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Mystery Dungeons (Play)

Forum-Index Roleplay Pokémon RP Mystery Dungeons (Play)
Trainerlevel: 75

Forum Posts: 528
Posted: Mon, 31/10/2016 23:19 (7 Years ago)
NOTE* If you have not been accepted, you may not play. If you wish to sign up, PLEASE ask me before doing so.

Here in Treasure Cove there is a group of Pokémon who help others in times of need. These Pokémon are explorers. The Explorers are lead by Glalie and Arcanine. They help Pokémon be put into groups and send them out on missions to help retrieve items, or catch Pokémon committing crimes.

The 5 groups of Explores are~ No more Eevee's Unless you ASK me first

Mystic Angels~ Up to 8 Pokémon
Rose- saratank (Eevee, Espeon)
Draco- Taragonra (Bagon)
Yuri- Cottonfluff (Fennekin)

Hidden Darkness~ Up to 8 Pokémon
Shadow- Taragonra (Houndour, Houndoom)
Shade- Cheese-Land (Eevee, Umbreon)
Erebus- Expelliarmus_Heyo (Murkrow)

Ocean Depth~ Up to 8 Pokémon
Aro- saratank (Shiny Ponyta, Shiny Rapidash)
Slipstream- Taragonra (Eevee, Vaporeon)
Lirnce- Cheese-Land (Mudkip)

Roaring Mountains~ Up to 8 Pokémon
Raven- Taragonra (Sneasel)
Blaze- Cheese-Land (Charmander)
Neo- Pulseman (Hoothoot)
PowerSource- Expelliarmus_Heyo (Metang)

Soaring Winds~ Up to 8 Pokémon
Zura- SlyRiolu (Riolu)
Ivara- SlyRiolu (Absol)
Poofie- Cheese-Land (Swablu, Altaria)
We start early one morning. Arcanine and Glalie are getting ready to send the teams out on their missions.
Trainerlevel: 67

Forum Posts: 30
Posted: Mon, 31/10/2016 23:49 (7 Years ago)
Side note- I changed the Sneasel's name to Raven :)
Trainerlevel: 75

Forum Posts: 528
Posted: Tue, 01/11/2016 00:17 (7 Years ago)
(I will fix that. Thank you)

Arcanine and Glalie looked out at the Pokémon. "Alright. As everyone knows its almost time for our annual exploration where the whole guild goes out" Glalie said.

Arcanine nodded. "This means that we will be watching closely as to how everyone does. The teams will be split up and mixed around when the time comes to allow others to work together as well" he said.

Rose smiled as she listened in. *This will be fun* she thought. She was still fairly new, though was happy they included everyone in the trip.

Aro stood quietly and glanced at the groups.
Trainerlevel: 29

Forum Posts: 127
Posted: Tue, 01/11/2016 00:18 (7 Years ago)
Erebus grins at the mention of this. "Yes!"

PowerSource too is smiling. "I do hope I go."
Trainerlevel: 15

Forum Posts: 22
Posted: Tue, 01/11/2016 02:21 (7 Years ago)
Poofie was sat on a branch near to where his other two team members were sat, listening to what was being said carefully. Once Arcanine finished, he almost fell in shock. THE TEAMS WERE BEING SPLIT UP! He worked well together with Zura and Ivara, it would be hard not working with them for a whole mission! He then glances over to the two, a nervous look in his eyes.

Blaze, however, had a different reaction to the Swablu. He looked quite excited about the whole thing. "This is going to be great! It will definitely be good to go and work with Pokemon from the other teams for once. I'm sure that all four of us will do better than the others." he was confident in his Team's abilities, and he certainly showed it. It did matter that one member was more of a quiet loner, or that another member was an evolved form it shouldn't be yet. He had worked with them before and he was sure that the four were the best team around.

Lrinca was just stood there silently. He didn't know what to make of this information. And then he looked at the other two members of the Team he was in. He wouldn't enjoy working with other Pokemon from the other Teams, he was sure of it. Aro and Slipstream were the only two Pokemon he had gotten used to enough to actually want to work with, and even then it took several missions for him to want to work with them fully. And they were still looking for that Water Stone for Slipstream as well. He didn't want to find one and not be able to give it to her. And he didn't want any Pokemon he was working with to steal it from him either. This event was not his kind of event at all.

