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Drew's Book of Records

Forum-Index Diaries Drew's Book of Records
Trainerlevel: 22

Forum Posts: 203
Posted: Fri, 29/01/2016 03:33 (9 Years ago)
So I decided to make one of these. It will be used to keep track of my on-site records, literally anything you might want to know about me, and as a place to work on things. I may sometimes post entries about my life as well.
Please do not post here, unless you are me. Are you me? Didn't think so.
Without further ado, here's basic info about me.

Things you can call me: Blackstone, Drew(y), whatever variants of my username you think up.
Age: Old, but I'm not that old/Young, but I'm not that bold that's a song reference
Nature: Timid, Adamant, Sassy
Religion: Christian, and proud of it.
Nationality: American, and way too proud of it.
Languages: American English (first language, fluent), French/français
Sexuality: Asexual (why is this relevant?)
IQ: 153
Zodiac sign: Taurus (May 20th)
Personality type (MBTI): INFP-T

-Animals that aren't horses
-Animals that are horses
-Decent human beings
-When people read my work
-Anything cute (bonus points if it's fluffy)
-Being alone

-Writer's block
-TXT TLK and L33T SP34K (that hurt to type, which makes me wonder why people do it.)
-Lazy spelling/grammar
-Loud noises
-Physical contact
-Any violations of my personal space
-Big cities
-The vast majority of modern music
-Pop-up ads
-The entire month of February

Flag counters

The "Do"s and "Don't"s of dealing with me (important)
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-Respect the site's rules.

-Understand the difference between disliking your fandom, suggestion, Ship, et cetera, and disliking you. Because there's a huge difference.

-Treat me how you'd like to be treated. I'll do the same.

-Understand that as an introvert, I sometimes just want to take a breather from human interaction and click Pokémon.

-PM me for urgent matters, or anything you actually want me to read and possibly reply to. I pretty much never see PalPad messages.


-Ask for/offer on anything I haven't expressly stated to be UFT. If you do this anyway, don't get miffed when I say no.

-Take it personally if I don't respond to your message. Odds are it has nothing to do with you.

-Drag me into drama. I want nothing to do with it.

-Ask for my personal information (age, location, et cetera). My timezone is pretty much all you need to know, and that's on my page.

"Nobody knows what we're for, only what we're against, when we judge the wounded
What if we put down our signs, crossed over the lines, and loved like You did?"
Trainerlevel: 22

Forum Posts: 203
Posted: Fri, 29/01/2016 03:42 (9 Years ago)

Title: Fandoms and Favorites

I'm a proud:

Pokémon Master
Son of Hades
Erudite initiate
WindClan warrior


Pokémon: Absol
Region: Hoenn
Type: Dark (although Grass is a very close second.)
Starter: Treecko
Shiny: Poochyena
Legend: Suicune
Color: Emerald green
Real animal: Horse
Mythical animal: Pegasus, but dragons are cool too.
YouTuber: NateWantsToBattle
Trainerlevel: 22

Forum Posts: 203
Posted: Sat, 30/01/2016 01:17 (9 Years ago)

Title: Special Pokemon

This post is for my special Pokémon, as the title implies.

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My Starter.

My first legendary Pokémon.

My first Event.

My first Pokémon from a Quest.

My first Mega-Able

My first Shiny


Mega (Able) Pokémon

Shiny Pokémon

Trainerlevel: 22

Forum Posts: 203
Posted: Sat, 06/02/2016 01:07 (9 Years ago)

Title: Music I Like

My music interests are kind of all over the place. My preferred genres are Country and Christian, but I like a few things from pretty much every genre. Except for Rap and Metal; the former I can't stand, and the latter I can't understand.
My favorite song changes quite a bit, but I do have one.

Current favorite song: "Welcome to My Life"- Simple Plan

Favorite musicians/bands

David Archuleta
Matthew West
Bryan Adams
The Jonas Brothers
Avril Lavigne
Steven Curtis Chapman
Taylor Swift (only her older songs, I can't stand the new stuff.)
Keith Urban
Tim McGraw
Lady Antebellum
Jesse McCartney
Simple Plan

And possibly a few others.
Trainerlevel: 22

Forum Posts: 203
Posted: Sun, 07/02/2016 02:12 (9 Years ago)

Title: Epic films

Despite the title of this post, a lot of these would not be described by most people as "epic". It's simply a list of films that I really like. Some I've seen countless times, others I've only seen once or twice, but all of them are films I've greatly enjoyed. (Note: Some of these would not be considered the most appropriate for children, but you don't have to worry about excessive gore or anything- I honestly can't stand it myself.)

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The Lion King (all of them, especially the second one)
Lady and the Tramp
Beauty and the Beast
Big Hero 6
Inside Out

Probably a few others I can't remember at the moment.

