(The lab, Smokey, Lion, Amy, Opal, and Mika have captured them as
hostages, because they're working for Team Rocket and Aqua. The
only one who didn't leave was Snow, and Mira isn't a grunt she's a
(Alright, but everyone else went back to Hoenn the day before.
Tiger didn't pass out he lost his balance from one of the wounds
and went into a sitting position. Mahir can be in the forest, but
Tiger wasn't fainted he just lost his balance slightly.)
"So what's going to happen to them?" Mika asks. "The hostages?"
"Fly me over to Hoenn." Tidal orders her Swellow. "To base."
Knowing Tidal was no longer tied up, Swellow had to obey. She flew
over to Team Aqua base.
"Wait a minute....The hostages!" Loretta panicked.
"What do you mean?" Amy asked.
"No one left to check on them! They might have escaped and may beat
up Tiger?!"
Opal said,"Loretta calm down."
Tiger blinked as she ran off, "wait Snow? Why would he want to talk
to me" the boy said lowly with a slight growl. He then sighed, and
gave up. The boy looked around the route, but noticed that he had
gotten to a point that he didn't recognize.
Lion looked over, "I'm sure Tiger's fine. He's strong, and his
Chesnaught, and Lapras are still with him" Lion said softly, and
sighed. "Though if you want, I can fly back, and see if he, and the
hostages are alright." The boy finished.
Lion nodded, and let his Fearow out he then hopped off his
Blastoise, and onto the flying Pokemon.
Tiger walked through the route with a sigh, "why did I have to try
and follow her" he mumbled to himself as he looked around. He then
froze as a wound began to sting, "and why can't I remember anything
from yesterday" the boy mumbled. "All I remember was being ambushed
by Snow, and then I was chased by Garchomp. After that I was
attacked, and now I'm here, but Snow doesn't own a Garchomp" Tiger
sighed, and sat down on a rock. He then heard some movement in the
Tiger looked around swiftly as the noise got louder. "Who's there"
Tiger growled, he was holding onto a pokeball. "Trainers don't
belong here" a voice growled. Tiger just looked around curiously
"I'm not here to harm anyone, I'm just trying to find my way back"
the boy said. The voice replied once more, "then leave now" the
voice growled, "you have five minutes to leave or suffer" the voice
growled and the movement of the trees started again. The voice then
left the area. Tiger sighed and got up, "friendly Pokemon" the boy
muttered lowly. He put the pokeball away, and began to head the
wrong way out of the route.
Lion sighed as he flew back to Johto, the winds from Hoenn was
getting strong as he flew on Fearow, "not much further" the boy
replied lowly.
Smokey looked over slightly "true, maybe we should fly back?" The
older boy said lowly.
Tiger walked through the route, half limping. He finally made it to
the path, and saw Mira once more. The boy blinked but didn't say
anything. If I try and say anything she'll just run. Maybe I
should just continue to walk the boy thought to himself with a