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Art boat

Forum-Index Fanmades Fanarts Art boat
Trainerlevel: 63

Forum Posts: 1,092
Posted: Fri, 26/02/2016 05:01 (9 Years ago)
- Reference: Hux \o3o/
- icon (wiggle or no); pixel art; regular art; sprites= Could you do a wiggle and a pixel art? If not both then just the wiggle icon C:
- your offer: 200K and a Star Piece?

♫ She/her ♫ -7 PH Time ♫ ISFP ♫ Libra ♫
» Flight Rising » toyhouse »
Trainerlevel: 43

Forum Posts: 184
Posted: Fri, 26/02/2016 17:09 (9 Years ago)
- Reference This and This you can choose the pose ;w; ( or one of these I think that the Russia one is the cutes ahh <3)
- Regular art please ;w;
- your offer Hmmm..Maybe 200kPD because of two characters? ;w;

Btw: Shhh..Don't tell him xD

" All it costs is your love!! "
Welcome! I am quite friendly and I love chatting as well as meeting new friends. [she/he/they]
Trainerlevel: 30

Forum Posts: 561
Posted: Sat, 05/03/2016 01:55 (9 Years ago)
- Reference of character/ picture of pokemon: boop
- icon (wiggle or no); pixel art; regular art; sprites Wiggle Icon
- your offer: 100k PD? ;0

i love drampa so much
Trainerlevel: 61

Forum Posts: 68
Posted: Sat, 05/03/2016 03:40 (9 Years ago)
- Reference of character/Picture of pokemon: Well, I don't want a special Pokémon, only a happy Omanyte (like this?), and if it's possible bubbles as if he were playing with them (maybe two bubbles?)
- Icon: Wiggle Icon
- Your offer: 100K? ;w;
Trainerlevel: 26

Forum Posts: 1,004
Posted: Wed, 09/03/2016 07:19 (9 Years ago)
- Reference of character/ picture of pokemon: My character Zylen

- pixel or no: No please // Icon (Not wiggling)
- your offer: 60kPD

Am I allowed to order one more? ;w;

- Reference of character/ picture of pokemon: Same as above but full body, sorry I have no ref yet, but he is just wearing black leather jacket with a dark grey shirt underneath, white gloves (very important) and any pants you want that are black and converse hightop that are black.
- pixel or no: Regular art please
- your offer: 80kPD

Money all together: 140kPD // Please tell me if this is not enough :^
Trainerlevel: 36

Forum Posts: 227
Posted: Wed, 09/03/2016 11:54 (9 Years ago)
Reference of character/ picture of Pokemon
Show hidden content
the one on the left

- icon (wiggle or no); wiggle
- your offer 10k
Trainerlevel: 28

Forum Posts: 306
Posted: Fri, 11/03/2016 18:24 (9 Years ago)
- Reference of character/ picture of pokemon: My pokesona Teddy
- Icon (wiggle or no); pixel art; regular art; sprites Wiggle Icon
- Your offer: 150k?

and i was always tired but never of you

Trainerlevel: 61

Forum Posts: 56
Posted: Sat, 12/03/2016 08:21 (9 Years ago)
- Reference of character/ picture of pokemon: My pokesona >>hit the spoiler<<

- pixel or no: Wiggle icon please ♥
- your offer: 100k PD

Trainerlevel: 93

Forum Posts: 149
Posted: Sat, 12/03/2016 11:33 (9 Years ago)
- reference: this or look in my diary if you need more :>
- pixel or no: an icon (wiggle and normal version pls owo)
- your offer: shiny totodile

Trainerlevel: 26

Forum Posts: 1,004
Posted: Sun, 13/03/2016 02:23 (9 Years ago)
- Reference of character/ picture of pokemon

- icon (wiggle or no); pixel art; regular art; sprites Normal Icon (not wiggling)
- your offer 50k? istryingtosavemoneyewe
Trainerlevel: 43

Forum Posts: 1,131
Posted: Sun, 13/03/2016 22:34 (9 Years ago)
- Reference of character/ picture of pokemon

icon (wiggle or no); pixel art; regular art; Regular art
- your offer: 45k?

when the world is no more
the moon is all we'll see
I'll ask you to fly
away with me

Trainerlevel: 30

Forum Posts: 98
Posted: Tue, 15/03/2016 19:21 (9 Years ago)
- Here & Here
- Wiggle Icon
- hmm 50k or a shiny Tyrunt?
Trainerlevel: 56

Forum Posts: 1,736
Posted: Tue, 15/03/2016 20:05 (9 Years ago)
-Reference of character/ picture of pokemon: Marianaaa
-icon (wiggle or no); pixel art; regular art; sprites: Wiggle icon
-your offer: 70k PD ;w;?

|| My Toyhou.se - If you post my art to your TH page, please credit me under the name "Pearlousthetic". ||
Trainerlevel: 101

Forum Posts: 110
Posted: Tue, 15/03/2016 20:08 (9 Years ago)
- Reference of my pokesona / a fanart, made by Flaffy ! ♥
- I would like a wiggle wiggle wiggle icon ! :D. And a pixel art too.
- I will offer 150k + a Sh. Raichu and a Sh. Gyarados !

If you accept, please, do the glasses correctly like in the reference ! >v<. I want them hugs, and to not forget the piercing ;v;. Thank youuu ! >v<
Trainerlevel: 72

Forum Posts: 551
Posted: Sun, 20/03/2016 13:06 (8 Years ago)
-Reference of character/ picture of pokemon:hnnn art by the amazing Flaaffy ;; v ;
- icon (wiggle or no); avatar, and you can choose if its wiggle or non quq
- your offer: 130k ?? aa //
Trainerlevel: 20

Forum Posts: 182
Posted: Mon, 21/03/2016 12:02 (8 Years ago)
- Shiny eevee but with blue eyes, a small 'bangs' braid, and a blue jay feather in her tail.
- Wiggle icon ;0;
- 140k PD??

Trainerlevel: 97

Forum Posts: 349
Posted: Sat, 26/03/2016 00:00 (8 Years ago)
Hello..i would like to order one...
-Refference(it's my pokesona):Muge
-Pixel or no: wiggle icon plis
-Your offer: Shiny beautifly and 2dragon gems?<\\\<(tell me if it's not ok,and plz palpad me when my icon is done)

Thank you!^¥^

pixel art here made by me
Trainerlevel: 103

Forum Posts: 1,265
Posted: Sat, 26/03/2016 12:30 (8 Years ago)
- Reference of character/ picture of pokemon: My Pokesona, ref here :>
- icon (wiggle or no); pixel art; regular art; sprites: Icon (no wiggle)
- your offer: I can offer 50k and 1 Shiny Weedle :>

Btw, since your art is amazing, can I make 2 more orders once you are done with this? x3 Anyways, thanks in advance. Take your time!
Trainerlevel: 19

Forum Posts: 393
Posted: Sat, 26/03/2016 15:23 (8 Years ago)
- Reference: meep
- icon: Wiggle plox?
- your offer: 30-40k pd,, 2 pink boxes and 3 pink keys??

Trainerlevel: 72

Forum Posts: 175
Posted: Sat, 26/03/2016 18:35 (8 Years ago)
-- Reference picture: here (sorry, this is one of the only full body pics I have ;o;!) OR Shiny Banettenstein - here (more people seem to associate me with Banshee so ^^)
-- Icon (wiggle please they are so cute <3)
-- My offer: 100 nuggets? <3

thank you, kaitotemari, for this signature!