Forum Thread
1x1 With WolfGirl
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Private RP → 1x1 With WolfGirlSpam wakes up in a panic "Are we under attack!?".
Scam looks mad "No! of course not! I just want to see Dragona and jay wont let me! I just need to make sure she is ok!" Scam clearly is not his normal self now. He is acting a lot like his mom.
he moved spam off his lap and got up, going over to him and slapping him.
''dude, your becoming obsessed over her.. snap out of it'' jack said.
jay sighed and went into dragona's room after he knocked.
''dragona scam is going crazy right now cause i told him to leave, all because he want's to see you... i will have him locked up if he doesn't stop this madness'' he said.
dragona got up and rubbed her eye's.
''i don't get why he is acting like this.. i hardly even know him and i'm not dating him, i don't get why he is acting like we are....'' she muttered.
Spam's mom appears and waves at Jack evilly "I hope this turns out far worse then Spam losing control! same cure as last time though. This one was even easy! as soon as Jay told him he could not see Dragona at the moment Scam was already scared of jay on the inside. Hope you enjoy this!" wild fire disappears and appears near Dragona. Dragona can now see her. Spam's mom laughs "Like my work sweet heart? Now he wont snap out of a love filled rage tell he sees you! by then he will be in so much trouble you will never see him again!" She laughs so much and makes a ghostly echo threw out the hut.
Spam hugs Jack "Are you ok? Want to take a walk outside together? A-a-as a couple?".
Scam starts to mumble in his sleep "Jay... Why are you so... scary..? You scare me... I wish you would understand... Dragona is lovely... but you make me want to run and hide... jay...".
Scam starts to snore and says "Jay you are scary" every few snors.
the guard sighed and walked into dragona's room, setting him down on the bed behind dragona where she was sitting on the edge of the bed.
he bowed and then stepped out of the room, closing the door behind himself.
dragona looked at scam and gently stroked his cheek, blushing faintly.
Scam wakes up and looks tired "What happened...? Last thing i remember is Jay telling me you were asleep then suddenly the world went black..." Scam rubs the back of his head.
Spam rushes in the hutt and quickly changes into a new black dress. She smiles "I like this new style for me.".
''when you acted all obsessive scam, who know's if you'll do that again'' she said.
jackson looked at spam and blinked, blushing furiously and suddenly getting a nosebleed.
''y-you look beautiful spam..'' he mumbled.
Spam's mom appears in front of Dragona "Hi again! This maybe the last thing I can do to him but now you will suffer as much as him! Only 1 cure and only spam's true love knows it! also I heard you are scared of Ghosts so....." Spam's mom goes threw Dragona and looks creepy "Boo!".
Spam looks at Jack's nose "Are you ok!?".
''s-scam what's wrong....? please calm down...!'' she cried, tear's swelling up in her eye's as she pulled his head up so she could look at him.
he blinked and rubbed his nose a bit, looking at his hand as he seen the blood.
''crap.. y-yeah, i'm alright.... just a nosebleed...'' jackson muttered, grabbing his handkerchief and putting it on his nose to try and stop the bleeding.
Spam blushes and takes off her hair bow and lets her hair flow down "Why dont we get lunch after our nice walk together?".
she blushed faintly and kissed him.
jackson blushed even more and one of his ear's drooped to the side.
''a-alright.. but after my nose stop's bleeding okay.....?'' he mumbled, a bit embarrassed.
Spam nods "Got it. You look great by the way." Spam starts to sneeze.