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Drew's Book of Records

Forum-Index Diaries Drew's Book of Records
Trainerlevel: 22

Forum Posts: 203
Posted: Sat, 02/04/2016 19:02 (8 Years ago)

Title: Entry 2: Removed

April 2nd, 2016

Post removed due to reasons.
"Nobody knows what we're for, only what we're against, when we judge the wounded
What if we put down our signs, crossed over the lines, and loved like You did?"
Trainerlevel: 22

Forum Posts: 203
Posted: Sun, 03/04/2016 01:25 (8 Years ago)

Title: Not an Entry: 30-Day Character Challenge

Oh no, I found a thing and now I can't resist doing it.

Week one (1-7)
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1.) Describe your character’s relationship with their mother or their father, or both. Was it good? Bad? Were they spoiled rotten, ignored? Do they still get along now, or no?

Heather: Her relationship with her mother is nonexistent, but was decent before her parents divorced. She and her father get on each other's nerves a lot, but they get along okay regardless.
Jay: He never got along well with his father, and is relieved to no longer have any relationship with him. While he quietly disagrees with some of his mother's decisions, the two get along fairly well.

2.) What are your characters most prominent physical features?

(You're going to notice my characters aren't terribly striking, appearance-wise.)
Heather: Her brown doe eyes, probably.
Jay: His cobalt blue eyes, or the blue streak in his (light brown) hair.

3.) Name one scar your character has, and tell us where it came from. If they don’t have any, is there a reason?

Heather: Surprisingly, she doesn't have any. There's no real reason behind it, aside from that she's just more careful than her brother.
Jay: There's a faint scar across his right arm, which happened when he fell out of a tree (a branch caused it).

4.) How vain is your character? Do they find themselves attractive?

Heather: She cares about her appearance, but not enough to be considered vain. She doesn't think of herself as particularly attractive or unattractive, she has other things to think about.
Jay: Honestly, the only time he thinks about his appearance is when he briefly sees his reflection in the bathroom mirror while brushing his teeth.

5.) What’s your character’s ranking on the Kinsey Scale?

Heather: In all honesty, she's never been sexually attracted to anyone. She's only romantically attracted to guys.
Jay: In all honesty, he's never been sexually attracted to anyone. He's only romantically attracted to girls.

6.) Describe your character’s happiest memory.

Heather: It's hard to say. She has several happy memories from before the divorce, but nothing really stands out as the happiest.
Jay: If asked, he would say when he and Heather first investigated the old barn on their property (which was long before the divorce). Although he wasn't entirely oblivious to his sister's apprehension, it was an adventure to his eight-year-old mind. The barn turned out to be safe, and it became their hideout, leading to a lot of good times.

7.) Is there one event or happening your character would like to erase from their past? Why?

Heather: Whatever resulted in her parents falling out of love (thus resulting in the divorce). She actually feels guilty about this in a way, because she knows the detrimental effect their father had on Jay's confidence over time, and how much better off he is away from that. But she misses her brother.
Jay: The divorce, or whatever caused it. As hard as it was to live with their father, he misses his sister.

Week two (8-14)
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8.) Day of Favorites! What’s your character’s favorite ice cream flavor? Color? Song? Flower?

Heather: Ice cream isn't really her thing. Favorite color is probably black, although she isn't emo or anything. Favorite song is "I Won't Let Go" by Rascal Flatts. And like most girls, her favorite flower is the rose.
Jay: I dare you to mention Turtle Tracks around him. His favorite color is blue. Favorite song is probably "You're Gonna Fly" by Keith Urban. And seeing as he's a guy and all, he doesn't have a favorite flower.

9.) Who does your character trust?

Heather: Jay. She'll tell him pretty much anything, and trusts him with everything but his own safety.
Jay: Heather. He'll tell her anything, even if he knows he'll be teased about it, and trusts her with his life.

10.) Can you define a turning point in your character’s life? Multiples are acceptable.

Heather: When things started to get bad between her parents was one, and another was when the divorce actually happened. Both greatly affected her relationship with Jay: the former resulted in her becoming more protective of her brother, aware of how sensitive he was to the increasing tensions. The latter, though it separated the two, caused them to somehow become closer, with the two keeping each other up-to-date on what's going on in each other's lives.
Jay: When things started to get bad between his parents was one, and another was when the divorce actually happened. Both greatly affected his relationship with Heather: the former resulted in his sister becoming more protective of him, aware of how sensitive he was to the increasing tensions. The latter, though it separated the two, caused them to somehow become closer, with the two keeping each other up-to-date on what's going on in each other's lives.

