Forum Thread
Evolving Pokémon
Forum-Index → Help → Guides → Evolving PokémonA Guide about "How to evolve certain Pokémon"
Trainer Tip: You should always use Bulbapedia (Or any other Pokémon encyclopedia) when looking to know the requirements for a specific Pokémon and it's evolution.
All of the items listed below can either be bought in the Item Shop* (note that the offer changes daily and therefore not all items are available all the time), can be found in Mystery Boxes** (read more about them here), can be won from the Treasure Chest game or you can boil your gems in the Gem Cauldron.
Some of the items can also be won from the Golden Slots (Basic Mode), traded with Leah***, or your Pokémon may find certain items during Rumbling****.
* except for Spray Duck, Weather Balloon and Mega Stone
** except for Mega Stone
*** only DeepSeaScale, DeepSeaTooth, Prism Scale, Water Stone and Mega Stone
**** only Spray Duck and Weather Balloon
Item Evolution
To evolve a Pokémon with an Evolution Item, you need to go to your Itembag and then click "Use" next to the required Item. Then choose the right Pokémon from your Party/Storage Boxes and it will evolve (As long as the item fits for this Pokémon).•

Kirlia (male only) -> Gallade
Snorunt (female only) -> Froslass
Driflamp -> Lightblim
Snorunt (female only) -> Froslass
Driflamp -> Lightblim

Witch Vulpix -> Magic Ninetales
Murkrow -> Honchkrow
Misdreavus -> Mismagius
Lampent -> Chandelure
Doublade -> Aegislash
Rockruff -> Lycanroc (Dusk)
Murkrow -> Honchkrow
Misdreavus -> Mismagius
Lampent -> Chandelure
Doublade -> Aegislash
Rockruff -> Lycanroc (Dusk)

Vulpix -> Ninetales
Growlithe -> Arcanine
Cuddlithe -> Arcaddly
Pansear -> Simisear
Growlithe -> Arcanine
Cuddlithe -> Arcaddly
Pansear -> Simisear


Gloom -> Vileplume
Sproutlett -> Sproutrio
Weepinbell -> Victreebel
Exeggcute -> Exeggutor
Disguised Exeggcute -> Disguised Exeggutor
Nuzleaf -> Shiftry
Pansage -> Simisage
Sproutlett -> Sproutrio
Weepinbell -> Victreebel
Exeggcute -> Exeggutor
Disguised Exeggcute -> Disguised Exeggutor
Nuzleaf -> Shiftry
Pansage -> Simisage

Nidorina -> Nidoqueen
Nidorino -> Nidoking
Clefairy -> Clefable
Jigglypuff -> Wigglytuff
Skitty -> Delcatty
Munna -> Musharna
Nightmare Munna -> Nightmare Musharna
Nidorino -> Nidoking
Clefairy -> Clefable
Jigglypuff -> Wigglytuff
Skitty -> Delcatty
Munna -> Musharna
Nightmare Munna -> Nightmare Musharna

Happiny -> Chansey (don't
use the item but give it to Happiny and level it up
during the day!)

Nosepharos -> Probolight
Togetic -> Togekiss
Roselia -> Roserade
Minccino -> Cinccino
Floette -> Florges
Floette (Sakura) -> Florges (Sakura)
Floette (Eternal Flower) -> Florges (Eternal Flower)
Togetic -> Togekiss
Roselia -> Roserade
Minccino -> Cinccino
Floette -> Florges
Floette (Sakura) -> Florges (Sakura)
Floette (Eternal Flower) -> Florges (Eternal Flower)


Gloom -> Bellossom
Sunkern -> Sunflora
Cottonee -> Whimsicott
Petilil -> Lilligant
Helioptile -> Heliolisk
Sunkern -> Sunflora
Cottonee -> Whimsicott
Petilil -> Lilligant
Helioptile -> Heliolisk