Non-Disney, child appropriate
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The Book of Life
Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron
Despicable Me and its sequel
How to Train Your Dragon and its sequel

PG-13 and up
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She's the Man
The Princess Bride

There's probably others my ADHD brain is forgetting about, so this'll probably be edited later.
Trainerlevel: 22

Forum Posts: 203
Posted: Sun, 21/02/2016 20:10 (9 Years ago)

Title: Beloved Literary Art

I totally didn't forget I had this thing! Let's talk about literature!

I will not deny the fact that I am a literature nerd. The list of books I've read and enjoyed could be about a mile long (and that's barely an exaggeration) but I'm going to narrow it down a little. Some of my favorites are:

Standalone novels
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Nights in Rodanthe, by Nicholas Sparks (romance)
Black Beauty, by Anna Sewell (classic)
To Kill a Mockingbird, by Harper Lee (classic)
White Fang, by Jack London (classic)
Call of the Wild, by Jack London (classic)
True Believer, by Nicholas Sparks (romance)

Series-eseseses (That's how I say it- what's the plural of "series" anyway?)
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Percy Jackson and the Olympians, by Rick Riordan (mythology)
Heroes of Olympus, by Rick Riordan (mythology)
The 39 Clues, by various (what genre is it?)- I've only read the first series, so no spoilers please!
Warriors, by Erin Hunter (fantasy)
The Inheritance Cycle, by Christopher Paolini (fantasy)
Divergent, by Veronica Roth (what genre is it?)

The Giver, Gathering Blue, Messenger, and Son, by Lois Lowry (what genre?)- Yes, these four books are a series.

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Romeo and Juliet, by William Shakespeare (tragedy)
A Midsummer Night's Dream, by William Shakespeare (comedy)- my old high school did this one in my sophomore year, it was highly entertaining.

Yes, I like reading romance. No, I don't see a problem with that.
I'm open to discussing pretty much any of these, just please regard my notes on what I haven't read.
Trainerlevel: 22

Forum Posts: 203
Posted: Thu, 25/02/2016 02:15 (9 Years ago)

Title: Art Gallery

By JellyMew

By Lizzie

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By Hernan23pro

Trainerlevel: 22

Forum Posts: 203
Posted: Thu, 25/02/2016 16:15 (9 Years ago)

Title: Personality Test Results

I enjoy taking personality tests every once in a while, and I find it amazing how accurate some can be. Here I'll be sharing some of my results, particularly the ones I'm proud of/are very accurate.
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Which Character From “Gravity Falls” Are You?

You got: Dipper Pines

You might be a little insecure, and possibly sweaty. No worries! Your mind is sharp and you will do whatever it takes for justice. You may be opinionated, but if need be, you’re willing to see things a little differently.

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What Type Are You?

Normal-types are quiet and reserved, and they prefer to keep themselves invisible and out of the way, but they're kind-hearted souls deep down - they're just kind of shy about it.

Ice-types are quiet and introverted, like to go unnoticed, and may appear cold to others, but secretly harbor a lot of passion and creativity.

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What Were you in a Past Life?

You were a cat in a past life. But you weren't just any kind of cat. You were a house cat. You just sat around all day doing nothing. You were also well taken care of. You lived in a house with a family and 5 other different cats.

I'm a cat person, I'm rather lazy (though I hate to admit it), and I come from a family of six. Creepy...

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What Pokémon are You?

(Click on the image to take the test.)

Trainerlevel: 22

Forum Posts: 203
Posted: Wed, 02/03/2016 14:50 (9 Years ago)

Title: The Shipping List

Like a lot of people, I'm a Shipper. I support Ships that are (or could potentially become) canon, although I'm aware this is a subjective matter.
If you dislike my Ships, don't come to me looking for a flame war. Seriously.
On the flip side, if you support these Ships as well, I'd be delighted to meet you (especially if you could recommend fanfics).

Pokémon (the anime)
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Drew's Masquerain x May's Beautifly (to my knowledge, there isn't a Shipping name for these two).

Percy Jackson and the Olympians/Heroes of Olympus
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All canon pairings (Percabeth, Jasper, etc.)

The rest to be added ~
Trainerlevel: 22

Forum Posts: 203
Posted: Thu, 03/03/2016 01:27 (9 Years ago)

Title: OCs and 'Sonas

[B]Name Goes Here[/b]
[B]Theme song:[/b]

Onyx (my Pokésona- still a work-in-progress)
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Name: Onyx
Species: Absol
Sex: Male
Pronouns: He/him
Age: Unknown
Orientation: Asexual, panromantic
Personality: Pretty much the same as me?
Appearance: He has black fur and emerald green eyes. His claws and the marking on his forehead are white, a stark contrast to his otherwise dark appearance.
History: To be added~
Theme song: "Shame"- Keith Urban
Sin: Pride
-His Ability is Pressure, and his moveset is Razor Wind, Hidden Power (Grass), Toxic, and Foul Play.

