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Searching for: Posts from ShaneTrane.
Posted: Tue, 21/06/2016 10:58 (8 Years ago)

Title: RE: Jan12345

You were not forgotten. You were pulled #158. Check the full dump image.

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Posted: Fri, 17/06/2016 12:06 (8 Years ago)
#MegaRaffle2016 has a total of 42 individual lots. I the ran Random.org randomizer one time & will give out prizes accordingly: the first name drawn will get the first prize listed on the Codepen page, the second name the second prize, and down until we hit the full 42 winning tickets.


01. 1x DITTO
02. 1x DITTO
03. 1x Cresselia
04. 1x Victini
05. 1x Moltres
06. 1x Articuno
07. 1x Zapdos
08. 1x Mew

09. 1x Xerneas
10. 1x Yveltal

11. 1x Zygarde
12. 1160 Nuggets (One Month Premium + Flute Combo Pack)
13. Set of Shiny Kanto Starters (inc. 3)
14. Set of Mega-able Kanto Starters (inc. 4)
15. Set of Mega Kanto Starters (inc. 4)
16. Set of Retro Starter Vouchers (inc. 3)
17. Set of Johto Legendaries (Lugia, Ho-Oh, Celebi)

18. Set of Hoenn Eons (Latias and Latios)
19. Set of Hoenn Legendaries (Groudon x2, Kyogre x2, Rayquaza x2, Jirachi)
20. The Rock Trio (Set of 4?)
21. Set of Sinnoh Legendaries (Dialga, Palkia, Heatran, Giratina x2, Manaphy, Darkai, Shaymin x2

22. Set of Garden Trio (Cobalion, Terrakion, Virizion)
23. Set of Safari Trio (Tornadus x2, Thundurus x2, Landorus x2)
24. Unova Legendaries (Kyurem x3, Keldeo, Moletta x1)

25. Nearly Complete set of Events (Missing Tom Nook in Seller's Clothes)
26. 3x Random Mega-ed Pokemon
27. 3x Random Mega-ed Pokemon
28. 6x Random Mega-able Pokemon
29. 6x Random Mega-able Pokemon
30. 6x Random Mega-able Pokemon
31. 6x Random Mega-able Pokemon
32. 5x Shiny Combee (A Full Hive)

33. 4x White Powders
34. 1.000.000 Pokédollars
35. 1.000.000 Pokédollars
36. 1x Mega Boil Packs (5 of each gem)
37. 1x Mega Boil Packs (5 of each gem)
38. 1x Non-Event Mega-able Hunt Replaced by 1x Mega Boil Packs (5 of each gem)
39. 1x Non-Event or Legendary Shiny Hunt Replaced by 1x Mega Boil Packs (5 of each gem)
40. 100x Mixed Boxes and Keys
41. 90ish Mixed Boxes and Keys
42. 50x Rare Candies

Random.org Image Dump:

Green text states that the Pokemon has been posted in GTS and I am awaiting an offer by the respective winner.
Purple text states that the items have been received by the respective winner.

Prizes will be awarded over the next 2 days as time allows.

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Posted: Sun, 12/06/2016 05:58 (8 Years ago)
Well, it's getting to be that time. I'm leaving the site and have converted my MegaRaffle to a liquidation giveaway: Upping the prizes by millions and millions and clearly stating the why's and how's of my farewell. The official auction page features the full prize list now but I'm not sure if i'll be updating the listing here just yet.

To view it please visit the site.

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Posted: Thu, 02/06/2016 10:20 (8 Years ago)
With the hashtag contest going so well I thought I'd add a couple new bonus reward events.

Bonus Reward #03

BFGO: Buy 4 Tickets Get 1 Ticket Free!!!
INFO: For the next 2 days (Ending on server reset of 06.05.16) for every 4 tickets you purchase in the raffle you will get 1 ticket ABSOLUTELY FREE! A Megastone, for example, would now net you 15 TICKETS a piece during this window. Sounds like fun to me.

Shopping List Reward #01

First user to send me a SELLERS CLOTHES will get 4 Tickets
INFO: I have been so busy lately I just haven't been able to make my way out to the store, so anyone could help me out with a few little things it would be much appreciated. Right now I'm looking for a SELLERS CLOTHES. First person to Delibird it my way will get 4 tickets for their trouble.
If I receive more than one will will gladly send the duplicate item back to all runner ups for this reward.

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Posted: Wed, 01/06/2016 05:54 (8 Years ago)
Ok. well, I changed the tag in the forum after your last message. i just didn't want to be misleading or breaking any rules is all.