Poliwhirl -> Poliwrath
Shellder -> Cloyster
Staryu -> Starmie
Lombre -> Ludicolo
Panpour -> Simipour
Shellder -> Cloyster
Staryu -> Starmie
Lombre -> Ludicolo
Panpour -> Simipour

Sandshrew (Alolan) -> Sandslash
Vulpix (Alolan) -> Ninetales (Alolan)
Woopice -> Quagschnee
Vulpix (Alolan) -> Ninetales (Alolan)
Woopice -> Quagschnee

Castform -> different forms
Depending on the weather, Castform will evolve accordingly when using the Weather Balloon on it.

Depending on the weather, Castform will evolve accordingly when using the Weather Balloon on it.

Happiness Evolution
To evolve a Pokémon that normally evolves with a high Happiness stat, you need to use the item "Soothe Bell". It's sometimes available at the Itemshop. You can also go to the Fancy Salon and make use of the Acupuncture treatment. It'll have the same effect.•

Golbat -> Crobat
Meowth (Alolan) -> Persian (Alolan)
Chansey -> Blissey
Pichu -> Pikachu
Satichu -> Satochu
Cleffa -> Clefairy
Igglybuff -> Jigglypuff
Togepi -> Togetic
Azurill -> Marill
Budew - Roselia
Buneary -> Lopunny
Chingling -> Chimecho
Munchlax -> Snorlax
Sugar Shock -> Candy Belly
Riolu - Lucario
Rokkyu -> Lucario-sensei
Woobat -> Swoobat
Swadloon -> Leavanny
Meowth (Alolan) -> Persian (Alolan)
Chansey -> Blissey
Pichu -> Pikachu
Satichu -> Satochu
Cleffa -> Clefairy
Igglybuff -> Jigglypuff
Togepi -> Togetic
Azurill -> Marill
Budew - Roselia
Buneary -> Lopunny
Chingling -> Chimecho
Munchlax -> Snorlax
Sugar Shock -> Candy Belly
Riolu - Lucario
Rokkyu -> Lucario-sensei
Woobat -> Swoobat
Swadloon -> Leavanny
Trade Evolution
Just like in the original games, Pokémon listed below need to be traded with another user to make them evolve. (Please note that buying Pokémon at an auction also counts as trading! So unless the Pokémon is holding an Everstone, it will evolve once being transferred to your account.)
Boldore -> Gigalith
Graveler -> Golem
Gurrdurr -> Conkeldurr
Haunter -> Gengar
(Autumn) Kadabra -> (Autumn) Alakazam
Machoke -> Machamp
Phantump -> Trevenant
Pumpkaboo -> Gourgeist
Graveler -> Golem
Gurrdurr -> Conkeldurr
Haunter -> Gengar
(Autumn) Kadabra -> (Autumn) Alakazam
Machoke -> Machamp
Phantump -> Trevenant
Pumpkaboo -> Gourgeist
Item Trade Evolution
Just like in the original games, Pokémon listed below need to be traded with another user to make them evolve while holding their respective items. (Please note that buying Pokémon at an auction also counts as trading! So unless the Pokémon isn't holding it's respective trade evolution item, it will evolve once being transferred to your account.)•






Poliwhirl -> Politoed
Slowpoke -> Slowking
Slowyore -> Yoreking (no trading required here; just give the item and feed Slowyore Honey)
Slowpoke -> Slowking
Slowyore -> Yoreking (no trading required here; just give the item and feed Slowyore Honey)











Since Pokémon can't learn any moves on PokéHeroes, the Pokémon that would normally evolve by learning a specific move have to be evolved differently on here. The Pokémon (e.g. Tangela) evolves when reaching the level on which it would learn this move in the original game series (for example Tangela at Lvl. 40).Exception: Piloswine evolves at Level 50 or higher.

