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The Path to saving the Hoenn Region. (No longer accepting)

Forum-Index Roleplay Pokémon RP The Path to saving the Hoenn Region. (No longer accepting)
Trainerlevel: 70

Forum Posts: 439
Posted: Mon, 28/12/2015 13:43 (9 Years ago)
Lion sighed, and waited for Opal,Amy, and anyone else who was going to follow him. He then over heard Victor. "I've seen Kyogre before. It is indeed strong. He's strong enough to flood an entire region, and then move onto the rest of the world. All we need to do to fix this is to put it back into its eternal rest, and clean up, but it's a very strong, and very smart Pokemon" lion finished.

Tiger thought he heard his pokegear, but it was soon drowned out by the sound of thunder. "Tiger over here!" Cyndaquil said from the other edge of the island. Tiger nodded, and ran over to the other edge of the small land that was once Mount Pyre. As the boy ran, he felt mud, and water kick up from a few puddles, a vulpix ran scared into the clearing, and Tiger looked at it. "Cyndaquil one moment, I'm getting this vulpix out of here" the trainer said. He threw a pokeball and caught the vulpix, and the Pokemon then transferred to Elm's lab. Once Tiger made it to his Pokemon he saw the fire type trying to find a safe way into the water. "Tiger we need to go on the ocean" the Pokemon said, Tiger looked at him in confusion. "Why what's out there!?" Tiger asked Cyndaquil then pointed to a figure in the distance. It was hard to make out, but it looked like a pink and blue figure with something gray on its back. Cyndaquil looked at Tiger "I think it might be Feraligatr, and Smokey" the Pokemon said. Tiger nodded and looked at Charizard "hey charizard can you fly over to that figure and check it out?" He asked. The Pokemon nodded, and flew over to the figure, as charizard was about to help the figure he was struck by lightning, and collapsed into the water.
Trainerlevel: 39

Forum Posts: 826
Posted: Mon, 28/12/2015 13:56 (9 Years ago)
"No answer?" mahir said with a sigh, then he call tiger with max volume

Credits to KaitoTemari

Avi made by MetalHeadKendra
Trainerlevel: 70

Forum Posts: 439
Posted: Mon, 28/12/2015 13:59 (9 Years ago)
Tiger heard his pokegear, but he didn't answer it. He then handed the pokegear to his Cyndaquil, and let Lapras out of his pokeball. "Answer my pokegear, but speak in human. I'm going out there to save charizard, and maybe rescue that weird figure before the waves knock them under" the boy said, and jumped onto Lapras. The water Pokemon, and Tiger then went into the choppy ocean. Cyndaquil looked at the pokegear, and answered it "hello" the Pokemon said in human.
Trainerlevel: 39

Forum Posts: 826
Posted: Mon, 28/12/2015 14:04 (9 Years ago)
"hello, tiger?" mahir replied

Credits to KaitoTemari

Avi made by MetalHeadKendra
Trainerlevel: 70

Forum Posts: 439
Posted: Mon, 28/12/2015 14:10 (9 Years ago)
"No this is Cyndaquil" the Pokemon replied simply. "Tiger is checking something out in the ocean, is there something you needed" the Pokemon finished.

Tiger sat on Lapras, he felt the waves hitting the sides of the Pokemon. "You can do it Lapras hang in there" the boy said. Lapras stopped half way to the figure, Tiger then saw his charizard in the water, the Pokemon was struggling to keep his tail above the flames. His flame on his tail was somewhat low from the exhaustion, and the water. "Quick charizard return" Tiger said, and returned his Pokemon the fire Pokemon then went into his pokeball, and Tiger tried to stay on Lapras as a wave knocked him off balance.
Trainerlevel: 70

Forum Posts: 439
Posted: Mon, 28/12/2015 14:19 (9 Years ago)
(Err hello)
Trainerlevel: 39

Forum Posts: 826
Posted: Mon, 28/12/2015 15:15 (9 Years ago)
"cyndaquil, when tiger returns tell him i am right over sootopolis city but what's happening over there?" mahir asked being surprised

Credits to KaitoTemari

Avi made by MetalHeadKendra
Trainerlevel: 70

Forum Posts: 439
Posted: Mon, 28/12/2015 15:22 (9 Years ago)
"Tiger is trying to help someone in the ocean, and the current is pretty strong now" Cyndaquil stated. He was trying to keep calm as he watched his trainer fall into the water. "We'll be back as soon as possible" Cyndaquik stated.

Tiger struggled in the current, Lapras surfed over to Tiger, and was about to grab him when a wave hit the Pokemon in the side and the Pokemon couldn't get to his trainer. "Tiger is that you!?" A weak voice came from a little further ahead. Tiger struggled to get a better look, he saw the figure closer to when he was a little bit further back. The figure was a Feraligatr, and he had a passed out trainer on its back. "Fer...Feraligatr!?" Tiger coughed Lapras then grabbed his trainer and placed him back onto his back. "We need to take the two of them back to Cyndaquil, and then we need to go back to the others now" Lapras said. Tiger nodded and held onto Lapras as the Pokemon swam to Feraligatr.
Trainerlevel: 39

Forum Posts: 826
Posted: Mon, 28/12/2015 15:46 (9 Years ago)
"Okay, I am coming there, where are you guys?" mahir asked cyndaquil

Credits to KaitoTemari

Avi made by MetalHeadKendra
Trainerlevel: 70

Forum Posts: 439
Posted: Mon, 28/12/2015 15:52 (9 Years ago)
Cyndaquil blinked "no stay where you are, we'll be fine" Cyndaquil said swiftly.

