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Searching for: Posts from Cheese-Land.
Posted: Wed, 25/01/2017 04:47 (7 Years ago)
Came back, and updated the Pokedex section.
There are now slots for Pokemons 1-40, many of which have been named, the rest have types.
There are 100 Pokemon made, I'll have to update the Spreadsheet when I find it.
Each Pokedex group has 20 Pokemon in each, with it going up to 100. The current number of Pokemon I have right now.
All 100 Pokemon have ways you can get them, with quite a few being from the Wild.
All routes have designated Pokemon you can catch there, with levels, and all Legendary Pokemon also have levels and catch locations

Also, a redraw of the Main Characters (done so for Maple, Jay, and Mark, currently).
The Gyms have types, just need Pokemon decided.

The Elite Four and Champion still don't have types.

No characters are made for any of the roles either.

That's all I've updated so far, aside from the story being thought about a bit more.

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Posted: Sat, 21/01/2017 23:19 (7 Years ago)
I can do that! If you have any specifics, Palpad me about them now. Otherwise, I'll be left to my own devices.

EDIT: I will try to upload asap, but stuff has been happening recently so I haven't been online long enough to do so.

Oh... Her. Again:

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Posted: Thu, 12/01/2017 03:02 (7 Years ago)
Username:- Cheese-Land
Items:- 3 Boxes, 5 Keys, 20 Fighting Gems, 10 Fire Gems, 15 Rock Gems, 30 Grass Gems, 10 Dark Gems, 10 Ice Gems, 5 Flying Gems
Pokemon: Dartrix (Missing From Dex), (Shiny)Gardevoir (maybe?)
Ticket Count:- (1)70

You can quickly check totals, just in-case I missed something out. Hopefully I haven't.
Also, need conformation about the Shiny Gardevoir, so waiting for you to say before also putting that up.

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Posted: Sat, 31/12/2016 13:38 (7 Years ago)

EDIT: Slightly late. I had the picture in my notepad, nearly forgot to upload it. Sorry about that!

This kitty again?

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Posted: Wed, 14/12/2016 23:42 (7 Years ago)
Username: Cheese-Land
Amount of PD: 12,000 (8x1500)
Amount of Nuggets: 0
Amount of Normal Gems: 0

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Posted: Thu, 01/12/2016 18:10 (7 Years ago)
Conner frowns. He was hoping for more clarification, though he could ask at school later. If he did survive. There seemed to be a bit of a crowd gathering as well, which was bad, they would most likely die or be injured. Stupid, idiotic, humans, wondering what was happening in a dangerous situation. If news reporters got here, he would be screwed. The whole school would be able to watch the confrontation on TV, and possibly see people getting killed as well. He didn't want that to happen. After those moments of silence, the Assassin finally spoke again. "Disarm it. Disarm the suicide vest. And don't say you can't, I know you can. Don't set it off deliberately either. Disarm it, take it off, then put it on the ground. And step away from it" Conner was growing more nervous as the second ticked by, and then he glances around at the crowd. Some would be killed, most would be injured, just as long as they didn't get any closer. Though him and Anna were guaranteed to be killed if it was set off.

"People might be blown up" bad_news suddenly says from where they were now sat. "I won't tell you if they will or not, but they might. Including a teacher and a missing student"

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Posted: Wed, 30/11/2016 17:29 (7 Years ago)
"Tell me what happened at School" Conner says, after thinking for a while. He had three questions. He had to think carefully. Though he was lucky, currently, that nobody else was showing up to ruin it.

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Posted: Mon, 28/11/2016 23:30 (7 Years ago)
So, yeah, I guess I am looking to see who is gonna be able to art one or more of my characters.

For free, if you are willing to do that, but I have a few Pokedollars and Gems as well, just in case.


In your comment, put which character(s) you'd like to draw, if you are OK with doing it free or if you want some form of payment, and if you are OK with me sharing the art by putting the link in this comment.

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None, Currently

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Flying Gem (x3)
Grass Gem (x13)
Normal Gem (x12)
Dark Gem (x2)

Shoal Shell (x1)

Honey (x2)
Lemonade (x2)
Soda Pop (x7)

Green Mystery Box (x1)
Purple Mystery Box (x2)

Dark Blue Mystery Key (x4)
Red Mystery Key (x1)
Gold Mystery Key (x1)

I will not give every single item to the first person who posts, there is a limit.
Also, for Pokedollars, the max I will send for one art will be 5,000 unless I know you have good art.
And you will have to do the art and send me the link BEFORE I pay, so I know you aren't posting just to get free stuff.

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Posted: Mon, 28/11/2016 01:44 (7 Years ago)
Upon the taxi stopping, Conner jumps out and runs towards Anna, stopping a short distance away as soon as he sees she had a suicide vest on. "Damn it... Where did she get that from? My wording has to be careful now, else she'll blow both of us, and a ton of random people, to bits..." he thinks to himself. And then he notices that he had a hand out in-front of him "I am not here to fight, or attack. That is a promise. I'm just trying to work some things out before the Police get here and be idiot" he says. Nervousness was showing in his eyes, even if it wasn't ultra clear. It was the only way to tell he was nervous. He was nervous about a situation he never thought he'd be in before.

