Forum Thread
The Wereanimal Forest (TWF) Sign-up
Forum-Index → Roleplay → RP Sign-up → The Wereanimal Forest (TWF) Sign-upRules (Please read):
1-No swearing.
2-Please remember that people are from different timezones so you might be sleeping while other people are roleplaying but not everyone can keep to you.
3-Also please remember i am not online 24/7 but i will make mods, but sorry if your form still hasn't been accepted.
4-Every PH rule of course.
5-Keep in mind that roleplayers and their character/s are two different things.
6-Please try not do one on one roleplaying.
7-No legend moding.
8-Self-romance and romance are allowed, but please do not make the whole roleplay full of love or dramatic stuff.
9-If there is a ✦ on any line of the form that means you must answer that line.
10-If your character has mate then add in your form ,,Mate:Character Name".
11-Do not roleplay with other roleplayers' character/s, or kill them.
12-Your character can be rude, but keep in mind that he/she must keep to the pack's ranks.
13-No, you can't be rude.
14-If you want to ask someone something of the sort can their and your character be mates,family,firends,rivals,go somewhere together,plan something or anything like that, pal pad or P.M. them.
15-If you want to move to other's pack you must pal pad me and the roleplayer whom character is alpha of the pack you want to move to.
16-Do not beg for higher pack rank.The alphas and betas decide that.
17-If you want to stop the roleplay for a while, just write that your character leaves the pack for sometime and if you want to leave the roleplay completly then it's preferable your character to die.
18-You can be any wereanimal but you can't be a mythical animal like dragon,phoenix,griffon and etc.
19-Any 18+ stuff is forbiden here.If you want your characters to have babies, just jump to the part where they say the mother is pregnant.
20-Before there are big time skips like ,,Two months pass", the roleplay will be informed, and i will ask you to not post anything after i say i am time skipping.
21-Their god's name is Haegra and his wife-their goddes' mae is Saafen
(If you break any rule you are going to get warning.
After one warning:Your character's/s' rank will be lowered.
After two warnings:You can't roleplay for the next 12 hours and if you do you will be reported.
After three warnings you are kicked out.)
The rules aren't that much and they are to prevent any bad experience in roleplaying and to
Enjoy the roleplay^^
Ah also you can use normal human clothes and stuff oh and food too :3
Hello, people, ahem i mean wereanimals X3
This thread is the sign-up for The Wereanimal Forest RP (that i am going to make later in the roleplay forum or create a site.) as you can see.The plot is simple.You are in the galaxy Lunaria, In the system of the Leicer sun, on the planet Zansea (here live faihs ,the Zansea's humans), where every night the moon is silvery purple, in the country Ahrea.They time is like our normal (mins,hours,days,weeks,months, years and etc..)
And here are the two beginnings:
If when you are making your form the RP still hasn't started:
One day while you are wandering around you see many owls in the sky that drop some kind of paper.You pick it up and read what it says.,,Hello there, if you can read the the text it means you are a wereanimal.I alpha Andrew and my sister Aera decided to create a new system where wereanimals can live together all, it's calle a pack.You are very welcomed to come to come this night.Also please do not harm anyone there and keep your behavior good.".You decide that it might be interesting and you decide to go.
If when you are making your form the RP has started:
You have heared for the new system where wereanimals live peacfully in packs and decide to visit one or more pack (depends on your choice is and how many packs are there) so you go, like one of them and join it as a omega and try your best to become more then a omega or life your life peacfully just as a omega.
Yep.So if you want to make a pack yourself keep in mind thar there can be between 1-5 packs and it's kinda hard to be in so many different places in on thread and also we don't know will there be enough people so yeah.
Please do not still publish because this continues!

Pack rankings^^
♡ - When you make the form, please put it in a spoiler by adding it - [.spoiler]only remove the dot[/spoiler]!
♡ - You must fill the line if there is a ✦!
♡ - Currently accepting mods.
♡ - If you become a mod you have a 1 week trial and if you do good you can be mod until you can't/don't want to do it anymore ^-^ ( in that case just pal pad or P.M. me)
♡- You can use this thingie to choose your fur color if you are a werewolf :3
Mods form:
Characters form:
And that's it! ^-^
Please still do not publish because this continues too.

Pack Name:Lunar Shadow Pack
Woah you can make your forms now :3

✦Name: Alice
✦Wereanimal: Wolf
✦Age (years and months): 18 Years and three months
✦Appearance (can be a text or a image ^^):
If it's with text:
Hair color and style or fur color: Short blonde wavy hair fur blonde
Eye color: Blue/ grey
Skin color (for human only): Pale
Personality: She is quite shy, but is protective over people who she care's about.
Backstory: Quite normal, doesn't talk about it much.
✦Pack (it will be only one for now but ya): The Lunar Shadow Pack
✦Other: She may have a crush on Andrew

✦Wereanimal: Bald Eagle
✦Age (years and months): Seventeen and Five months.
✦Appearance (can be a text or a image ^^):
If it's with text: He has blue eyes and black buzz cut. He is Caucasian. He is six foot two and has a muscular build. He wears two out fits. One has black dress pants, black dress shoes, a black tie, black blazer, and a white long sleeved button up shirt. His other out fit sports brown cowboy boots, blue jeans, a black shirt, and brown jacket.
Hair color and style or fur color: Black hair, brown and white feathers.
Eye color: Blue
Skin color (for human only): Caucasian
Personality: Highly loyal to who is in charge. He is always on guard and kind of jumpy.
Backstory: A highly decorated and trained soldier. After getting back from Iraq he found out he could become part eagle.
✦Pack (it will be only one for now but ya): The Lunar Shadow Pack
✦Other: He is good at fist to fist battles. He doesn't know how to cook, and often he over estimates his abilities. He also has a hard time asking for help.

He is my buddy Adam.

✦Name: Sami
✦Wereanimal: Just your normal lunar wolf-creature
✦Age (years and months): In wolf years, 30
✦Appearance (can be a text or a image ^^): Here, if this is ok
If it's with text: BLAHBLAHBLAH
Hair color and style or fur color: BLAHHH (In pic)
Eye color: She has white eyes, no pupils. She can see fine.
Skin color (for human only): NOOOPE
Personality: She is caring. She is also firm with who she cares about, though she herself wont admit to being hurt, if she ever is, being almost too selfless with her guardian job. She has great stories, and loves telling them to the elders and little pups.
Backstory: She was born on Friday the 13th of October. Her parent wolves were normal, but she was almost...a mutant.
✦Pack (it will be only one for now but ya): The Lunar Shadow Pack
Not my art!

Name: Sunshine
Adopt one yourself! @Pokémon Orphanage
✦Wereanimal: hyena
✦Age (years and months): 17 human years and 7 months
✦Appearance (can be a text or a image ^^):
If it's with text:
Hair color and style or fur color: grey hair and fur, mane is pure black when in hyena form.
Eye color: Pure silver
Skin color (for human only): pale Caucasian
Personality: harsh, everything is hilarious
Backstory: Jack found everything funny. Even the deaths of his family. So got thrown out of his village, ending up in a cave. That cave was the home to an elderly were-hyena. That wereanimal bit him while he slept, turning him into the last were-hyena.
✦Pack (it will be only one for now but ya): 1
✦Other: very intoxicating laugh