Augustus "August" Hayden
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Name: August Hayden
Sex: Male
Pronouns: He/him
Age: 10 (can be adjusted if an RP requires it.)
Species: Human
Orientation: Asexual, biromantic (prefers males)
Personality: Classy and sassy- I'll elaborate later.
Appearance: Of fairly average height (although he's a bit shorter than his sister- don't mention it) with a slender build. He has shaggy, light brown hair, and forest green eyes. He usually wears a long-sleeved black turtleneck and blue jeans.
History: To be added~
Theme song:
Sin: Pride
-Rose's twin brother.
-Has a strong aversion to water.

Rose Hayden
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Name: Rose Hayden
Species: Human
Sex: Female
Pronouns: She/her
Age: 10 (can be adjusted if an RP requires it.)
Orientation: Asexual, heteroromantic
Personality: I'll add it later.
Appearance: Fairly average height and build, a few inches taller than her brother (which she loves reminding him of). She has light brown hair just past shoulder length, and sea green eyes.
History: To be added~
Theme song:
Sin: Wrath
-August's twin sister.
-Loves the ocean.
Trainerlevel: 22

Forum Posts: 203
Posted: Thu, 03/03/2016 23:02 (9 Years ago)

Title: Notes To Self

These are likely to be extremely random, and probably won't make sense to anyone besides me (partly due to being extremely shorthanded).

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Ash: Zeus
Misty: Poseidon
Drew: Demeter or Aphrodite
May: Apollo? I dunno, I'll figure this out later.

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Watch this when there's time.

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If you're having a bad day, read this.

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Breed: Skydancer
Primary: Lavender basic
Secondary: Green basic
Tertiary: Black Underbelly
Element: Nature
Apparel: Romantic Red Rose

Element: Water
Apparel: To be determined

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Petals; Toxin; Stained

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August Hayden
Male [redacted] (Beau), female Masquerain (Rain), male Ninjask (Nin), genderless Shedinja (Ja)

He is Rose's twin brother, has a strong aversion to water, and is prone to seasickness; also has a thing for the Bug type.

Rose Hayden
Female [redacted] (Dusty), male Pelliper (Gulliver), male Delcatty (Gus II, or simply Gus), female Ninetales (Pixie)

She's August's twin sister, and a Pokémon Coordinator; attempts to keep her brother humble even though it's a lost cause, usually by bringing up the height thing. (She has other dirt on him, but she prefers not to stoop to such levels.)
Trainerlevel: 22

Forum Posts: 203
Posted: Sun, 06/03/2016 00:52 (8 Years ago)

Title: Sprite Archive

Here I will display sprites I'm particularly proud of. All are made by me, and not to be used anywhere without my permission.

Trainerlevel: 22

Forum Posts: 203
Posted: Mon, 07/03/2016 04:05 (8 Years ago)

Title: To be added

Unfortunately, there's nothing here. Please check back at a later date.
Trainerlevel: 22

Forum Posts: 203
Posted: Mon, 07/03/2016 19:44 (8 Years ago)

Title: Enjoyable Fanfiction

I considered putting these in the same post as the rest of the literature stuff, but I decided there's enough of them that fall into enough categories that they deserved a post of their own. All will be linked. Note: A fair amount of them are T-rated.

ContestShipping (one-shots)

ContestShipping (multi-chapter)

Solangelo (one-shots)

Solangelo (multi-chapter)
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To be added~

Other (one-shots)
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To be added~

Other (multi-chapter)
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To be added~

Trainerlevel: 22

Forum Posts: 203
Posted: Wed, 16/03/2016 14:17 (8 Years ago)

Title: Nuzlockes/Challenges

Like many experienced Pokémon players, I sometimes like to make the game harder by doing challenges. I actually have yet to do any type of Nuzlocke, since I get attached to my pixels, but non-fatal challenges are fun.

The form I'll be using to make life easier:

[b]Status: [/b]
[b]Game: [/b]
[b]Type of Challenge: [/b]
[b]Adventure Started: [/b]
[b]Entered Hall of Fame: [/b]
[b]Final Team: [/b]

Generation V
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Status: Pending
Game: Black
Type of Challenge: Monotype Challenge (Dark)
Adventure Started: I'll have to check.
Entered Hall of Fame: N/A
Final Team: N/A

Generation VI
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Status: Complete
Game: Y
Type of Challenge: Character Challenge (Drew)
Adventure Started: December 31st, 2015
Entered Hall of Fame: I'll have to check
Final Team: Roselia, Masquerain, Flygon, Absol, Butterfree
Trainerlevel: 22

Forum Posts: 203
Posted: Thu, 17/03/2016 15:23 (8 Years ago)

Title: The Gripe Post

Last edited: May 6th, 2016, at 8:16 PM (Central time).