11.) Is there an animal you equate with your character?

Heather: Not really.
Jay: Um... Isn't it kind of obvious?

12.) How is your character with technology? Super savvy, or way behind the times? Letters or email?

Heather: Being a teenager, she more or less has kept up with the times. She prefers letters over email (they feel more personal), but phone calls are her preferred means of contact.
Jay: Being a teenager, he more or less has kept up with the times. He prefers letters over email (they feel more personal), but phone calls are his preferred means of contact.

13.) What does your character’s bed look like when he/she wakes up? Are the covers off on one side of the bed, are they all curled around a pillow, sprawled everywhere? In what position might they sleep?

Jay: His covers end up on the floor half the time. He's usually an extremely restless sleeper, so he shifts position frequently.

14.) How does your character react to temperature changes such as extreme heat and cold?

Heather: She's from the south- while she's tolerant of heat, she can't stand cold.
Jay: He's from the south- while he's tolerant of heat, he can't stand cold.

Week three (15-21)
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15.) Is your character an early morning bird or a night owl?

Heather: She's more of an early bird, and often annoys Jay by forgetting about the whole timezone thing and calling way too early.
Jay: He's very much a night owl. Don't expect him to be coherent until around noon.

16.) Are there any blood relatives that your character is particularly close with, besides the immediate ones? Cousins, Uncles, Grandfathers, Aunts, et cetera. Are there any others that your character practically considers a blood relative?

Heather: She's very close to Jay, but not really any other family members. The cousins and such have moved elsewhere, and the grandparents are either deceased or living in Florida. There's not really anyone else worth mentioning.
Jay: He's very close to Heather, but not really any other family members. The cousins and such have moved elsewhere, and the grandparents are either deceased or living in Florida. There's not really anyone else worth mentioning.

17.) What’s your character’s desk/workspace look like? Are they neat or messy?

Heather: Heather would try to keep her hypothetical workspace organized, but would probably be unsuccessful.
Jay: Jay's hypothetical workspace is a mess. Always.

18.) Is your character a good cook? What’s their favorite recipe, whether they’re good or not? (Microwave mac-and-cheese applies.)


19.) What’s your character’s preferred means of travel?


20.) Does your character have any irrational fears?


21.) What would your character’s cutie mark be?


The rest of the questions (I'm lazy, okay?)
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22.) If your character could time travel, where would they go?
23.) Is your character superstitious?
24.) What might your character’s ideal romantic partner be?
25.) Describe your character’s hands. Are they small, long, calloused, smooth, stubby?
26.) Second day of favorites! Favorite comfort food, favorite vice, favorite outfit, favorite hot drink, favorite time of year, and favorite holiday.
27.) Pick two songs that describe your character at two different points of their life, and explain why you chose them.
28.) If your character’s life was a genre, what would it be?
29.) How does your character smell? Do they wear perfume or cologne?
30.) And finally: Write a letter to your character, from yourself.
Trainerlevel: 22

Forum Posts: 203
Posted: Thu, 07/04/2016 18:47 (8 Years ago)

Title: Entry 3: Simply Planning

April 7th, 2016
Mood: perplexed

110 forum posts! Take that, social anxiety!
*Ahem* Moving on...

The title of this post is a reference to the band Simple Plan, whose music I've recently found and fallen in love with, and what I've spent a lot of time doing lately. Serious stuff I'd rather not get into here.

While walking my furbaby (AKA my dog), I found out that allergy season has begun. Pollen is the bane of my existence. But my allergies have never caused difficulty breathing before (except when I can't stop sneezing long enough to catch my breath) so it's a little odd that that's started now. Huh.

And don't even get me started about my laptop.

I need to come up with some sort of conclusion for these posts, so they won't feel so abrupt. Because they feel really abrupt to me. I'll think something up later.
Trainerlevel: 22

Forum Posts: 203
Posted: Mon, 11/04/2016 02:39 (8 Years ago)

Title: Entry Tobias: Titles are Hard

April 10th, 2016
Mood: Amused

Oh God. I decided to poke around in the Flight Rising RP forum, and I stumbled upon this:
Cannon = Thing that goes boom
Canon = Something that happened in a story
But both destroy ships so I guess it doesn't matter.

The hilarity of it lies in just how true it is.
I've seen some amusing things on here as well, but I might offend someone if I quote them.

