Despite Nate and Rockruff's efforts to win,Sableye was too much for
Rockruff and she ended up fainting...
"My first battle...And I lost..."Nate said,looking at the
floor,then looking at Grey
"It doesn't matter...I guess,good battle"And offered his hand to
"Hmm...I am not sure,I think we all three should start our journey
together!"Nate answered,and Looked at Duo,and then asked
"So,do you want to come with us?"
Nate looked at Greay leaving,and then looked at Duo
"Sorry dude,but if you want to go with us,you can go onto route
one!"He said,and stepped out of the lab,and walked into route
Once there,he and Rockruff started looking into the grass
"Now,let's see what can I catch!"
And then,the grass shook,and out of it there was...A paras.
"Aww man,I wish it was a fletchling,I heard those things were
broken!"Nate said,but he threw a ball to the paras anyways.
The paras was caught in the first ball
(Lvl 2,Ability Damp)
After catching the Paras,Nate grabbed the pokeball, and said "Oh
well,better than nothing,right?"And then he left both of his
pokemon out
"Now...Let's train"He said,and Rockruff answered with a
bark,whereas Paras didn't seemed that interested
Then he grinded both pokemon by fighting the wild pokemon
(Paras¿ level raised to six,Rockruff's level raised to eight)