Forum Thread
Supernatural Highschool [open&acccepting~]
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Supernatural Highschool [open&acccepting~]Rules::
*No fighting or drama
*Don't have ALL human characters
*Subscribe to the thread, so you can be active
*Have fun~
*Play ALL of your characters. You can have as many, as you can play.
*You can join the roleplay even after we started.
Character Name::
What you are[Human/Supernatural, be specific]::

Username:: Unlovingwonder
Character Name:: Taya Mae Harper
Age:: 17
Looks:: Here~
Personality:: She is a very outgoing girl. Loves to dance and sing. She can be very hyper at times.
What you are:: Fairy
Crush:: tba~
Other:: na~
Username:: Unlovingwonder
Character Name:: Dexter William Smith
Age:: 18
Looks:: Here~
Personality:: He is a loner, and likes to keep to himself. He hates himself for falling from heaven.
What you are:: Fallen Angel
Crush:: tba~
Other:: Likes to be called Dex~ , past to be revealed later.
Username:: Unlovingwonder
Character Name:: Hazel Skye Montgomery
Age:: 15
Looks:: Here~
Personality:: She is very shy, and loves to read. She is very smart.
What you are:: Human
Crush:: tba~
Other:: She has no idea what school will bring for her, shes already scared to go. She doesn't know there will be a surprise for her there.
Hope to see some people join~
Character name:Ikisho Carimono Ikawa (Ikisho for short)
Personality:Energetic,Protective,( funny )
What you are:Supernatural:
------He can teleport around the perimeter of...... 1km ?
------Can make shiny light things (as you can see in the picture) that can be used as a lethal sort of bomb but he mostly uses them as a light for when it's dark
------He has wings that are purely made of light energy but that can still hold all of his weight up even though they cannot be touched or possibly be hurt by anything coming from the human world or containing energy from the humans power ( like gun shots, arrows, punches or anything solid coming from our world) ( AND REMEMBER.THIS RULE ONLY APPLIES TO THE WINGS AND THE WINGS CAN BE HURT BY SOMETHING COMING FROM THE SUPERNATURAL WORLD.Like the supernatural weapons or powers)
-------Has a light sword
-------He also has a giant light sphere he can throw at people...(the light sphere explodes if needed.AND IT WILL EXPLODE.A LOT)
Other:He was in a school int he past but was kicked out for "Unusual behavior"
(as the Rp goes i will probably reveal that he didn't do anything but was part of the "conflict" and being the single one that was still there the teachers thought it was him)
Character Name: Riley Jackson
Age: 17

Personality: He is kind of crazy and never attempts many things out of fear.
What you are: Human
Crush: None
Other: Riley shares a body with the demon Reginald. They both talk to each and they alternate back and forth between who controls the body. Riley is the smarter of the two, but Reginald is the stronger. Riley loves Dr.Pepper. Riley once went to a psychiatric ward for supposedly hearing voices, and Reginald destroyed it.
Username: *TheMadScientist*
Character Name: Reginald
Age: 357
Looks: Like Riley accept for with completely black eyes
Personality: He is usually bored and impolite as heck
What you are: Demon
Can lift five hundred pounds
Can run twenty miles per hour
Can jump fifteen in the air
Can't get sick
Can hold his breath for half an hour
If he lands on his feet, he won't take damage from falls
Crush: None
Other: He speaks with rasp. He dislikes most people, but considers Riley a friend (though he'll another admit it)