There should be something like Match.com, but for people who are looking for running partners instead of romantic partners. I say this because I'm in need of a running partner, and have no idea how to find one. I guess I'm forever alone in that way as well. But I'll cope. I swear, if I start getting PMs asking where I live because of this, I'm gonna flip a table.

As for things relevant to the site, I'm about a third of the way to affording a PokéRadar. Oh, the excitement.

Blackstone out, peace.
Trainerlevel: 22

Forum Posts: 203
Posted: Sat, 16/04/2016 21:32 (8 Years ago)

Title: Entry 5: (Almost) Everything Has Changed

April 16th, 2016
Mood: Euphoric

There are things to be happy about at last.

For one thing, my brother is twenty today. He's the only sibling I'm particularly close to at the moment, and a better bro than I'll ever be.

And while I still don't know what I did to my shoulder (which I mentioned in the Gripe Post, and I hope no one read it), it's no longer a problem.

For whatever reason, I felt like changing my username. Going from Blackstone359 to Blackstone isn't a major change or anything, but still. I'm not fond of major changes.

This morning, I finished the last book in the (Warriors) Dawn of the Clans series. I don't want to spoil anything, but it was a fairly satisfying end. I still wish it wasn't over, though.

That's all for now. Have a blessed day.
Trainerlevel: 22

Forum Posts: 203
Posted: Mon, 18/04/2016 07:53 (8 Years ago)

Title: Quotations

It's nearly three AM, why am I still awake? Because I realized I need a place to hold onto quotes. Some are beautiful and profound, others... not so much.

From literature
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"With great power... comes great need to take a nap. Wake me up later."
-Nico di Angelo (Percy Jackson and the Olympians)
"Sometimes we have to leave to find out where our heart truly lies."
-Heatherstar (Warriors)

From songs
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"I might be down, but I'm not dead
There's better days still up ahead"

"Hope in Front of Me"-Danny Gokey

"I was born in the south, sometimes I have a big mouth
When I see something that I don't like... I gotta say it"

"Real Gone"- Sheryl Crow

"Am I crazy, or falling in love?
Is it real, or just another crush?"

"Crush"- David Archuleta

From films
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"We do have a lot in common: the same earth, the same air, the same sky. Maybe if we started looking at what's the same, instead of always looking at what's different... Well, who knows?"
-Meowth (Pokémon: The First Movie)

From the Internet
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Quote from FR's Phoatlshop thread
I love how the forums are going through a slightly creepy photoshopping phase

Quote from FR's dragon puberty thread
Alright and how about rebellious teen dragons saving all their allowance to get a breed-change scroll? An imperial from a long line of imperials decides that she wants to be a pearlcatcher; she has always been a pearlcatcher at heart. (Her mother won't speak to her for a week. "THIS IS NOT HOW I RAISED YOU; THIS ISN'T WHAT THE LIGHTWEAVER WANTED FOR YOU" "YOU DON'T KNOW ME MOOOOM")

Quote from Weird things you've never said before FR (thread)
I can't wait to stone my dragons.

It just sounds so wrong when taken out of context.
Quote from a hypocritical grammar Nazi's dislikes
[...] and the worst are wrong grammars. People who kept saying they are cool. Srsly?

(I have the right to poke fun at hypocritical grammar Nazis, because I am one.)

From other places
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"Not sure what's goin' on, but happy to assist!"
-Drew (the Pokémon anime)

Trainerlevel: 22

Forum Posts: 203
Posted: Thu, 21/04/2016 22:18 (8 Years ago)

Title: Entry 6: "And Janet is the Sun"

April 21st, 2016
Mood: Okay

It's official- I might actually like my neighbors. I live in an apartment, and when it's quiet, I can sometimes hear what goes on in the courtyard and in neighboring apartments. The other day, I heard:
QuoteBut soft, what light through yonder window breaks?
It is the East, and Janet is the sun..
There might've been more, but that was all I heard. I might've laughed a little, but I thought it was kind of adorable.

In other news, Inside Out gives me way more feels than any children's film should. It hits a little too close to home, if you catch my drift. (People still say that, right? Modern-day speech sort of lost me at "bae".) But I've gotta admit, I like that Disney still writes serious plots, and they nailed the psychology. The imaginary boyfriend thing amused me though, I remember when my little sister had an imaginary boyfriend.

That's all for now, have a blessed day.
Trainerlevel: 22

Forum Posts: 203
Posted: Fri, 22/04/2016 22:28 (8 Years ago)

Title: Entry 7: A Link to the Past

April 22nd, 2016
Mood: Nostalgic

I honestly don't have much to say, but I guess I should get right to the point.

