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[collecting point] Seeking Roleplayers? Post here!

Forum-Index Roleplay [collecting point] Seeking Roleplayers? Post here!
Trainerlevel: 25

Forum Posts: 3
Posted: Thu, 07/05/2015 16:45 (9 Years ago)

Title: nice

i like the thing
Trainerlevel: 7

Forum Posts: 0
Posted: Tue, 12/05/2015 14:41 (9 Years ago)
Literacy// I'd say semi literate but I do have bad spelling due to learning disability but I try get round this as much as possible by using spell check.

Length and Style// I like to write 1-2 paragraphs of some what detailed text depending on what the situation calls for. I prefer 3rd person but I am wiling to do 1st if others prefer.

Interests/Genre// Fandoms are definitely a favorite but there's so many I like I wont list them here. I also enjoy fantasy scifi and school based roleplays

Maturity and Romance// I have never done any serious romance before but I'd be happy to give it a go if you can forgive my inexperience with writing M scenes. I normally play a female so f/m or f/f would work best for me. Horror or gore are both acceptable as long as its within reason.

Contact// Err Pm I guess

Other// I prefer small group RPs no more then 10 total people or 1x1s. I also don't mind people playing multiple characters.

Trainerlevel: 17

Forum Posts: 4
Posted: Sun, 17/05/2015 11:46 (9 Years ago)
Rp searchSemi-Literate to Literate.
Length and Style//
Rp searchI'm a story teller with paragraphs, I write to such extent as long as I'm interested, and my partner can also give as much information on the rp. My partner needs to give as much information as they can so I can bounce off them as I make sure they can bounce off me.
Rp searchFantasy, nothing is complete without some of that glorious imagination. Romance, I haven't been playing enough of it. Original, I love that you have your own thoughts. Fandoms, I will play cannon, but I prefer original characters more. Tragedy, maybe it's just me, or we both share the same feelings on putting our characters through rough times. Horror, I can be scary.
Maturity and Romance//
Rp searchYou gotta handle some gore, in order to enter my mind, you gotta handle some dark themes. Sorry. Other then that, I'm pretty flexible with maturity, and romance. We can go all out, take it slow, what ever you are comfortable with. I'm fine with it. I really enjoy MxM rps, but I'm fine with MxF, I have a character that will allow me to add in a bit of MxM. It's only a small bit, just enough for me to enjoy it at least.
Rp searchPM, Pal Pad, whatever way you can contact me. I'm flexible with where ever you want to rp.
Rp searchI only play as a male character, I do have a few female characters, but I don't use them much. In my earlier search for group rp's, male characters were desperately needed. I also have a tendency of making things fancy. . . Just something I think the other will enjoy to look at. I like putting my partners before me, and I hope the same from them.

But O, how bitter a thing it is to look into happiness through another man's eyes.
Trainerlevel: 21

Forum Posts: 13
Posted: Tue, 19/05/2015 16:04 (9 Years ago)
I can write as little as two lines to many paragraphs. I prefer proper grammar.
Length and Style/
Again, it depends entirely on the information I have.
I'm definitely an action/sci-fi lover, yet I have no problem with horror, mystery ect... I like to have a character that is already used in some games and give them some new traits while they keep some of their own.
Maturity and Romance//
I have no problem with gore, but if you're gonna torture, not too much detail on how you're torturing. As for romance, minor only, MxF only.
PM or PalPad.
I only do male characters.

4. It matters not how strait the gate, 
How charged with punishments the scroll, 
I am the master of my fate, 
I am the captain of my soul. 

-Extract from Invictus, William Ernest Henley

Trainerlevel: 33

Forum Posts: 54
Posted: Sat, 04/07/2015 09:54 (9 Years ago)
I think semi-Literature ^^"
Length and Style//
I am writing in principle over 200+ words, up to the 2000+ words. However, it also depends on my play partner.
I write in the 3rd person and in the past tense.
Just so you should the German be powerful, because I would like to write in my mother tongue, my RPG. Of course, like can also Google translator to translate English words to be taken, in principle, I try also to that of other languages translated into German words to cope xD"

Tales of If someone reports it éè, Kakumeiki Valvrave ll Dramatic, Comedy, Romance
Maturity and Romance//
Welcome. I also like to run an RPG from 18+ on PM ~
Palpad or PM please ♥
Trainerlevel: 6

Forum Posts: 0
Posted: Wed, 08/07/2015 14:26 (9 Years ago)
Literacy// I prefer semi-lit or lit+. Anything below semi-lit is a no-go. I tend to write a lot.

Length and Style// I prefer RPing in third person, past tense, paragraph form. I cannot stand other ways of RP (I am a bit closed minded on this, but it's because it's how I learned and I have not really focused on learning other ways).

Interests/Genre// Fantasy, Historical, Canon, Fandom, et. I'm pretty open. We can talk more. I do mainly RP humans, but I have RPed pokemorphs before. ^_^

Maturity and Romance// I'm open to any kind of maturity level, romance is an option. I prefer M x F, and I prefer to play the female, but I can RP any gender to suit my partner if they would like me too.

