Victor goes to bed. He dreams that he is going to sky pillar. He
sees that groudon and kyogre have undergone primal reversion and
are fighting. Hoenn is submerged and is about to get destroyed. He
sees a mysterious thing that comes along and fights with Groudon
and Kyogre. He wakes up, realises that it is a dream and then
sleeps peacefully for the rest of the night.
Smokey woke up early the next morning, the sun wasn't even up yet,
and he was still half asleep, but he got dressed, and walked
outside. "Flygon lets go" the boy said, and let the Pokemon out of
its pokeball. Flygon looked around and yawned, "Flygon we need to
go to Goldenrod, and restock on medicines, food, and snacks" the
boy said.
Mika yawned and sheepishly opened her eyes. She was in eevee form,
she always went in eevee form when she went to sleep, unless there
were others around.
Cyndaquil walked out of Tiger's room. He yawned, and stretched. The
fire type then looked around, and smelled something in the kitchen.
He walked over, and saw Loretta, "hello" the Pokemon said tiredly.