(Sorry I forgot to tell you, Tidal, Snow, and Mira is in Johto in
the lab as well as Tiger, who's still resting from the day before,
and the ones in Hoenn are Lion, Smokey, Mika, Amy, and Opal)
Snow looked up slightly, he watched as Venusaur sighed. The grass
Pokemon wasn't going down easily to Swellow.
Glaceon ate a Chesto Berry,which prevented her to sleep."It's a
good thing my Glaceon holds a Chesto Berry before falling asleep."
She said. Glaceon used Ice Beam again.
Venusqur growled, as he was hit once more. The Pokemon then became
frozen, his vines then loosened, and fell to the ground. Snow
looked at the Pokemon, and he then walked to the bed that was in
the room, and sat down. "Go ahead, and run from your problems. It
isn't going to stop the flooding in Hoenn, nor is it going to
assist us all in surviving the upcoming battle" the grunt replied
in a low whisper. He then looked out the window at the darkening
Snow shrugged slightly, "either way, if we don't do something to
help the regions, then there won't be anything left behind to fight
for, and in the end we will regret our past mistakes" Snow replied
as she went out of the room. He was attempting to not let the words
cut him like a knife as he sat there. He then saw movement in one
of the trees outside.
Tiger had snuck out of his room after the others left. He was
attempting to climb into one of the trees out of the lab. As he
tried this he noticed that a few of his cuts stung. "If only I
listened to Snow yesterday" the boy muttered, he then growled and
shook his head. "He isn't to be trusted. Even after all he's done
to me, and Smokey" the boy growled he then managed to grab one of
the branches.
Tiger sighed, and growled as he fell to the ground. "Maybe I'll
just go walk" the boy said lowly. He got back to his feet shakily
and went toward the route near town. "I can't stay cooped up in
that room" the boy sighed to himself as he walked into the
"We should start in Littleroot" Smokey replied, and returned
Flygon. "We can all surf there easily from here, after that we can
widen our search for survivors, or clues" Lion said simply.
Tiger walked through the route he then saw someone (Mira) on the
ground "hey, ar...are you alright" Tiger said quickly as he tried
to run over, his wounds made him only move at walking pace.
(Mira,Snow,and Tidal escaped. And Tiger finds Mira in Route 9. The
rest went back to Hoenn.)
Mira woke up and sees Tiger. I'm already tired and he comes, she
thought. She got up slowly and runs away.
(I'm to lazy to type everything out so I'll copy what Absol said on
the last page.
only new things that happened are Mira left, as well as Tidal.
Tiger snuck off into the route outside town, and he found Mira, but
he didn't recognize her yet, and everyone else is in Hoenn right
Tiger blinked, and watched her run away. "Hey wait up" Tiger said
he attempted to follow, but he stopped as pain over whelmed him.
"Ugh why do I try, I should just head back" the boy thought out
loud. He then sighed, and looked up "but why does she seem
familiar" Tiger sighed. The attack from yesterday was no more than
a blur, and he only remembered seeing Snow.
(He passed out shortly before remembering Mira's face, and long
before seeing Tidal, so the only one he truly recognizes is Snow)