Contact// I prefer to be PM'd on here first, and if I like you, I'll probably lend you out my aim or skype for the actual RP itself. If you haven't got aim or skype, we'll just RP via PMs here.

Trainerlevel: 12

Forum Posts: 42
Posted: Sat, 18/07/2015 22:53 (9 Years ago)
I have a role play i would like some people to join and be really active on because it took me while to think of this plot and i really like it.

This is the plot:

What/Who im looking for:

Anybody really. Semi-literate people preferred. I mostly want people who will participate all the time and wont abandon the story.


Its like a Thriller, Horror, Mystery, and Partial Romance thing

RP Style:

Whatever you are most comfortable with. One-Liners are okay. Just have a max of 5 sentences for responses as a single character please.

Where to go if interested:

Feel free to PM or PalPad me if youre interested in joining. But you can also just sign up on the thread if you would like.

All in all i thank you for looking at or considering joining my role pay i really appreciate if you do!

Who is your true family...?

Trainerlevel: 44

Forum Posts: 316
Posted: Sun, 02/08/2015 09:36 (9 Years ago)
Literacy// Semi-literate/Literate
Length and Style// Paragraph form, third-person, past tense; I typically write between one to five paragraphs depending on my roleplay partner.
Interests/Genre// I'm really only interested in Pokemon (as in the actual Pokemon and not trainers), but may dabble in fantasy if we can brainstorm a decent plot. Animal-based roleplays are an absolute yes. I'm completely against high school/college roleplays so please do not suggest them if you happen to want to a one-on-one with me!
Maturity and Romance// Any level of maturity from PG-13 to R. I can play both genders and do not have a preference either way as far as pairings are concerned.
Contact// Palpad or PM <3

Trainerlevel: 21

Forum Posts: 2
Posted: Sat, 15/08/2015 18:14 (9 Years ago)
Trainerlevel: 61

Forum Posts: 317
Posted: Thu, 17/09/2015 05:07 (9 Years ago)
Literacy// I'd consider myself a semi-literate roleplayer.
Length and Style// I value quality over quantity while roleplaying. I can give you a couple of lines or a few paragraphs it really depends on how much I'm given back to work with. Don't expect paragraphs from me if your replies end up being one-liners. I do understand that everyone hits writers block so don't worry about that with me, I'm pretty relaxed. I also understand we are all human and make mistakes, I make them too. I write in paragraph form, third-person.
Interests/Genre// I would love love love to do a dragon's riders roleplay or a dragon riding academy, not based on any book or movies. But I am also interested in Warriors (cats), wolves (fantasy or normal), Pokemon, Gifted.
Maturity and Romance// I have roleplayed it all, so I can stick to PG or go right up to R. Whatever you are comfortable with. I do like romance to be incorporated in the roleplays, it just gives it that extra element to work with. I've mostly sat around a PG-14 rating but again I'm open to anything. I can play both genders, doesn't matter to me which one I end up being.
Contact// PM or palpad me. We can work out the details in either.
Trainerlevel: 16

Forum Posts: 599
Posted: Tue, 27/10/2015 22:44 (9 Years ago)
I have a roleplay to show the roleplayers needing to be recruited if you don't mind.

Literacy// Basic to Semi-Lit
Length and Style// Three-liners are completely fine, interesting plot is a must (Don't let the characters happily roam around until they randomly die), spelling/grammar is a must.
Interests/Genre// Heavy fantasy, the setting is a forest, fantasy creatures are at war with humans to say the least
Maturity and Romance// No extreme romance, gore is usually ok
Contact// Palpad, the thread is called "Sorcerer's Peril"
Trainerlevel: 31

Forum Posts: 30
Posted: Tue, 24/11/2015 19:46 (9 Years ago)
Literacy// I prefer about 3-4 sentences, But i will deal with any. As long as its more then 1 line, i'm happy.

Length and Style// I normally do paragraph, like i'm telling a story. I like to have at least 3-4 sentences myself, but if you do more, I'll do more. I normally try and match whoever i roleplay with.
I understand any minor grammar mistakes or anything like that. I know i spell things wrong at times, or forget commas or stuff like that. I won't pick on you, or anything like that.

Interests/Genre// I enjoy romance, as well as fantasy. I will do violence, and some fandoms. [If i know them, of course.] I love anything supernatural[vampires, fairies, etc]. I don't mind trying out a new kind of roleplay, but give me time to get used to it.

Maturity and Romance// I'm fine with any sort of romance, or gore. Will do malexfemale, malexmale, and femalexfemale. Any of that is fine. [If romance or gore is going to be a lot, i'd rather do it in the messages]

Contact// Preferably only on here. I don't care if its private messages, or in the forum.
Trainerlevel: 17

Forum Posts: 446
Posted: Thu, 26/11/2015 21:45 (9 Years ago)

I prefer semi-Literature.

Length and Style//

I would like/prefer to have 2-4 sentences, at least 2. I try to do as much sentences as possible, so I can inform the other roleplayer whats happening more in 1 post. I may make grammar and or spelling mistakes sometimes, so please note that. I wouldn't worry much about commas or periods.


