Lion nodded, and cyndaquil looked up as he saw an Eevee (Mika) walk
into the kitchen. "Breakfast looks pretty good" Smokey commented,
he then looked at the Eevee.
Cyndaquil nodded, and Lion looked over. "Yeah she's one of the
Johto trainer Pokemon, she must have walked inside from the fields"
the boy replied simply.
Smokey nodded, and Lion nodded in agreement with Smokey. "So should
we plan on how far we're going to investigate Hoenn today?" Lion
asked in a low tone.
Smokey nodded, and thought for a moment. "If we leave after
breakfast we can spend all day in Hoenn, but we shouldn't stay the
night there, or camp out. If we do, and it rains then we might
become stranded." The older boy stated.
Smokey nodded, and finished his food. He then took his plate to the
sink. "I'll meet you guys outside, I need to check my Flygon over
before we leave" the boy stated simply, and walked outside. Lion
nodded, and looked around "wonder if Snow, and Tiger are still
asleep" the boy said lowly.