(Draco was talking to Ren. Let me edit for Flare.)
Draco flinched. "You have to be kidding me..." Draco thought
to himself. He sighed. "Typhlosions are known have bad breaths.
It's just a thing that runs through the species. For the most part
at least." he replied.
Terrisa shook her head, standing in a small corner. What was she
supposed to do? What if she messed up? With so many important
people in a single area... She was frozen, staying in the back
corner. She was never good with crowds.
"W-Well it's g-good someone understood," Hercules whispered,
smiling. He glanced at Reioko who was levitating herself to look
like she was standing on Zheira's head while Jerri laughed. "So,
how has your day been so far?" He bowed quickly, left hand behind
his back with his right on his chest.
Reioko giggled and landed. She noticed a Spinarak Gijinka standing
in the corner. Curious, she floated over, left leg extended to the
ground and her right curled by the knee. "Good day, young mortal,"
she said.
Terri looked up, with a sudden jolt. "Oh- m-me?" She questioned
pointing to herself. That's not how we speak to gods or
goddesses... Terri quickly realized her mistake and stumbled into a
clumsy bow. "G-good day!" She said, struggling to steady her tone,
keeping her eyes on the floor.
"Quite well, actually. What about you?" Harper purred,
smiling. She curled her toes, and her barefeet felt cool against
the ground. She never wore shoes, she loved being varefoot. Her
feet were soft and thin, like the rest of her.
Ren paused, suddenly painfully aware that she was almost a foot
shorter than Draco. "Pleasure to meet you. I am Nergüi, but most
know me as Ren. Are you looking forward to this cerem-" she was cut
off by Flare, as she smiled politely. "The pleasure is mine."
Despite Ren cutting off from what seemed like a question to him, he
knew what she was going to ask. "I don't know how I feel. I guess a
mixture of both excitement and fear with some feelings mixed in
like confusion? I think?" he replied.
Missy- She woke up in Olivers arms. She blushed violently. It was
nice. She noticed he had shined his knees. She fumbled to open her
bag. She took out some bandages, "I can wrap those if you like."
She looked down.
Oliver blinked, leaning Missy against a wall. "Yeah, that'd
be nice." He said, looking around awkwardly. He swallowed, noticing
Yao a bit away. He licked his lips, and flattened his dress. He
rubbed his eye softly. He hadn't gotten much sleep last night, he
had been way too nervous and anxious.
"Oh. No, it's fine. We weren't really in the middle of anything."
Draco said, somewhat awkwardly. "Why am I being so casual and
why is she being so respectful? Well, at least to Ren. Oh right,
she's a god. Completely forgot. Nice job Draco. You are an
idiot," he thought.
Harmony felt uncomfortable being near so many people so she gently
shifted until she was closer to Espiana.For some odd reason she
made Harmony feel safe.Maybe because she was one of the few who
showed her kindness.Who knows why really,she just knew that Espiana
nade her feel comfortable and that was good enough for her.
Melody- It was fun and relaxing to play the violin. It was her main
talent, playing instruments and singing. The only instruments she
couldn't play where the kazoo and triangle. But she wasn't sure
they where actual instruments. She hoped that the human who came
with her would like music.
"That is fine." Ren replied,turning to Draco. "That is natural. Any
God or Goddess your hoping will chose you? Feel free to speak your
mind. I won't be offended if you chose another God other than
Harmony turned to Espiana."I..I am afraid I must go my lady.I..It
has been a pleasure to speak with you."She says softly deeply
bowing.She winces as she feels more of her cuts opening.She then
silently moves away not relizing that her blood was staining the
back of her dress an ugly red color.
Harmony looks up to see a Skitty gijinka talking to her."I...I am
okay."she mumbles before her knees give out on her.Her eyes roll
into the back of her head and that was the last she remembers of
the ceremony.
Missy- She tried lifting up the girl but she had literally no upper
body strength, or lower body strength for that matter. "Help! She
fainted from bloodloss."
Flare- She ran up to the girls and helped lift the other girl. She
set her on one of the thrones. "What do we do now?"