I found my old yearbook from way back in ninth grade, and I couldn't resist taking time to go through it and relive those memories. That year was a rollercoaster of emotions, I tell you, but I remember it fondly. My three wonderful friends (I always favored quality over quantity), all those crushes I acted like an idiot around, the tennis court where I nearly passed out... *Sighs* Good times.

That's all for now, have a blessed day.
Trainerlevel: 22

Forum Posts: 203
Posted: Thu, 28/04/2016 01:34 (8 Years ago)

Title: Entry 8: Oh My Dog

April 27th, 2016; 8:32 PM (Central time)
Mood: Tired

I didn't sleep at all last night, which is a little strange. Surprisingly, I was still capable of functioning today, even if I dozed off at a few inopportune times and dropped my Kindle on my face once.
In all seriousness, I need to repair my sleep schedule. I guess the best place to start on that is to actually sleep at night.

After a two-month bout of writer's block, I've finally started writing again, although I'm taking a break from my main projects. I'll probably elaborate on what I am currently working on later.

That's all for now, have a blessed day.
Trainerlevel: 22

Forum Posts: 203
Posted: Tue, 03/05/2016 20:06 (8 Years ago)

Title: Shiny Hunt I- Absol

Blackstone is currently hunting Absol.
Hunt started: 02/05/2016

Chain: 11
(0 Shinies hatched so far.)

Objective for this hunt: Two Shinies and two Mega-Ables (not offering slots, extras will be auctioned).
It's a good thing I'm patient.

Also, what's with the name of my last post? I must've been really tired.

Update: May 7th, 2016 at 10:27 PM (Central time)

First Mega-Able! (#39 or #40, I was offline when he hatched.)

Update: May 8th, 2016 at 1:47 PM (central time).

Congratulations! A shiny Absol hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #46)! Your PokéRadar reset and needs new batteries.

Update: May 24th, 2016 at 11:13 AM (Central time).

Congratulations! A shiny Absol hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #74)! Your PokéRadar reset and needs new batteries.

Update: May 26th, 2016 at 6:36 AM (Central time).

Second Mega-Able! (#7 in the chain.) If I hadn't recharged my radar, I'd be done. Darn it Drew, why'd you think that was a good idea?
Trainerlevel: 22

Forum Posts: 203
Posted: Sun, 29/05/2016 15:54 (8 Years ago)

Title: Entry 9: I Can't Even

May 29th, 2016
Mood: Look at the title.

Removed due to reasons.
Trainerlevel: 22

Forum Posts: 203
Posted: Thu, 02/06/2016 21:39 (8 Years ago)

Title: Entry 10: Death by Hatchet, Nala Practices Archery

June 2nd, 2016
Mood: Amused, slightly disturbed

I found a thing. It was a Hunger Games simulator, which my little sister (who was with me at the time) and I had an... interesting experience with.
Here were our tributes. My districts were districts 3 (Drew and May), 5 (Sasuke and Sakura), and 6 (Simba and Nala). The rest were my sister's. Google images gave us a rather hard time, but we found images eventually.

The results were interesting (and sometimes slightly disturbing) to visualize, which almost makes me want to attempt some intentionally bad MS Paint art or something. I pasted the entire thing into OneNote, but since it's rather long, here's how the Bloodbath (the beginning) went:

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As the tributes stand on their podiums, the horn sounds.

Barney runs away from the Cornucopia.

SpongeBob kills Drew with a hatchet.

Lilly runs away from the Cornucopia.

Gumball sets Dipper on fire with a molotov.

Mabel snatches a bottle of alcohol and a rag.

Ed Sheeran, May, and Shrek work together to get as many supplies as possible.

Nemo, Dory, Tina, and Fiona share everything they gathered before running.

Sasuke gathers as much food as he can.

Bob runs away from the Cornucopia.

Boo grabs a shield leaning on the cornucopia.

Simba runs away from the Cornucopia.

Sakura runs away from the Cornucopia.

Nala runs away from the Cornucopia.

Mike grabs a sword.

Darwin and Sandy fight for a bag. Sandy gives up and retreats.

Taylor Swift falls into a frozen lake and drowns.

With a lot of deaths in between, here's how it ended:
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Monkey mutts fill the arena.

Sakura uses Dory as a shield from the monkey mutts.

Nala dies from internal bleeding caused by a monkey mutt.