WARNING: The following is where I put the negative things that were on my mind when it was last edited, and I'm not always thinking straight. I would advise you to not read it. (May contain triggering content and/or slight swearing.)

Trainerlevel: 42

Forum Posts: 334
Posted: Sat, 19/03/2016 23:22 (8 Years ago)
Anyway, I'm glad AmourShipping[SatoSere] isn't included here xD

Trainerlevel: 22

Forum Posts: 203
Posted: Sun, 20/03/2016 04:56 (8 Years ago)

Title: Working On Something

Open-Closed-Under construction
Since I have a bit of free time and I'm trying to get back into spriting, I've decided to start one of these threads.
Here are the rules:
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1. All site rules apply.

2. Don't rush me. I have a life outside this site.

3. Please subscribe, I don't want to have to hunt you down.

4. I don't do Kalos Pokémon. I have my reasons.

5. Although tips are highly appreciated, payment is not required.

6. I'm only human, so I sometimes make mistakes. If there's something you don't like about a sprite or something I did wrong, let me know and I'll fix it.

7. If you'd like me to use a sprite from a specific generation/game, I'd be more than willing. Just put it in the "Other" section.

8. There is no password. Put something random there, or remove that section entirely. Just don't put your account password, that's not a wise thing to do.

Please note that these rules are subject to change at any time.

Now that that's over with, here's what I can do. I know it's not much, but I'm planning on learning some other things.

Basic Recolor
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[color=green][i]Drew, my Pokémon switched colors![/I]
Recolored as:

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[color=green][I]Drew, my Pokémon has no shading![/I]

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[color=green][I]Drew, I Ship it![/I]

And so I don't forget, here's pending orders.
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None at the moment.

And since unfortunately, stuff happens:

Warned users
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None at the moment. Please keep it this way.

Banned users
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None at the moment. Please keep it this way.

Trainerlevel: 22

Forum Posts: 203
Posted: Sat, 26/03/2016 22:58 (8 Years ago)

Title: FR Things

I guess I'll use this post to show off my "dergs" and make note of other Flight Rising stuff.

My Progens
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And here's what I hope to eventually do with them (which I know will take a while).
And I don't have a plan for Spyro yet.

Clan Lore
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To be added.

Additional info to be added~
Trainerlevel: 22

Forum Posts: 203
Posted: Fri, 01/04/2016 19:09 (8 Years ago)

Title: Entry 1: *Gasp* An Entry!

Le premier avril, 2016

So I'm going to begin posting legitamite entries in this thing, in case anyone is actually curious about what I do with myself when I'm not on here. Kind of like a blog, but I won't have to spend time making an account somewhere else or stay on a specific topic. I guess if I'm gonna be rambling about my life, I should provide a little background info (in the next paragraph).

Although it may not seem like it from my generally laid-back, hopefully pleasant demeanor, I've been struggling with (mostly social) anxiety, bipolar depression, and a few other things for years. I'm finally on the road to recovery though, and although that road has a lot of speed bumps, I'm doing better now than I have in a very long time. I'm also way calmer than I've ever been, something I never thought I was capable of.

It rained all day yesterday, which I really don't mind. Keeps the pollen count low, and I need that. My Internet connection was also shot, which was a pain but one I can live with. So yesterday was pretty much a break from life.

I'm not sure if DigiHeroes is an elaborate prank or an unfortunately timed blessing, but I joined. I'm not even that into Digimon, but I was about 10 years ago, and (in case you haven't figured it out yet) I'm a very sentimental guy.

With Pokémon, I got a rather late start. So in the year 2016, my brother and I are experiencing the original games for the first time, playing Red and Blue respectively. We're progressing at about the same rate, although with different methods of doing so. We've both defeated Erika at this point.
In case anyone's curious, my team is currently:
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-Venusaur (BRUTEROOT)- lv. 33
-Fearow (SPEARMINT)- lv. 26
-Gyarados (MAGIC CARP)- lv. 26; traded from my brother as a Magikarp in exchange for my own (MAGIK) so they'd evolve faster.
-Sandlash (SLASH)- lv. 26; knows the move that shares his name.
-Vaporeon (EON)- lv. 25
-Vulpix (KITSUNE)- lv. 26

Wow, this was a long post. Future posts will hopefully be shorter.