Game Records
Trainer ID: #157660118Registration: 18/07/2014 (10 Years ago)
Time Played: 7976:00 Hours
Total interactions: 7,611,221
Money: 1,008,470
Starter Pokémon:
![This user has completed their Kanto Dex.](
![This user has completed their Hoenn Dex.](
I just came back because i need an art service.
Since i don't play PH back i can pay with pokemon or my million PD idk ? or items i don't remember what i have here hehe
I think it's time for me to leave PH.
Sooo. If any of my friends. ( and not talking about friends on PH but REALS one ), wants some pokemon from my boxes, just ask ♥
totally not me, in love with that clementine fruit with glasses like
ftw this is litteraly me
France actually : / being racist and misogyn about a French singer born in Mali that will sing for the JO
Aie aie aie.
now i'm just awake and still much tired as heck, and i didn't get that stupid egg and
aaaaaah i'm so old
good night : D
This is why i'm less and less here, good bye the 19 yo me that had too much time to loose on games,
but, i'm still very happy because i met some stupid people here ♥ but also very handsome peoples that i think about and hope the best, even if i'm leaving little by little the game
so just.. forgive me if i'm not really here anymore or show some loves to you, i just think about myself, my life, my work etc.. ;v;
because i have a life
i couldn't do the fair as much as i wanted
i just needed 20 more ticket to try to get a last zapdos retro
now it's reset, just before i could buy the thing
Sadly no. 🥲 France don’t know how to. Our president fully support predators in the name of art lol. Our police is literally letting women being k.lled, mock them for being agressed, insult them..
I’m glad and ? Maybe proud ? we are the first country to give the choice to women to do what they want with their body but, for every women, there still works to do. 😮💨
Sadly no. 🥲 France don’t know how to. Our president fully support predators in the name of art lol. Our police is literally letting women being k.lled, mock them for being agressed, insult them..
I’m glad and ? Maybe proud ? we are the first country to give the choice to women to do what they want with their body but, for every women, there still works to do. 😮💨
i swear
this hunt
is long
and it's a full odds hunt
yes i'm stubborn but also i like to hurt myself what the heck
So next time i get a Kyurem, i'll try my luck with ~1% chance shiny, lol : D
omg it's so cute.
A man who has no kids telling women to do kids. Being dissapointed because they don’t do it as much as he should wants ? lel