Amy looked away shyly taking Jake's hand. "O-Okay." She bagged up
the ham, and held it in her other hand. The blush still apparent on
her face as she held his hand. She was afraid he could feel her
heart beat quicken as she held his hand.
((Good night!!))
Bella smiled, leading Lance towards the fiction section. She was
holding his hand, and smiled at the shelves. She saw a good looking
one-Buzz Kill-and grabbed it.
He actually could feel her heartbeat a bit, but he said nothing
about it. Or was that just his heart? He really couldn't tell right
now. He walked with her to the nurse's office so they could
disinfect the wound and get it wrapped up and such.
((Ooo, Shy, is it possible for me to be the school nurse? Like,
have a character I do be it? We seem like we may need it here and
there. -And it would take up my last character space, eheh.-))
Bella nodded, smiling. She looked up and saw a nice looking graphic
novel called "Nithing could possibly go wrong". She picked that up,
and also got a romance novel, Paranormalacy. She let out a soft,
happy him. She loved books.
"I will, babe." Bella said, noticing a girl pass them. She kissed
his cheek, heading off towards the bathroom. She sighed, entering
quietly. She brush a piece of hair behind her ear.
Bella sighed, going to the bathroom and washing her hands. She
sighed, pulling her hair up into a ponytail. It was warm against
her neck. She sighed, slipping out of the bathroom.
Bella found Lance, and smiled. She sat across from him. "Heya." She
said warmly, looking at him with sparkling eyes. Adoration and
bliss swirled in them.