Shade instantly went into overprotective mother mode at the news, and she turned to Shadow and Erebus. "OK, Shadow, please please PLEASE do your best not to sneeze. I don't want the Pokemon you are working with to hate you because you accidentally gave them a burn. I want to know that you have only made friends and not made any enemies. I will be disappointed if you do get one or more Pokemon to not like you because of one sneeze. Erebus, please don't steal from the Pokemon YOU are working with. I want the items you have at the end of it to be items you have collected yourself or items that you have been given because they felt like doing so. I don't want you getting into fights either. And please don't get lost either, I don't want to have to go searching for you because you got yourself lost"
Some Pokemons:
Trainerlevel: 75

Forum Posts: 528
Posted: Tue, 01/11/2016 02:35 (7 Years ago)
Arcanine smiled. "The week before the guild leaves for our trip we will start moving you all around. So be ready. As for now, we will hand you your team assignments."

Glalie moved forward. "Mystic Angels, your leader today is Rose. You will be looking in the lost caves for a stolen treasure from a Pokémon named Ursaring. The item is a Sun Stone." He moved to Hidden Darkness. "Your team leader is Shadow today. Your mission is to find the outlaw Skarmory. Be careful" he said. "You will be going to the Misty Shores for this." As he moved to Ocean Deapths he looked around. "Your team leader will be Slipstream. Your mission is to gather as many apples and gummies as you can from the Sunny Meadows. I know it may not seem important, but we will need them for our trip." He looked at the next team. "Roaring mountains will be lead by PowerSource this time around and you will be looking for how many paths are in the Dark Caves." He looked to the final team. "As for you Soaring winds, You will be lead by Zura and will be going to the Shadow Beaches to look for any sign of a Pokémon named Tyranatar. If you find him, do NOT attack. Come back and let us know" he said. "With that, you may talk in your teams and head out."

Rose smiled as she looked at Draco and Yuri. "You guys excited?"

Aro looked at Slipstream. "I am glad I am not leading this time" he said. Last time he lead the team, they ran into trouble and were attacked by mean Pokémon.
Trainerlevel: 17

Forum Posts: 88
Posted: Tue, 01/11/2016 02:57 (7 Years ago)
Yuri nodded " Yep, what about you both? " she asked. " But you both would seem more happy than I would about here. " Yuri said in a slightly different tone. She wasn't known for being one of those all happy Pokemon she was known for a silent and mysterious for just a fennekin.
Trainerlevel: 75

Forum Posts: 528
Posted: Tue, 01/11/2016 03:02 (7 Years ago)
Rose smiled. "Well, I am happy that we get to help a pokemon who had an item stolen from them" she said. "I just hope that whatever happens will be alright." Rose then took a quick peek into her bag. "Looks like we need to get some items before we head out. Oran berries mainly" she said and looked at Draco.
Trainerlevel: 67

Forum Posts: 30
Posted: Tue, 01/11/2016 03:15 (7 Years ago)
Slipstream Grinned nervously at Aro. "I hope it all goes okay. It's my first time leading, so I'm glad it's an easy mission." She was excited to be leading, and even more excited about the announcement about mixing the teams up for the big expedition. She hoped she'd be put with Raven. She was determined to be friends with the seemingly anti-social Sneasel whether she wanted to or not. Or at least make her smile. This could be her big chance! She glanced in Raven's direction as the teams broke up, grinning and wagging her tail in anticipation.

That Eevee was smiling at her again. Raven caught the smile and scowled. She worked just fine with the team she was in. She knew the Eevee, Slipstream she reminded herself of her name, was only trying to be friendly, but she wasn't about to let anyone get close to her again. Ever. Not after what happened in the past. "Are we all ready to go yet?" She asked PowerSource impatiently. She wanted to go. Searching paths in a cave. Perfect, they might even split up. She got along with her team, but she still preferred to work alone whenever she could.

