Current time: Afternoon
Current weather: Clear Sky
"...Maybe that Shellder was a fictionkin?" Manty asks "Me
too! Maybe with the little time we got, we could explore the
town...including requesting Smeargle a badge!" Manty says, leaping
to the pole, and climbing to the exit of the guild. He then walked
all the stairs down, looked at the map of the town, and runned to
the mall.
Edelwise shrugged, silently agreeing to stop talking about it.
Whatever the reason for there not being an Oddish, they didn't need
to know. They had completed the mission.
The Electrike's face brightened at the thought of exploring the
town. "Come on then! Let's go!" She exclaimed as she followed Manty
outside the guild and then proceeded to attempt to race him again.
Manty stopped as they arrived on a big, octangular hall
made out of wood covered with wood, and there was small shops under
it. There was a bunch of Pokemons, but one of them was a Smeargle.
The sing on its small shop was
"Um...excuse me..." Manty asked, and the Smeargle, that was on a
laptop, looked at Manty "Yes?"
"Can you do a custom badge for Team Blue Lighting?" Manty asks
"Ah, yes. But please draw the concept of the badge on the papers
with the crannyons before I get the metal." Smeargle says
Edelwise slowed to a stop as they reached a large hallway. There
were lots of Pokemon, so she followed Manty to the one that was a
Smeargle. Manty began talking to the Smeargle and Edelwise began
bouncing from paw to paw. She was super excited.
The Smeargle mentioned drawing concept art on paper and Edelwise
grinned, glad that she had thought of some ideas originally.
The Electrike pranced over to the paper and crayons and grabbed a
blue one. She held the blue crayon awkwardly in her jaws and began
drawing. When she was finished, a messy blue lightning bolt sat on
the paper with static surrounding it. She glanced to Manty, seeing
if he had come up with something.
Manty looked at the concept "Well...all badges shown so far
have a pair of wings. Maybe we could..." Manty grabbed a eraser,
erased the static, and drawed spiky yet soft yellow wings on the
blue lighting. "What about it?" Manty asked
Edelwise watched curiously as Manty took an eraser of sorts and
began to change the drawing a bit. When he was done, the static
around the lightning was gone and in its place were a pair of
yellow wings. Edelwise grinned and looked over at Manty. "That
looks amazing!" She exclaimed.
Edelwise followed Manty back to the Smeargle, grinning like normal.
Manty and the Smeargle talked for a moment about the price and such
and she snickered at Manty's reaction to the added extra bonus.
Once they had gotten that all sorted out, Edelwise looked to her
teammate. "Now what? We still have a little more time."
Manty raced with her. The mines were on a cave, still on
Terra Forest, but outsie of Terra Town. When they reached, there
was a sing:
A Excadrill came out of the ground "Greetings! Welcome to the Terra
Mines!" it says
"Thanks, we wan't to explore it!" Manty says, leaping closer into
the hole
"WAIT! Well, a bunch of rocks are blocking our path, and we can't
dig throw it...2 more people would be perfect for this, but
everyone's busy..." Excadrill then looks at Manty and Edelwise
"...I guess you can serve. Grab a pickaxe, open your bag, and dig
up any beautyfull gems you find! The magician of Terra Town even
says that they have powers...well, meet me and the Drillburs at the
14th floor! And watchout for Pokemon!" Excadrill says, diging back
to underground.
"Well, you hear him." Manty grabbed a nearby pickaxe, and leaped to
the hole "To explore!"
They hadn't run long when they finally reached a sign. "Yes! We're
here!" She exclaimed, grinning widely as an Excadrill appeared from
the ground. She was about to follow Manty into the hole, but they
were stopped by the Excadrill. It explained what the situation was
and then handed them some tools. She picked up a pick axe in her
jaws glancing back at Manty with a twinge of excitement shining
brightly in her eyes. She jumped into the hole after her friend,
looking around for shiny gems.
Right on the first floor, Manty noticed some rails and a minecart,
along with those helmets with lanterns. He equipped one, and jumped
on the minecart "Come along!"
"Alright. If my Minecraft knowldge doesn't fails me this
time, I have to..." Manty uses his pickaxe to move the minecart.
The minecart speed up, kinda like those amusement park rides.
Terra Mines
2- 3- 4- 5- 6- 8...nono wait- 8??- I'm losing my count!F
Terra Mines
Two Drillburs were on the rails. One of them was literally on top
of the rail. The minecart hitted him, sending the minecart, Manty
and Edelwise directly to the wall of rocks. The minecart destroyed
the rocks, but throwed Edelwise and Manty to the ground
"Whoohoo! This is awesome!" Edelwise exclaimed as the Minecart
started going really fast. She yelped though as they ran into a
Pokemon who had been stationed on the track. She flew through the
air until she landed on her back in the dirt. She groaned softly,
laying on the ground to catch the breath that had disappeared
during her flight.
"Yes! Its finally opened!" The Excadrill says, going
through the newly opened path with 3 other Drillburs. The Drillbur
close to the rail also entered, dragging the fainted body of his
friend with him.
"These rocks...they clearly aren't rocks. They are too triangular
and pink and shiny...
...they are diamonds!" Manty says, picking up the rest of the pink
diamond he has just destroyed and putting on the bag. "Come, we
might get more gemstones!" Manty says, following the
Edelwise rolled over so that she was laying down normally. This had
definitely been an amazing exploration. She had flown like a bird
That, and the rocks they had just broken were pink and shiny. They
were really pretty and Edelwise hopped to her paws, grabbing a few
stray ones to place in her bag before following Manty and the
others deeper into the new cavern.
The new cave was extrmelely dark, only with colorfull crystals
illuminating it.
"Oh my! I can even get..." As Manty tried to grab a small orange
crystal, it broke really fast. He putted the pieces on the bag.
"Well, crystals really are fragile like that. The best part: they
don't loose their glows when broken!" Manty says, leaping to the
next floor.
Edelwise gaped at the many crystals that were lodged inside the
cavern walls. There were many, all of different sizes, shapes, and
colors. As she followed Manty and the Drillbur, she picked up
several loose crystals, marveling at their glow before placing them
in her bag.