"Ready to rock up the place sis?" Leo says, as he sends out
WishiWashi. The Wishiwashi floats in air, activating its schooling
ability. Soon, a Wishiwashi school was ready to battle
Mahina sends out Silvally-Electric. Silvally used Multi Attack on a
Victor enters the League, and looks around for the first Elite
four, spotting Hala.
"I'm Ready!" Victor says. Flare and Salazzle go into the stands to
watch the battle, since they were not a part of the main team.
Victor sends out Rowlet. "Go Errol!" He says. He rather trusted the
Rowlet, taking the unevolved Pokemon to the Elite Four.
Wishiwashi used Hydro pump in combination with Silvally's Multi
Attack to keep the Celasteela at bay.
"Milotic! Hydro Pump, now!" Isabel called out, Milotic nodded and
used Hydro Pump on Celasteela.
Dragonair used Dragon Rush.
"Let's go, Salamence!" Alex said, sending out Salamence.
A few Celesteela were defeated they feet back into the portal.
Tiger growled, and looked at Dragonite "ice beam" he said swiftly.
Dragonite nodded, and used an ice bea,. As the two were fighting a
Celesteela attacked Tiger from behind, and pushed him into the
ultra wormhole.
Hala nodded, and threw a pokeball "primeape lets go" he said
"Tiger!" Alex yelled, he then tried to run into the Ultra Wormhole,
but Isabel held him back.
"Don't, you don't know where it might lead you to." Isabel
"B-but we can't just leave him behind!"
Dragonite watched, helpless as the Celesteela flew away. He then
growled, and attacked one more. The ultra wormhole closed, but
Dragonite manages to capture one of the ultra beasts. He places his
foot on the Pokemon as if he was claiming it as his trophy. "Maybe
we can get answers from this one" he growled.
Tiger was screaming as he fell into ultra space once more. He
crashed into the ground and groaned. "Great...back here" Tiger said
bitterly, and sat up. He then jumped into a small cluster of
shadows to hide from the Pokemon. Cyndaqul sighed "maybe we can see
what they're planning in here" Cyndaquil suggested softly. Tiger
nodded, and slowly stalked up the path to the ultra beasts.
"Errol, use Pluck!" Victor commanded. The Rowlet swoops down to
Primeape to hit it with the super effective move. Flare and
Salazzle cheer for Rowlet.
Leo recalls Wishiwashi, whereas Mahina's Silvally circles
Celasteela. "Hey you! Why are you here?" The Silvally growls, his
claws glowing in electric energy, thanks to the Electric Memory.
Silvally understood some parts of the speech. "Who's your master?"
Silvally asks, claws ready for a Multi-Attack if the Celasteela
decided to play smart.
Rowlet is hit with close Combat. "Rowlet, Frustration!" Victor
commands, taking full advantage of Rowlet's low happiness due to
its time with the Hunter. Rowlet flies at Primeape with anger,
executing the move.
"Do you know her name or something else about her?" Milotic
"I'm sure he will be fine," Isabel said.
Alex sighed,"Maybe your right..."
"Don't attack unless necessary," Flora said to Dragonair, who was
glaring at Celasteela.
"I don't know name" Celesteela repeated to Milotic lowly just
before it was caught by the beast ball.
Primape was hit with the move, and faints. Hala returned the
Pokemon, and grabbed his next pokeball.
Tiger looked around, and climbed up a small cliff like area, and
hid. He then saw a small group of Ultra beasts. amongst them was a
human, but she was to far away for him to make out. "The boy?" She
asked. The Pokemon then responded sadly, causing Tiger to get a
headache as he struggles to understand it, "...ot away...can't find
him now" the Celesteela said.,it was injured from Dragonite's ice
beam. Tiger then growled, and continued to listen. "Don't give up
until you destroy him. He knows to much about you beauties...he
can't figure out the plan to control the legendary Pokemon of the
sunne, and moone yes that's how they spelt it in the games..
and take control of this filthy region" she growled darkly.
"I did it! An Ultra Beast in the team?" Leo says, sending out the
Rowlet begins to glow as it gains experience, and begins evolution.
"Wow." Victor says as he waits for Rowlet to evolve. Rowlet evolves
into Dartrix, and fixes his new 'hair'.
Hala nodded a congrats,mand sent out his crabominable "we'll see
how it fairs against this" he said softly.
"Yes...ter" the group of ultra beast say at the same time. The
woman then fled the area, and used an ultra wormhole to flee. Tiger
looked at it longingly he was about to get up, and run toward it
when the ultra beasts began to talk together. As they chatted
Tiger's ability acted uo causing a pain splitting headache, and
making him collapse to the ground.
"Let's see.." Victor says, and checks the Pokedex for Dartrix's new
"Dartrix, use Astonish!" Victor commands, but Dartrix refused to
obey, cleaning her feathers of any dirt.
"ERROL!!" Victor shouted, but the Dartrix did nothing, leaving it
vulnerable to Crabominable's moves.
Leo sends out Celasteela. "What to name you..? I think Celasteela
sounds okay." He finished. Celasteela looked satisfied without a
Crabominable looked at Enroll slightly. "Use a crab hammer" Hala
said with a sigh.
Cyndaquil looked at Tiger in worry, and growled as an unfamiliar
figure grabbed the boy's jacket. He attempted to protect his
trainer, but was knocked out by a strange move. The Pokemon then
took the two away, and into the shadows of ultra space.
Errol took a direct hit with the Crab Hammer, making the owl
Pokemon faint. Victor recalled Errol in her Beast ball with a sigh.
Victor remembered Crabominable as a Crabrawler back in the trial,
and also knew that it held a Z-Crystal.
"Go Volt!" Victor says, sending his Raichu to battle.
Cranbominible looked at Volt, and waited for the next round to
Tiger woke to the strange sounds of something sniffing him. He then
sat up his vision still blurred from sleep. His head still hurting,
he rubbed his eyes, and looked around. "Good you're alive" a
Pokemon said softly. Tiger blinked, and looked at the Pokemon for a