I will ask earlier next time I have a concern. Thank you.

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Posted: Tue, 31/05/2016 06:41 (8 Years ago)

Title: @Liirah

I've looked over the rules page and had questions about the differences, but I went with raffle because that was across the board what other users were doing since Iskander posted the raffle generator.

I don't mean to seem combative, but I just don't see how my project is any more wrong then the dozen of other ones that are simultaneously running right now and aren't being asked to re-clarify. If a moderator is telling me to directly change the Tag or Text I will of course comply.

Would i have to change my hashtag as well?

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Posted: Mon, 30/05/2016 09:21 (8 Years ago)
Have you guys ever actually played a raffle before? You do a thing (normally giving someone money or items) and get a ticket. That's how they work. I give the local firehouse 10 dollars for a raffle ticket to have a chance to win a new lawn mower. (Case in point)

But really, I'm running a "raffle" just like every other "raffle" on this thing is run. I literally used the Iskander raffle generator project and just changed the "what you have to use to buy a ticket" and "the what you win" sections. It is functionally the same as every other "raffle" on this site and I don't get why you are arguing the semantics of it.

If anything, I have opened the floor wide enough for everyone to get a chance to win and am doing everything in my power to actually end this raffle in a decent amount of time so people don't go off throwing dragon gems down a wishing well for a never ending (i.e., over ambitious / greedy) goal that most often never see a conclusion. I am creating a fair and inexpensive opportunity for dozens of players to ultimately win millions of pd worth of items. Isn't that a good thing?

ps. the hashtag has already spread and I would hate to have to alter it at this point. be cool, folks.

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Posted: Thu, 26/05/2016 21:07 (8 Years ago)
are you purchasing resolute stones at the same price?

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Posted: Thu, 26/05/2016 20:54 (8 Years ago)
With the Emera Beach release today I wanted to celebrate with everyone so here is an extra special Bonus Reward.

Bonus Reward #02

Spread the #MegaRaffle2016 Hashtag
INFO: Spread the hashtag over the next 2 days (ending at site reset on 05.29.16). One lucky user who spreads the hashtag will be picked randomly.
AWARDED TO: sunnymarie69

Random.org Image Dump:

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Posted: Thu, 26/05/2016 09:54 (8 Years ago)
Let's start this thing off with something juicy, but very attainable at the rate things are going.

Stretch Goal #01

GOAL: 200 tickets sold in the next 2 weeks. (Ending 06.08.16)
REWARD: 5x Shiny Combees (A Full Hive)

STATUS: 101 out of 150 sold.

Bonus Reward #01

AWARDED TO: ~Sarah-Leigh~

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Posted: Wed, 25/05/2016 21:10 (8 Years ago)
In the hopes of absolute transparency I am creating this forum post as sort of a “data dump” for #MegaRaffle2016. The bulk information will be updated periodically (when new items are added) but for the most up to date information on tickets sold please visit the official Raffle Posting on Codepen.

The primary use for this forum will be to communicate with the community and to let them all know as new stretch goals and side promotions become available. I will also post images of all randomized drawings pertaining to #MegaRaffle2016 and any pertinent information as it arises. Thank you for being a part of this, I hope you like what you see.


So I set this raffle up a few weeks ago because I was getting a little tired with the site and was hoping something big would shake that off for me. For a few days it worked fine but as the weeks went by the constant posting of raffle info and lackluster responses to some of my bonus events wore on me… and I’m sorry guys, but I’m just done.

I have been on this site for 7 months and through constant “wheeling and dealing” I have completed all my dexes and obtained every Legendary on the site (until the fishing hole popped up). I continued to set goals for myself and then I achieved those goals: hatching a shiny mega, “completing” the event and retro dexes, badge completion, Harvest completion, caught a Victini… now the only goals that remain for me are long and tiresome and don’t have any real reward attached to them. I’ve by no means “beaten” this game, but I have “finished” my journey in it.

I could have just abandoned the account, but I wanted to be able to give back to the community that has been a pretty big part of my life this year. So here it is… pretty much everything. Every rare find I worked day and night trying to earn, everything I spent weeks waiting for responses from defunct forum shops for, it’s all here and I’m glad that it is going out to you all instead of disappearing into the void.

I know people are talking about this now and questioning my motives, but know that I’m on the level. After I close this auction and spend a few days on GTS finalizing all the transfers I am gone. People are asking me why I am still asking for payment for these tickets, and I think there are two good reasons for that.