Lapras got next to the Feraligatr, and Tiger grabbed the pokemon's pokeball off the passed out trainer. "Alright Feraligatr you're going to be fine, so will he" Tiger replied. Feraligatr nodded and Lapras took the fainted trainer off of his Pokemon and placed him behind Tiger. Tiger then returned the Feraligatr, "come on let's get out of here" the boy said Lapras nodded and began to surf to the island, another wave then hit Lapras and Tiger fell into the ocean.
Trainerlevel: 39

Forum Posts: 826
Posted: Mon, 28/12/2015 16:08 (9 Years ago)
"cyndaquil just tell me where are you, okay? I just cant leave a big situation in hand!" Mahir said angrily

Credits to KaitoTemari

Avi made by MetalHeadKendra
Trainerlevel: 70

Forum Posts: 439
Posted: Mon, 28/12/2015 16:16 (9 Years ago)
Cyndaquil growled at the trainer's tone, "mount pyre" the Pokemon said angrily and hung up. He ran to the shore once more as if he was attempting to save his trainer.

Lapras didn't notice that Tiger fell off he swam to the small island that was Mount Pyre. As Tiger struggled along the waves he saw some lightning over head. "I'm not giving up easily" the boy growled and attempted to swim after Lapras. He was then knocked under water by a wave. Don't give up now Tiger thought to himself. He tried to swim back to the surface, he placed Charizard's pokeball on his belt, and Feraligatr's pokeball was back with his trainer. Tiger growled to himself as he made it to the surface once more, but was knocked under water by a wave. Lugia...are you around here Tiger tried to use the telepathy that he shared with Lugia. He didn't hear anything in a response but he did see a shadow move along the bottom of the ocean. "Keep going" Tiger coughed as he encouraged himself to move he made it to the surface once more, mount pyre was no where to be seen.
Trainerlevel: 39

Forum Posts: 826
Posted: Mon, 28/12/2015 16:18 (9 Years ago)
Gallade came out of mahir's pokeball and then mahir said "Gallade teleport me to mount pyre" Gallade replied "okay" and they teleported there right beside cyndaquil

Credits to KaitoTemari

Avi made by MetalHeadKendra
Trainerlevel: 70

Forum Posts: 439
Posted: Mon, 28/12/2015 16:24 (9 Years ago)
Cyndaquil saw Lapras and ran over. "Lapras, Tiger fell off half way here" the Pokemon said to his team mate. Lapras looked up in shock and looked over his shoulder. "Here take the other trainer, I'm going back after Tiger" Lapras said Cyndaquil nodded, and helped the fainted boy off Lapras, he then heard someone behind him.

Tiger growled and started to swim he wasn't sure which direction he was going in. Due to not seeing the island that once was Mount Pyre. "You're going the wrong way" a voice said lowly. Tiger blinked and looked around he attempted to stay above the waves. "Who's there" the boy coughed, he then was forced under the water once more. As Tiger went under he expected to go even further from the surface than he thought, but to his suprize something had caught him once he had went under, and it led him back to the surface.
Trainerlevel: 39

Forum Posts: 826
Posted: Mon, 28/12/2015 16:28 (9 Years ago)
"Lapras, I am coming with you" Mahir said to lapras

Credits to KaitoTemari

Avi made by MetalHeadKendra
Trainerlevel: 70

Forum Posts: 439
Posted: Mon, 28/12/2015 16:33 (9 Years ago)
Lara's sighed slightly, "fine but hold on, I don't want to loose another trainer today" the Pokemon stated. "I'll stay here and help this trainer you two go now" Cyndaquil said and ran to the passed out boy.

Tiger coughed, and looked down. He didn't see what was keeping him above the waves. "Who...who's helping me" the boy coughed. He then heard a response in his mind wow you either hit your head, and forgot about asking for help, or you're really exhausted, and you can't think straight the voice said telepathically. Tiger blinked and sighed in relief he then coughed once more. "I need to find Lapras...and maybe Cyndaquil to" Tiger coughed lowly.
Trainerlevel: 39

Forum Posts: 826
Posted: Mon, 28/12/2015 16:36 (9 Years ago)
"Okay lapras, I will but if you know dive, then dive right when a wave is near" Mahir said to lapras while he sat on lapras's back

Credits to KaitoTemari

Avi made by MetalHeadKendra
Trainerlevel: 70

Forum Posts: 439
Posted: Mon, 28/12/2015 16:40 (9 Years ago)
"I don't know the move dive, but Tiger taught me a trick for battles" the Pokemon replied he then started to surf to where Tiger was last seen.

The voice then replied simply it's to dangerous to surf, and to fly. I think it's best if we stay underwater, but don't worry I'll warn you when we do, and you can tell me when you need air the voice stated. Tiger nodded in a response and the two of them went under water. Tiger held onto the figure that was talking to him as he went underwater once more.
Trainerlevel: 39

Forum Posts: 826
Posted: Mon, 28/12/2015 16:48 (9 Years ago)
"Lapras, tell which direction were the wave flowing in? maybe we can use that direction to find him" Mahir said to lapras

Credits to KaitoTemari

Avi made by MetalHeadKendra
Trainerlevel: 70

Forum Posts: 439
Posted: Mon, 28/12/2015 16:50 (9 Years ago)
"It's going away from the mountain, toward pacificlog town" Lapras stated, and pointed to the waves. "Though I'm not sure when Tiger fell off if we know when we can calculate where he might be now"