send on Rumble Mission Mossy Forest =>

send on Rumble Mission Snowy Mountains =>

send on Rumble Mission Playground =>

(read about the Rumble Missions here)
Location-based Evolution

Karrablast & Shelmet
As you may know, Karrablast and Shelmet would usually evolve by trading one for the other. However, it works slightly different on PokéHeroes.In order to make those two evolve, you have to trade one whilst the other is in the recipent's party (i.e trading a Karrablast to somebody who has Shelmet in their party).
Mega Evolution
In generation 6 Mega Pokémon have been introduced. To mega evolve your powerful* Pokémon on PokéHeroes you need to give them a Mega Stone and level them up to Level 50.•

currently available Mega Pokémon:
Mega Venusaur
Mega Charizard X
Mega Charizard Y
Mega Blastoise
Mega Beedrill
Mega Pidgeot
Mega Alakazam
Mega Autumn Alakazam
Mega Slowbro
Mega Gengar
Mega Kangaskhan
Mega Pinsir
Mega Gyarados
Mega Aerodactyl
Mega Mewtwo X
Mega Mewtwo Y
Mega Ampharos
Mega Spring Ampharos
Mega Summer Ampharos
Mega Steelix
Mega Scizor
Mega Heracross
Mega Houndoom
Mega Tyranitar
Mega Sceptile
Mega Blaziken
Mega Robin Blaze
Mega Swampert
Mega Gardevoir
Mega Festival Gardevoir
Mega Sableye
Mega Mawile
Mega Aggron
Mega Medicham
Mega Manectric
Mega Sharpedo
Mega Camerupt
Mega Winter Camerupt
Mega Altaria
Mega Candaria
Mega Banette
Mega Banettenstein
Mega Absol
Mega Glalie
Mega Salamence
Mega Lord Salamence
Mega Sala da Menci
Mega Metagross
Mega Lopunny
Mega Easter Lopunny
Mega Garchomp
Mega Lucario
Mega Lucario-sensei
Mega Abomasnow
Mega Gallade
Mega Froslass
Mega Audino
Mega Diancie
Legendary mega / primal Pokémon don't require the special power bubble. Just equip their respective items and they'll change forme instantly. You can also remove the items anytime.
Mega Venusaur
Mega Charizard X
Mega Charizard Y
Mega Blastoise
Mega Beedrill
Mega Pidgeot
Mega Alakazam
Mega Autumn Alakazam
Mega Slowbro
Mega Gengar
Mega Kangaskhan
Mega Pinsir
Mega Gyarados
Mega Aerodactyl
Mega Mewtwo X
Mega Mewtwo Y
Mega Ampharos
Mega Spring Ampharos
Mega Summer Ampharos
Mega Steelix
Mega Scizor
Mega Heracross
Mega Houndoom
Mega Tyranitar
Mega Sceptile
Mega Blaziken
Mega Robin Blaze
Mega Swampert
Mega Gardevoir
Mega Festival Gardevoir
Mega Sableye
Mega Mawile
Mega Aggron
Mega Medicham
Mega Manectric
Mega Sharpedo
Mega Camerupt
Mega Winter Camerupt
Mega Altaria
Mega Candaria
Mega Banette
Mega Banettenstein
Mega Absol
Mega Glalie
Mega Salamence
Mega Lord Salamence
Mega Sala da Menci
Mega Metagross
Mega Lopunny
Mega Easter Lopunny
Mega Garchomp
Mega Lucario
Mega Lucario-sensei
Mega Abomasnow
Mega Gallade
Mega Froslass
Mega Audino
Mega Diancie
Legendary mega / primal Pokémon don't require the special power bubble. Just equip their respective items and they'll change forme instantly. You can also remove the items anytime.
* Only Pokémon that have special power can mega evolve. You can find out about them being powerful by either checking their summary page or, if you have possible powerful Pokémon in your party, by checking Your Party or the Storage Boxes (HOME tab). If your Pokémon has the required special power, you should see a mega bubble. 1 | 2 | 3.