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[SMHG] Shiny Mega Hunting Guild - Version Two! [Closed]

Forum-Index Fan Clubs Pokémon Fan Clubs [SMHG] Shiny Mega Hunting Guild - Version Two! [Closed]
Trainerlevel: 98

Forum Posts: 195
Posted: Mon, 20/02/2017 17:00 (8 Years ago)
Tfw you activate Gallade's trap card.. *dies*
Trainerlevel: 50

Forum Posts: 428
Posted: Mon, 20/02/2017 17:01 (8 Years ago)
lol, these are amazing!
Trainerlevel: 120

Forum Posts: 2,894
Posted: Mon, 20/02/2017 17:01 (8 Years ago)

I'm so done

Trainerlevel: 51

Forum Posts: 481
Posted: Mon, 20/02/2017 17:02 (8 Years ago)
Oh god i remember these again xD me and -hero549- had a 3 month meme war wit them

>-- Shiny Shop &#9772 Diary &#9772 Sapphire Collection! --<
Trainerlevel: 82

Forum Posts: 891
Posted: Mon, 20/02/2017 17:04 (8 Years ago)
I swear you guys are gonna make me die from laughing here @ work :']
I should really post more often in here :V
Also, has there been thoughts about maybe getting a skype group/discord or something like that for this too? :O
i forget threads exist, but don't forget about chatting sites x)

Also, regrets, all the regrets for not preparing for this hunt a little better :']
I thought I would be lucky and get a shiny mega Electrike in 15k electric gems, boi, was I wrong!

Trainerlevel: 51

Forum Posts: 481
Posted: Mon, 20/02/2017 17:04 (8 Years ago)
lol discord would help for just memes like these xD

>-- Shiny Shop &#9772 Diary &#9772 Sapphire Collection! --<
Trainerlevel: 50

Forum Posts: 428
Posted: Mon, 20/02/2017 17:07 (8 Years ago)
I need some help!
Reason why: Getting eggs really slowly
What I need:Bug & Poison Gems
Place of buying/trading: HERE
I'd appreciate any help, thank you!

Also, dat meme is amazing
Trainerlevel: 115

Forum Posts: 1,139
Posted: Mon, 20/02/2017 17:07 (8 Years ago)
If anyone finds any mega-Aggron ones I would love to see them please!!

Trainerlevel: 120

Forum Posts: 2,894
Posted: Mon, 20/02/2017 17:09 (8 Years ago)
I could totally start a skype one! In there we could also talk a bit more on a personal basis, there'd be less rules and stuff and we could totally be free to talk about more than just Shiny Megas. :>
I've tried figuring out discord before and I completely suck at it lmao.

If you're up for a SMHG skype group, hit me up with your skype either here or in private and I'll create a group later! :]

Trainerlevel: 51

Forum Posts: 481
Posted: Mon, 20/02/2017 17:10 (8 Years ago)
RIP i can't use Skype its blocked for me ;-;

>-- Shiny Shop &#9772 Diary &#9772 Sapphire Collection! --<
Trainerlevel: 50

Forum Posts: 428
Posted: Mon, 20/02/2017 17:10 (8 Years ago)

What about this one?
Trainerlevel: 115

Forum Posts: 1,139
Posted: Mon, 20/02/2017 17:11 (8 Years ago)
Heck Yeah I owuld love a skype! <3 It'll be amazing to hang out with you all there!

EDiT: And omg what?? If that like the difference in sizes??? LMAO

Trainerlevel: 51

Forum Posts: 481
Posted: Mon, 20/02/2017 17:11 (8 Years ago)
ill figure out a proxy :D

>-- Shiny Shop &#9772 Diary &#9772 Sapphire Collection! --<
Trainerlevel: 120

Forum Posts: 2,894
Posted: Mon, 20/02/2017 17:14 (8 Years ago)


Trainerlevel: 82

Forum Posts: 891
Posted: Tue, 21/02/2017 00:35 (8 Years ago)
I look forward to the skype group being created then, would love to get to know a few of you guys :)

Trainerlevel: 120

Forum Posts: 2,894
Posted: Tue, 21/02/2017 00:41 (8 Years ago)
kels pls

Ay ay the skype group is up and running so if you want to join then message me your skype username!
Pal pad is currently open for messages.

Rules for the group:

No begging.
Don't change the chat name or picture.
You can't add anyone with out my explicit permission and they have to be in the guild anyways to join.
We cannot do calls with out a majority consent. Which I'm sure won't happen.
Keep it civil. We can talk about almost anything in the skype group but don't cause trouble.

So send me those names!

Trainerlevel: 115

Forum Posts: 1,139
Posted: Tue, 21/02/2017 21:34 (8 Years ago)
For those of you who don't know I don't know if it's a bug but it's certainly a complaint where you can't obtain some gems from the Golden Game Slot even though they are advertised that you can.

You can't obtain Ice, Dark, Fire, Ghost, Steel, Psychic, Fairy and Dragon gems from the 5 Slot despite this supposing to be possible.

There is a thread here Which you might want to look at because as Shiny hunters we /really/ need these gems to be possible form the slots. If you guys want a test then My post the latest one shows you what you would roughly get for 50,000 Game Chips.

Trainerlevel: 110

Forum Posts: 725
Posted: Thu, 23/02/2017 09:28 (8 Years ago)
Woops. Seems like i hatched a Shiny Megaable Larvitar ( q w q );
(Yay, i'm free from this chain! So many EHP per Egg, ungh.. ( x _ x ) It was so hard watching the Eggs gain EXP in slow motion, jesus christ. It was not really the lengh or something, only the EHP literally made me insane :'D I would totally keep the chain longer with half the EHP per Egg. xD )
And i really forgot about to mention here that i casually hunting Shiny Mega Larvitar till i don't have the mood to anymore.
Well... I'm sorry for not being active here - i really want to but i always forget that there is a Forum here... ( T w T )
I just wanted to tell you folks. And say sorry ( ; v ; ) I don't expect a Banner so... It's okay. <3
I wish all of you good luck with Shiny-Mega hunting!! *gives some luck of her to you all* <3

I filled out the forms anyways, because i feel sad now.. ( ; v ; )/ *points at spoiler*
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interruption incoming!
current hunting state: Shiny-Mega-Hunting Larvitar since 10/02/2017 ♥
addition: sorry again for not posting an update. ( ; v ; )/

Entry for the Hall of Fame!
Pokémon I was hunting Shiny Mega Larvitar
Here it is
My chain was Congratulations! A shiny Larvitar hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #355)!

I don't know what i will do next, tbh.
Maybe Shiny-Mega Altaria? ( ; v ; ) It's so cute, aaaah. But collecting the Gems for it would be really hard.
But on the other hand, i also like Shiny-Mega Sableye, Shiny-Mega Ralts & Shiny-Mega Mareep too. ( ; v ; )

Trainerlevel: 72

Forum Posts: 175
Posted: Thu, 23/02/2017 11:17 (8 Years ago)
I'm an hunter called: Noir
..and I'm currently hunting: Banette
because: I collect ghost and dark Pokemon and Banette seemed the most logical one to start with since it only required ghost gems ^_^
My Slogan is: I sit and stare at how fast Rhunes and EmmyFalcon's shiny megas hatch and I cry myself to sleep. "You grind for mounts on WoW. This is significantly less difficult and time consuming."

thank you, kaitotemari, for this signature!
Trainerlevel: 51

Forum Posts: 481
Posted: Thu, 23/02/2017 13:10 (8 Years ago)
*glares at Rhunes* i wish i had your luck lmao

>-- Shiny Shop &#9772 Diary &#9772 Sapphire Collection! --<