Shadow rolled his eyes at Shade. "I don't do it THAT much! Besides, most pokemon here know about it by now. I don't think anyone would get too mad." He looked around at the other teams and his eyes landed on Raven. "Nobody except her" he thought. She'd probably hit him with a slash attack if he sneezed on her. He shuddered at the thought, suddenly hoping real bad he wouldn't be put in her team for the expedition. Other than that he was excited at the thought of being paired with other pokemon. He shook his head to concentrate on today's mission. "At least it won't matter if I sneeze on our target," he joked, "my fire type attacks will be super effective on him anyways. Well, if everyone's ready lets go!"

Draco was excited about the announcement of mixing teams, but he was even more eager to get on with the mission. He hoped that the pokemon they had to fight was strong. "Eh, mixing teams should be interesting," he replied to Yuri, "but I really don't care who I'm with as long as I get to fight strong pokemon." He turned to Rose, who was looking at him expectantly. She had just said something about Oran berries..."What?" He asked. "Who needs oran berries? This mission will be a cinch!"
Trainerlevel: 75

Forum Posts: 528
Posted: Tue, 01/11/2016 03:21 (7 Years ago)
Rose smiled and rolled her eyes. "Until we run into Pokémon we are weak to" she said. "Especially with fighting types for me, it wont be that easy." She shook off her coat from straw still left in her fur from waking up.

Aro looked at Slipstream. "You will do better than I did. I can guarantee it." He felt like he let his team down when he lead last time and looked at his hooves.
Trainerlevel: 29

Forum Posts: 127
Posted: Tue, 01/11/2016 03:22 (7 Years ago)
PowerSource grinned at the mention of his name. "Yes! Mountains, lets go!"

Erebus snorted. "That mission's easy. We have a Houndour." He smirked. He looked at Shade. "I haven't been doing any of the sort.. Lately..." He murmurred.
Trainerlevel: 15

Forum Posts: 22
Posted: Tue, 01/11/2016 03:36 (7 Years ago)
"It shouldn't be too hard..." Lrinca mutters, keeping his focus on Slipstream. "... We are only collecting stuff anyway. There shouldn't be too many Wild Pokemon around, hopefully." he noticed that the Eevee was looking over to a Pokemon from another Team, though he did what he could to keep himself from changing where he was looking. "We better get going then..." he adds on to the end.

Blaze was bobbing up and down on the spot. He was certainly ready to go. "Don't spend too long getting yourselves ready, guys! We need to head off as soon as we can! The faster we can do this, the more time we have doing other stuff like training! And since it is most likely going to be dark, because of the name, I am happy to help light the paths!" though he knew that Raven would want to leave the group as soon as she could, so he knew that getting there as soon as they could would let her go off as early as she could. He just wished that she would stop being so anti-social towards everyone else, though. Maybe then Raven could see why working with others is useful. Well, either that or them having to save her from something. He would much prefer the former option happening, though.

"I just want to make sure!" Shade says, "You can never be too careful you know". She ignored his shudder as she turns around. "Well, it would be useful for you to sneeze on our target. And don't get lost in the mist either. And I think we're ready. Do we have enough Oran Berries?" she then turned back around and sat down, opening the explorer bag she had to check what was inside "How many should we get?" she then asks Shadow and Erebus.

Poofie shivers slightly. The Shadow Beaches sounded scary. And he knew how large a Tyranatar is compared to him, it was a massive different and he didn't want to be spotted at all. He instantly looks towards his Team members for comfort.
Some Pokemons:
Trainerlevel: 29

Forum Posts: 127
Posted: Tue, 01/11/2016 03:51 (7 Years ago)
PowerSource looked at Raven. "We were. We just needed Orans." He gestured to the bag, which was now full of Berries. "You can't be too careful." "Also, I needed to learn the best paths of the Dark Cave."

Erebus smirks. "Yeah, we do, of course." He removes his hat, and gestures to look inside. "I'm always prepared."
Trainerlevel: 67

Forum Posts: 30
Posted: Tue, 01/11/2016 03:53 (7 Years ago)
Draco sighed. "fiiiiiiine. I guess you're right." He grumbled. "I'll go get the berries."

