn't find herself facedown in the sand for long: the Magy offers a hand down to her, smiling. "Be careful! I've heard some parts of the beach are a lot deeper than they look.

"I don't know if they really count as quicksand, though," she muses.

The fights are generally not worth mentioning, although Pele fights alongside Edelwise and Manty both, going so far as to toss them healing berries when their endurance seems to be flagging. And then... and then the Team's target makes his appearance. "This isn't good," the Magby murmurs to herself.

The Sneasel himself laughs outright at her. "Thought you'd seen the last of us, huh? Well, you know what we do with runaways! This is a great day," he laughs uproariously. "First salt, and now to see an old friend... sure you won't join us?"

"Not on your life," Pele growls, quietly, stepping forward to stand beside Edelwise.

As soon as the device is thrown at the Porygon-Z and immediately begins to take over, Pele glances to Edelwise and Manty alike. "I don't suppose you two have any fighting-type moves/' she asks, without much hope.

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Posted: Thu, 07/07/2016 03:56 (8 Years ago)
((Oh gosh! Dx Be careful, @Magus, THE SPIDERS ARE OUT TO GET YOU uh I mean

also I might have giggled out loud IRL at Manty xD still seriously wanting a not-evil character to be bffs forever with Edelwise fffff she is so cute ;~;))

Pele can't help but laugh at Edelwise's antics, not unkindly. "So much energy!" she remarks, still smiling. "Have you explored many places?"

She looks at Manty, a bit sympathetically. "I don't bite, you know," the Magby says, trying to be reassuring. She isn't accustomed to socializing with such shy pokemon, though, and it might fall a bit short of the mark, as far as the Mantyke is concerned.

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Posted: Thu, 07/07/2016 03:02 (8 Years ago)
((Whoops, I missed the bit about getting gathered up by Galvantula. Can we just assume that happened already? xD

also omg @Megus I love Edelwise's pictureee she's so cute~ ;w; and her name is totally giving me Valkyria Chronicles vibes because DORK, RIGHT HERE, IT'S ME))

Pele flinches as she's approached by a Pikipek. The bird looks a bit annoyed, having just sent off a Team, but he's polite enough as he runs down the basic information that Galvantula didn't cover. But Pele seems bored, interrupting Pikipek several times to say that she knows all this already, which strikes Pikipek as odd—but then, so many of the newly transformed humans are odd. Maybe it's just her way of coping, he thinks.

"So..." The Magby frowns. "Can I follow these guys?"

"If you want," Pikipek says, a little surprised. "Normally our new pokemon need time to adjust to their—"

"No," Pele interrupts. "I think I'd like to go with them."

Shrugging his narrow shoulders, Pikipek gives her the relevant information, and off she goes.

Well before they've reached Salty Beach, Manty and Edelwise can hear a voice calling to them by their Team name. A young Magby pounds up, panting slightly, thrusting at Manty a slip of parchment bearing Pikipek's signature footprint.

"New recruit," the Magby says breathlessly, as though this explains everything. "My name's Pele. You're Manty, right? And you're... Edelwise?" She looks the Elecktrike briefly up and down, before her beak softens into a smile. "You look keen!"

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