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Posted: Sun, 27/11/2016 21:13 (7 Years ago)
"Let's just go, now" Conner says watching where Anna was. "If only she wouldn't presume I'm against her. Would make life easier. Especially since I'm an Assassin, and Assassins don't have a set side all the time" he thinks to himself.

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Posted: Sun, 27/11/2016 20:08 (7 Years ago)
Conner waves for a taxi, runs over to one, and says "See that lorry there, follow it until the person in it gets out. I need to talk to the person inside it because I want to know what is happening" before getting in the back. The person driving the taxi nods, and then they drive after the lorry that Anna was driving.

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Posted: Sun, 27/11/2016 12:58 (7 Years ago)
"No, the person you were looking, stupid" Conner says to Cherry "She got away, in a lorry. While Zorra was terrorizing an innocent person, and you were trying to help. No, forget it actually, you might not be able to go after somebody, but I can. You can deal with cavegirl over here" and then he runs off in the direction he saw Anna drive off when using his Aura Vision "Why the Hell can't any of the others do stuff well?" he asks himself as he runs, an annoyed look on his face.

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Posted: Sun, 27/11/2016 12:34 (7 Years ago)
"No. Something happened at the School, I'm pretty sure the Police are there. And I can always team up with the Police to find you, or anyone else who was involved in the comflict at school. Aura Vision, you know. Plus stuff happened involving a bus, Cherry, Zorra and somebody who I saw escape" Conner calls, and then he shrugs.

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Posted: Sun, 27/11/2016 06:40 (7 Years ago)
Conner just watched Cherry get up and then leave, and then he shrugs. "I heard footsteps, somewhere" he then tells Aera. "I'm gonna find out who it is" and then he puts the fishing rod down, turns around and walks off, turning his Aura Vision on. It didn't take him too long to navigate the forest, and he finally reached a cave "Hello? I promise I don't bite!" he calls into the cave, knowing that the person in there would hear the echo, even if they didn't hear his original voice. While waiting, he glances around to see a bunch of commotion in the distance, and then he saw somebody set as red driving away in a lorry. "They would have handled that much easier with me there as well" Conner comments to himself, and then he uses his power to find out that Zorra and Cherry had been there. "Typical humans" he then says to himself, now that he had more knowledge of why they reacted like that.

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Posted: Sat, 26/11/2016 19:37 (7 Years ago)
As soon as he finishes reeling the fish in, Conner stops. Seemingly in shock, though the way he was sat and his face didn't show it. "Wait, the school? Under attack? Again?" he shook his head "Why does this always happen when I'm away?" he asks himself. He stands up, and then he looks at Aera "Sorry about this, but I want to actually see what is happening this time. I never get to join in with any of the action, this could be my only chance, though we can continue later... If I don't die" he then shrugs before looking over to Cherry "You think you are ready to go back, help your friends?" the assassin asks her.

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Posted: Sat, 26/11/2016 19:07 (7 Years ago)
"Fishing is a game, it just involves quite a bit of waiting" Conner tells Aera, glancing over to her. He saw when Cherry landed as well. "Yes, we are... What is it?" he asks, before the line gets tugged, so he turns back and starts to reel it in, acting calmer than people in anime do at it. "I'll be with you in a sec" he then tells her, seemingly oblivious to Cherry's crying.

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Posted: Sat, 26/11/2016 18:50 (7 Years ago)
"So, mostly boring then" Conner comments, and then he sits down by the side of the river, crossing his legs. He grabs a fishing rod, attaches some bait to the end of it, and then he throws it in the river, waiting, pole of the rod in his hands as he relaxed.

(Another note to the recap... Conner and Aera are off by a river, doing fishing, not taking part in what is happening at the school right now)

bad_news moves about while the fight was happening, dodging attacks that were used by using xir lightning speed. They watch what each person does, also noticing that two of the students were missing. Though bad_news didn't mention it, everybody else looks a bit busy right now.

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Posted: Sat, 26/11/2016 18:36 (7 Years ago)
That would be cool if you could do that, thanks! ^.^

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Posted: Sat, 26/11/2016 08:27 (7 Years ago)

All previous towns, villages and cities still exist, though none of the mountains do. Apart from Victory Road.

There are now only 19 Routes to wonder around on.

When I get the picture up, and when I am finished with Foxvale, I may work on a Region connecting to it (for similar/same Pokemon, a bit less arting needed), or I could probably let somebody who asks make a Region near/next to it. Or two can be done at the same time.

Or maybe it is an island.

Each Town/City/Village/Victory Road/Pokemon League has a colour that corresponds to its name on the left of the page. Any names you'll want to know will be found there (routes have their number directly on them).

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STARTING TOWN: Crystalbay Town
MAJOR CITY: Marbleash City

Dellgate City
Marbleash City
Maplehollow Town
Glasslyn City
Veryway Town
Woodcrest City
Bushhall City
Shadeport City

TEAM FINALA BASE: Starryoak Village

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Posted: Sat, 26/11/2016 08:13 (7 Years ago)
Conner finally gets back to where Aera was, with the help of his Aura Vison. "I'M BACK!" he calls, and then he sets the stuff down. "Anything interesting happen while I was gone?" he asks her.

bad_news, just seems to appear where the group is, leaning against a wall, arms folded, neutral look xir face. "You are right, something is wrong. People will be injured" bad_news casually tells them, looking at the group now "Hmm... At least one of you will be injured. At least" they then add on, voice calm and casual.

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