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Posted: Sun, 29/04/2018 20:46 (6 Years ago)
I’m looking for offers for this dragon. I’m not sure what to price her at, so just offer away I guess. Lol. (XXX cyan, pet/butt/glim)

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Posted: Sun, 22/04/2018 18:26 (6 Years ago)
- cleaned out -

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Posted: Wed, 06/12/2017 13:27 (7 Years ago)
I’m not sure what to price this one at.

But I’m selling this XXX cyan female skydancer. (Petals, butterfly, glimmer)

So um just pm/Palpad me offers I guess? PH or FR currencies.

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Posted: Sat, 01/07/2017 01:17 (7 Years ago)
I'm a flightriser!
Username: jdd5611
FR Username: jdd5611
About how often do you get online?: every day
What's your favorite dragon from your lair?:
Which Flight do you like most and why?: Fire, the eyes match the different shades of orange that I breed for. :3
Rip being late to join new thread..

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Posted: Thu, 25/05/2017 15:32 (7 Years ago)
Thanks Kimie! :)

That chain was under 1k, but I had 2 previous chains over 1k of Absol that I had to break. :P

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Posted: Tue, 23/05/2017 20:53 (7 Years ago)
Entry for the Hall of Fame!
Pokémon I was hunting SM Absol
Here it is
My chain was 756!

(Rip, forgot to post this when it happened. aha..)

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Posted: Wed, 12/04/2017 12:17 (7 Years ago)
Looking to trade 986 gems for nuggets. (1:1)

Pm or palpad me if interested in trading.

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Posted: Thu, 23/03/2017 10:24 (7 Years ago)
I love when people wonder why they aren't accepted, or even get offended because they aren't accepted to a group.

Then display a disgusting attitude/behavior that would break the rules of the group. (Instantly proving they don't belong in the group.)

I find it to be hilarious. :')

Anyone else?

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Posted: Mon, 20/02/2017 17:00 (8 Years ago)
Tfw you activate Gallade's trap card.. *dies*

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Posted: Tue, 07/02/2017 19:32 (8 Years ago)
All the unnamed dragons in my lair are for sale for pd. (Bottom row of 1st page, and entire 2nd page.)
(Usually sell them for 15kT each, so I'd be looking for 20k-30k pd each.)

I also have 750k treasure and 150 gems for trade for pd and nuggets. (1T - 2PD, 1 gem - 1 nugget.)
(Only trading treasure for pd, and only trading gems for nuggets.)

Pm or palpad me if interested in trading.

280k T has been traded, 470k T and all 150 gems remain. :)

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Posted: Sun, 29/01/2017 05:47 (8 Years ago)
I'm at 1,588 dark gems so far. I'm not quite sure what amount I will start at honestly.

I've had one early(ish) hunt (Gengar at 854, gemmed 700 eggs lol), and one semi-long hunt(Lucario at 2,479, gemmed 2,000 eggs lol).

So I'm thinking 25k gems/500 eggs, because it's a decent amount for the start if it wants to hatch early; but also enough to keep me busy for a while.

But like I said, I'm not too sure about it. :P

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Posted: Thu, 26/01/2017 13:30 (8 Years ago)
O h.

Due to personal issues, and the new thread creation I never posted that my shiny mega Lucario hatched at chain #2,479.

And I'm gathering for an Absol hunt instead of a charizard one. :3

(Sorry if this was improperly formatted, was in a rush because of doctor appointment. (Will fix when I get home.))

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Posted: Sat, 21/01/2017 00:14 (8 Years ago)
mal! let's do business!
username: jdd5611
what you want: 41 psychic gems
offering: 20 Normal gems* (I know you listed 3:1, but I think 2:1 is more fair.)
password: whipped cream

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Posted: Wed, 18/01/2017 04:45 (8 Years ago)
All the unnamed dragons in my lair are still for sale for pd.

More info in here-
Show hidden content

The usual price I ask is 30k. This is the price I find to be both low enough to be fair to the buyer, and high enough to prevent them from being exalt fodder. But I may go lower if I know you.

pm or palpad if interested in any.

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Posted: Sat, 14/01/2017 00:46 (8 Years ago)
Okay, I've been breeding a lot, but I haven't been selling.. Sooo lair clean-out time.

Selling all the unnamed dragons in my lair for pd or nuggets.

Pm or palpad me if interested in any.

(ps. I don't sell for fodder prices, because I don't want them exalted. So please don't try to offer me fodder value.)

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Posted: Sat, 07/01/2017 09:42 (8 Years ago)
It is so beautiful *-*

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Posted: Sat, 10/12/2016 03:49 (8 Years ago)
Suggestion was erased, so I erased this as well.

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Posted: Sun, 13/11/2016 00:37 (8 Years ago)
It's worth what a buyer/seller values it at, it's like other limited/rare things.

The value is whatever they agree on basically. xD

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Posted: Sun, 13/11/2016 00:33 (8 Years ago)
That is false, there are people who specifically look for the code for OT and eggdex reasons.

They usually pay more than the value of the pokemon, you just have to find one of the people.

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Posted: Tue, 08/11/2016 20:28 (8 Years ago)
Honi I have 759 gems I would trade for pd or nuggets.

If you are interested pm or palpad me.

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