There isn't a definite deadline on this one, but I just hatched my
first Shiny Mega-Able Aerodactyl and I am looking to auction it
Right now I am vetting offers to see what a fair market will
Payments accepted in Pd, Nuggets, interesting offers (and a mix
thereof), so tell me what you think.
Ditto + 2700 Nugs
offered by Optimus_Crime.
To be honest, we're reaching a point now when a lot of the bids are
roughly equivalent in price. some may have a higher nugget ratio or
a larger set of valuable pokemon. I am keeping in contact with them
all and track of their bids, but when it comes to being listed as a
"highest offer" it's getting blurry with semantics and whims. I
will update the highest offer when a significant distance grows,
but if your offer does not appear in this section it does not mean
I am not interested, only that in that moment I'm weighing the
relative qualities between your offers and the line.
Mega tyranitar,mega altaria,mega sceptile,mega swampert,mega
gallade,mega steelix,black kyurem,white kyurem,meg able
haunter,180k pd and the last poke is mega metagross which costed me
By Auction House - 52 Minutes and 4 Seconds ago.You won
an auction.
Auction: Mega Metagross (Your bid: 3025300 ). The
Pokémon has been transferred.
and all megas and legends are perfect battle nature pokes and rare
and much costly than their price and I wasn't a maniac that I
bidded 3 million on metagross the second highest bid when I sniped
it on it was 2.6 million by robel
I've been receiving a lot of auctions in palpad lately that are
mixtures of megas and shiny legendaries. I'm not sure if it's more
valuable, but since I'm aiming towards a year of premium, a large
percentage of nuggets is going to be much easier than running all
of those auctions and legwork.
That's why the present leader is Beary right now. Sorry, if I'm
grossly undervaluing some of your more complex bids, but this
auction is already a lot more intensive than I was hoping for and I
like the sound of simplicity. :D
Schweinsteiger bid is the best ditto is worth 5k to 6k easily and
perfect nature megas ranger 800-2k nuggets depending on how
effective they are in battles