1. It would be unfair for the people who bought tickets with their hard earned resources when this was 20+ million in PD worth of prizes smaller for me to go and give tickets away to everyone else for free. This raffle was important for me and I spent a lot of time saving up for it. I don’t want to spit in the face of the people who chose to be a part of it.

2. When I’m gone I want to be able to give back to the five or so good friends I have made on this site, the ones who have put up with my endless questions and cut me very generous deals along the way as I worked on completing my dexes and running my various shoppes. They have been very good to me and I will miss them. A normal player might just split their rare items across that group but not everyone needs this stuff. When I am done with this auction in a few days I am going to be sending all of the proceeds of this auction as well as valuable items I did not have complete sets of (for posting) to these people as a final thank you for their time.

As far as closing the auction goes I feel that is my responsibility to you all that I close this out right and will keep it open for a few days so that everyone gets a fair shot (while I try to arrange a bit more for the prizes). When I check in and there aren’t a bunch of messages and items in my delibird I will know that the interests is gone and you will all receive your items.

For anyone who thinks I’m not being legit here or this is somehow a big plot just ask the people who know me on this site. I have treated everyone here with respect and fairness across the board. I may not be the most popular player in the world, but I am trusted. If you want to take your chance at the raffle or have any questions I would love to hear from you.

And to everyone that matters to me on this thing, thank you and goodbye.


Simply send any of the following items directly to ShaneTrane to receive your tickets in the drawing. There is no limit to your number of donations/entries, but I do ask that you limit offerings to the items listed below. At the end of the raffle a random number generator will be used to cycle through all completed entries and prizes will be delivered. (You know, like a raffle.)

50x Normal Gems = 1x Ticket
100x Misc Gems = 1x Ticket
50k pd = 1x Ticket
50 Nuggets = 1.5x Ticket
Dragon Gem = 1x Ticket
Maps & Summon Items = 1x-10x Tickets based on Price Check rarity
Megastones = 12x Tickets



1160 Nuggets (One Month Premium + Flute Combo Pack)
Set of Shiny Kanto Starters (inc. 3)
Set of Mega-able Kanto Starters (inc. 4)
Set of Retro Starter Vouchers (inc. 3)
5x White Powders
1.000.000 Pokédollars
1.000.000 Pokédollars
1x Mega Boil Packs (5 of each gem)
1x Mega Boil Packs (5 of each gem)
1x Non-Event Mega-able Hunt
1x Non-Event or Legendary Shiny Hunt
100x Mixed Boxes and Keys
50x Rare Candies


☆ This raffle ends when we have reached the target amount of tickets sold. The target amount may be lowered but may not be extended in any way.

☆ If for whatever reason this raffle must be concluded prior to it's natural completion all items/currency will be returned at my own expense.

☆ Palpad me with any further questions.


Precently 327 out of 1500 tickets have been sold.

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Posted: Wed, 25/05/2016 20:37 (8 Years ago)
Shop is presently on hiatus while I do a bit of breeding and focus on #MegaRaffle2016 Project. It will return bigger than ever when I have the time.

My apologies for the inconvenience.

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Posted: Wed, 04/05/2016 03:45 (8 Years ago)

Title: RE: -BlueMoon-


Unown inventory updated.

Thank you so much, -BlueMoon-.

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Posted: Tue, 26/04/2016 05:33 (8 Years ago)
This auction is now closed. Thank you all for your interest.

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Posted: Sun, 24/04/2016 14:51 (8 Years ago)

Dear serious bidders. I am closing the offer tonight. Highest offer is Ditto & 2.7k nuggets. If you can beat this let me know, otherwise we have a winner. Thank you.

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Posted: Sat, 23/04/2016 20:09 (8 Years ago)

Title: Black Key & Box

Hello Danuwa!
I would like to use your Boiling Service!
I want to order: 1 black key and 1 black box
My offer is: 160k pd and all of the gems required.

ps. Thank you. :D

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Posted: Tue, 19/04/2016 09:34 (8 Years ago)
i would like the insect plate please.

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Posted: Tue, 19/04/2016 09:23 (8 Years ago)
Aakashyadav Bid:

ditto* +1.6mil PD + 3 megas (best nature) + 2 mega-ables (best natured) + 1 shiny + 200 nuggets + 5k PD + Dialga + 2x lugias

*Will also secure buyer

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Posted: Tue, 19/04/2016 09:11 (8 Years ago)

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Posted: Mon, 18/04/2016 11:33 (8 Years ago)
offer from Aakashyadav:
ditto and 4 megas and 2 mega ables and 1.5M PD

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