"Hmm, It's time to use my ability of super vision!" Mahir saw tiger
underwater, over a pokemon but he did not understand who was it,
Mahir said "Lapras go forward he is not far from here"
Lapras nodded, and went ahead, as soon as he did the waves where
Tiger was began to move upwards. Tiger looked at the figure and
signaled for air. The figure nodded and swam upward. The figure
then flew into the air above Lapras. "Hey I found Lapras" the
figure stated, and looked at tiger. Tiger coughed and smiled
slightly, "thanks Lugia" Tiger said lowly and pet the legend the
Lugia then dove into the water once more and swam next to Lapras.
Loretta said,'I'm going to My Pyre."
Amy yelled,"Are you crazy?!"
Loretta sends out her Hydreigon. She hopped on it and it began to
fly up in the sky.
"Darn it!" Amy yelled.
Lugia looked at Tiger. "Head for safety, and don't worry about the
waves" the Pokemon stated. He then helped Tiger to Lapras. Lapras
nodded, and began to swim back to the island that was once Mount
Cyndaquil looked up swiftly, and saw Loretta. I'm going to need
to talk in order to save him. the Pokemon through the to
himself, he didn't want to allow the boy that Tiger had rescued to
get any worse than he currently was. The fire Pokemon then yelled
in human to let Loretta hear him. "Help over here" the Pokemon
Tiger saw the island in the distance, he looked at Lapras and
Mahir. "Thanks for your help" he said kindly.
(Tiger rescued a boy from the ocean, and he was knocked off Lapras.
Lapras found Lugia who saved Tiger, and now Lapras is bringing
Tiger back to Mount Pyre where his charizard landed. Mahir,was on
Lapras as well, and Loretta just arrived at Mount Pyre)
(Now Amy is by herself, I think.)
"Well I guess here Kingdra is still out." Amy said,when she looked
at the ocean,the Pokémon wasn't there."Oh come on!"
Loretta looked at the Cyndaquil and said"What do you need help
with? And have you seen Tiger?"
"He fell off Lapras, and Lapras should be coming back with him now.
I need help with this boy..he won't wake up" Cyndaquil said he
pointed to the boy who was passed out.
(Tiger's not sick though he coughed because he had a ton of water
in his lungs)
Cyndaquil blinked and face palmed slightly. "I don't think that's
working" the Pokemon stated simply. He then saw Tiger, Mahir, and
Lapras arrive at the shore of the island. "Cyndaquil we made it,
and we found Tiger" the Pokemon said. Tiger jumped off Lapras, and
ran over to the boy, and Cyndaquil.
(Tiger's not sick though he had water in his lungs)
Tiger ran over to Loretta he was moving as fast as he could, but it
wasn't super fast, because he was exhausted from the incident in
the waves. "He needs a kick start" the boy said lowly, he grabbed a
pokeball. "Jolt lets go. Use a light thunder bolt on Smokey" the
boy coughed. The electric Pokemon came out and nodded he then used
the move on the trainer.
Jolt looked over at Mika and nodded a greeting. The boy coughed
once the Pokemon finished its thunderbolt. "Whe...where am I" the
boy said lowly. "On top of Mount Pyre" Tiger replied simply, the
boy blinked and noticed it was Tiger. "What are you doing here!
It's to dangerous" the boy growled in annoyance and anger. Tiger
sighed lowly and replied with a sarcastic tone "nice to see you to
bro..." The boy sighed Cyndaquil then looked at Tiger "we should
head back to Sootopolis before the storm comes back. Maybe we can
fly back to Johto after we met up with everyone" the fire type
stated, Tiger nodded in agreement.