Tiger blinked slightly "err thanks" he said awkwardly. "Though this
doesn't mean that you're automatically getting my trust back" he
said joking slightly. He then yawned again as he felt exhaustion
get begin to creep over him.
Tiger nodded he was about to get up to head to his bed when he
collapsed from the wounds back into the couch. He then shrugged,
and fell asleep once he fell onto the couch.
Tiger grunted and winced slightly. He then opened his eyes "err is
there a reason you're laying on me" he asked softly but curious. He
was trying not to tell her she was on one of the wounds from the
day before.
Gus came out and laughed "You wanna try waking her? I wouldn't dare
trying myself." He walked outside finding Gale's Pokemon curled
together for warmth as they slept.
Tiger sighed softly "she has to wake up soon. It's kinda painful to
have someone on me right now" he replied quietly. Cyndaquil got to
her paws and stretched he then went outside silently.
Tiger blinked and grunted in pain as he sat up. "Well I usually get
a pouch of berries together for Snowfall, but I'm never going back
there" he said lowly.
Tiger grunted and forced himself to his feet. He then looked over
to Gale "there's food in the kitchen if you, or your brother are
hungry" he said softly. Before grabbing his hat, and walking
outside he was slightly limping as he walked.
Tiger placed his hat on his head, and looked around. "Chesnaught
you're done patrolling, Jokt its your turn" Tiger said kindly to
his Pokemon. A Chesnaught in the distance nodded and went inside
while Jolt jumped into the fields. "Cyndaquil could you find Lapras
and water the revival herbs? They should be almost ready to
harvest, but I don't want them drying out" he finished softly.
Cyndaquil nodded and began to run forward he then looked over his
shoulder "don't over do it today please" the Pokemon sighed to
Tiger before leaving. Tiger then shrugged no promises he
thought to himself with a sigh before seeing Gus. "Morning" he
greeted kindly.
Tiger shook his head "no you don't need to pay me back. Just make
yourself at home" he replied kindly, and smiled. Now if only I
could get rid of Grayson's gang then life would be perfect...I'll
be back on my own, and Snow will be doing some time in jail...but I
need to find that Ho-Oh...maybe if I can get both Lugia, and Ho-Oh
I can stop Grayson, but then again he thought to himself and