He is my buddy Adam.
Character Name:: Molly Grace Winters
Age:: 16

Personality:: Kind caring, protective, flirty when she knows the person, even to girls. Calm. intuitive
What you are[Human/Supernatural, be specific]:: Dark angel/devil hybrid
Crush:: Takers?
Other:: Wings are black. Halo can appear at will. Canine teeth are a bit longer and sharper. Can play electric guitar and bass. Can sing.
Taya Mae yawned as she awoke from her nights sleep. Her wings fluttered slightly, as she sat up. Time for school. She wasn't ready to start this year, but at the same time, she was excited. She finally started to hover over her bed, as she flew towards her bathroom. Taya started to hum as she brushed her hair.
Dexter sat in a tree out in the forest around town. He watched as the sun rose up. School. He groaned slightly, as he jumped down from the tree. He hated school when he was a human, but even more now as a fallen angel. It's been three months since Dex fell, and he decided school would be the best way for him to try and meet some people. He couldn't keep living like this.
Hazel rolled over in her bed, her eyes widening as she looked at the time. A frown came across her face, as she sprung out of bed. Hazel was scared to start school this year, her parents transfered her to a different school. Hazel had a bully problem at the last one, she hopes this one will be better. She walked towards her bathroom.
(Sorry if there are mistakes, I'm on mobile, and I'm trying to catch them all~)
"Reginald, you just want to sleep yourself." Riley muttered slowly waking up and taking control. He hopped out of bed and realized he was wearing his street clothes, "Nice." he muttered popping open a can of Dr.Pepper.

He is my buddy Adam.
He smiled and giggled a little but for no reason.
Ikisho looked at the school, no facial expression was shown.He was staring at it, waiting for it to start.
"Isn't it complex and how simple lives are...while for's clear what will happen sometimes.."
Said to himself while in his hand holding a light like shining object .
That could of been seen from afar
Riley sighed and looked at the hole in his clock and the batteries placed the wrong way in the remotes. A for effort, but it was lacking in many ways. He took another drink and grabbed his back pack before walking to school.

He is my buddy Adam.
Taya Mae hurried and got ready. She smiled at herself in the mirror before flying down her steps. The backpack she bought sat on the floor by the door. Her wings fluttered as she flew towards the door, grabbing the backpack. Taya then opened the door and started flying towards school.
Dex sighed, as he started walking towards the school. He could see a light in the distance, but he chose to ignore it. His head hung low, as he made it into town. He tried not to talk to anyone, as he kept his wings hidden.
Hazel stretched as she got out of the shower. She dried herself off and got changed. She slid her glasses up her nose, and tried her best to smile. 'It'll get better..' she thought to herself as she grabbed her bag and left her house. 'It's a fresh start.' She told herself as she began walking to school.
<< Never seen her before...Hmmm...Does come from a house i know and seen many times,I should be expecting this.Maybe she just moved in...probably her parents taking her here for a new school year...Just like many others at this point...
Well anyway.It won't hurt if i still stay a little bit here...>>
He also notices Taya but acts like he doesn't see her.
"Fine." Riley muttered finishing his Dr.Pepper. Riley felt the odd sensation of Reginald taking control of his body. He should be used to it by now, but he wasn't. It was always weird. His bones tightened and loosened and with that he was a passenger.

He is my buddy Adam.
The shining eyes stop and his wings appear.In some seconds he had giant bird like wings that were see through.
"I guess it's time to go"
He boosts himself with a giant light explosion that did not effect the landscape and flies with incredible speed.Almost passing more than a half of the way to school
Taya Mae glanced around and noticed two other people. A boy and a girl. She shrugged her shoulders, as she started to fly faster. She closed her eyes, as she felt the wind on her face, she loved that feeling. She opened them to see the school in the distance. She sighed, slightly.
Dex continued to look down, but he kept his ears open. He was hoping not to have anyone notice him, but he also wanted to know what was around. It seemed like nobody was around, which was weird to him. He suddenly felt so alone.
Hazel yawned as she walked down the sidewalk. Her brown hair swayed around her. She adjusted her glasses slightly, as she glanced around. She seen a few kids her age walking, but in the opposite direction. She thought that was rather odd. Hazel couldn't remember what the school was called, but her parents said it would be good for her.
"Dang it! Stop! This is how we get arrested and dissected!" Riley yelled hoping Reginald would understand. To his dismay Reginald decided to leap over cars as if they were playing a game with the drivers.

He is my buddy Adam.