Slipstream gave Aro a playful nudge. "It wasn't that bad," she said. "We all made it back safe and sound in the end, and that's all that matters." She bounced ahead a few steps, beckoning the others with her tail and grinning from ear to ear, "anyways, lets go! I want to get this mission done so we can all go on the big expedition as soon as possible!"

Raven glanced sideways at Blaze. She knew his rush was for her, and she felt a twinge of regret for wanting to break off from the group all the time. Maybe she'd stick around for a little while. Even though her vision was really good in the dark, it might be nice to have his flame lighting the way.

Shadow ignored Shade's comment about the mist as he checked his own bag for berries. "Hmmm...I have a few oran berries, but it might not be a bad idea to get a few more. Better safe than sorry, even though our target is weak against my fire there will probably be plenty of water-types around."
Trainerlevel: 75

Forum Posts: 528
Posted: Tue, 01/11/2016 03:55 (7 Years ago)
Aro smiled. "Well, lead the way Slipstream" he said. His mane shined blue with the fire as he looked around. He looked at Slipstream and Lrinca. "If either of you want a ride, I can carry you a bit" he said. "Or if we need a quick escape for some reason."
Trainerlevel: 15

Forum Posts: 22
Posted: Tue, 01/11/2016 04:01 (7 Years ago)
"Can we head off yet?" Blaze asks, his impatient side starting to show now. He wanted them to get to it as fast as they could. He wanted to fight opponents that would raise his level so he wasn't level 5 anymore. He wanted to be the first Team to finish their job.

"Hey, I know I shouldn't doubt you Erebus. You seem to always be prepared." Shade then says, a small smile on her face "I guess we are ready, so we can head off when you say so Shadow." she looks towards the Pokemon who had been appointed Leader of their group for this mission. It would be easy just as long as none of the other two mess it up.

"I think... I think we should be OK for now. You need to keep your speed anyway, just for if we need to escape for some reason." Lrinca finally cheers up a little bit now that they were heading off "And you didn't do that badly! We managed to get ourselves to the level we currently are! And, like Slipstream said, we managed to get back in one piece!"
Some Pokemons:
Trainerlevel: 75

Forum Posts: 528
Posted: Tue, 01/11/2016 04:04 (7 Years ago)
Aro smiled. "Thank you. It really helps having good team mates like you. I wonder how they will split everyone up" he said. It will be really weird no matter what we do."
Trainerlevel: 29

Forum Posts: 127
Posted: Tue, 01/11/2016 04:06 (7 Years ago)
Source closed his eyes. He sensed 3 branching paths, which split up into 3 more each. He frowned. "Yeah, we can, Blaze and Raven. C'mon."

Erebus looked at Shadow. "Its getting bo-o-oring here, lets go!"
Trainerlevel: 15

Forum Posts: 22
Posted: Tue, 01/11/2016 04:15 (7 Years ago)
"It is you who is the good teammate. You are the one with a height advantage in some situations, it helps that you can see further than we can sometimes" Lrinca tells Aro. "And I really don't want to see how they split us all up... It won't be good no matter who we are put with..."

"Great!" Blaze says, and then he glances at Raven before following behind PowerSource.

"Yup! Come on Shadow, we have a Scarmory to find!" Shade says, closing her explorer bag and getting back on her feet. She bobs up and down, confident that the Team she was in could win, no matter what. They were a good team together, even if the three had different ways of going about things. "You know, I can't wait until I evolve. I'll finally be Dark-Type as well! I won't have to worry about being a different colour to you"
Some Pokemons:
Trainerlevel: 67

Forum Posts: 30
Posted: Tue, 01/11/2016 04:17 (7 Years ago)
Slipstream was happy that Lrinca seemed to be in a better mood now, and happy that he was cheering Aro on too. "Yep," she thought, "everyone needs friends." Thinking again about Raven she replied to Aro, "it might be weird, but think of it this way, we get to become closer friends to more of the guild! You can never have to many friends!"

Raven grinned on the inside as she watched Baze, though she didn't let anything of her feelings show on the outside. "I guess sticking around for once wouldn't hurt," she thought to herself.

Shadow nodded at his teammates, "I guess we're all set then. Let's go!" He bolted away, eager to complete their mission.