I usually enjoy fantasy roleplays, with creatures such as dragons, mythical creatures, or something like that. I may also be interested in Warrior cat roleplays, Wolf roleplays, and roleplays that contain real animals.

Maturity and Romance//

I would stick to PG if possible, but if you wish to go to a higher rating, that is fine with me. But I am mostly open to anything you want. In some roleplays, I may roleplay as a female or male, depending on the roleplay.


I would prefer PM.

Trainerlevel: 65

Forum Posts: 458
Posted: Sun, 10/01/2016 12:42 (9 Years ago)
I'm around a basic to semi-lit writer but can usually be up to par with my partner despite their level of literacy

Length and Style//
Length I'm not really picky on, I understand not everyone can write super long paragraphs and such so even a few sentences would do. I am pretty picky with grammar though, and it bothers me a lot when people use text speak during roleplays. Whatever person you want to write in is fine with me, I can write in either first or third depending on what my partner wishes to do.

I'm a sucker for good romantic roleplays so I'm always open for one. Other interests include any animal roleplay, warriors (not the best with those), Pokemon, human (mostly romance for that though), and I can usually adapt to anything in those lines, except for anything that's based on movies or books if I haven't seen or read it.

Maturity and Romance//
You can hit me with your worst on this one, I've roleplayed enough to the point that I can do really any maturity level. Romance is always okay with me, but I don't like to get too crazy on that, if you're catching my drift. I'm not a fan of gore though, so maybe keep that at a Pg-13 rating, just for my personal preference. Of course you can roleplay a bit gore-y, but I'll keep my gore level pretty low unless absolutely necessary.

Pal pad/Pm are both perfect ways to contact me and thanks in advance.

|| DA || Diary ||Toyhou.se || CS ||
Trainerlevel: 29

Forum Posts: 97
Posted: Sat, 30/01/2016 19:02 (9 Years ago)
Literacy// Basic/Semi-Literate. I usually try to write about 2 paragraphs or more per post.

Length and Style// It is dependant for me, I can write a few lines or I can write a detailed paragraph,it all depends on what is happening in the rp. I always wrote in 3rd person and i sometimes make grammer mistakes especially if i am sending the posts over my phone so please bare with me when i post.

Interests/Genre// fantasy, action, adventure anything really i like fandoms as well but i prefer to use oc's as my characters.

Maturity and Romance// That will vary with whatever I'm doing. i also prefer to use female characters but can write as a male character as well if needed,
Contact// I'm not really that picky, tbh. it all depends on what you prefer.
Trainerlevel: 63

Forum Posts: 343
Posted: Wed, 10/02/2016 15:01 (9 Years ago)
Gonna try to keep this short and to the point.

Literacy// Basic to Semi-Lit. I write as much as I can without being redundant depending on what I have to reply to.

Length and Style// I hate one liners and will generally not reply to them and will never post one. I try to keep my tense in check, but we're all human so one or two tense mishaps is bound to be found in my writing. Spelling mistakes are uncommon for me but if it does happen I go back and fix it. My style is past tense: She/he walked over to the fountain and quickly took a sip before they left.

Interests/Genre// I love the fantasy genre, adventure, romance, pretty much anything. I do not do Pokémon RPs and try to keep my distance from RPs that are reliant on your knowledge of a book/movie or a series of such. Mythology is probably a weakness of mine along with angels and demons and their ilk.

Maturity and Romance// I'm open to pretty much all levels of both of these. I'm cruel to my characters, so they often get hurt and I describe it to the fullest of my abilities but I don't go over what my partners are okay with. As for relationships in the romance, I'm good with any pairing, M/F M/M F/F or what have you.

Contact// Pal pad and PMs are the way to go to get my attention. :)
Trainerlevel: 16

Forum Posts: 1
Posted: Fri, 12/02/2016 14:35 (9 Years ago)
Might as well drop this here in case someone is interested in a roleplay ^^

I consider myself quite literate, but I more of a quality over quantity type of guy. I love to write and read and usually my posts get rather lengthy but if the situation is tight and needs quick responses then I'm not expecting three pages of description. But I would prefer a fair level of depth to my partner's writing!

Length and Style//
Woop, already kinda crossed over this. I usually type three paras for a post, sometimes more sometimes two if there is no need for a long post. I write in third person and like to think that I'm a fairly good writer? Maybe. English is not my first language but that has not been a problem in the past.

I like darker themes to my roleplays but have nothing against fluff. Especially fluff surrounded by darkness! Mwahaha. I like "realistic" themes and happenings, even if it's a roleplay set in the fantasy world of pokemon I like to think of a more realistic approach to it. If this pokemon bites that how badly will they bleed. What is this food made out of. All kinds of questions and stuff and not just pokemon characters on a shallow 2D cottoncandy world. I love plots! I LOVE PLOTS! Plotting is one of the best parts of roleplaying and the deeper and more complex the plot is the harder you have me hooked. I also like canon characters and shipping them!

Maturity and Romance//
I am twenty- six and tend to be more mature in my writings I think. I love romance, especially m// romance. I don't really do much of m/f or f// but could maybe be persuaded into it with a good plot. I don't really have much limits, like I don't mind violence or darker themes or exploring the romance side of things.

Just poke me if any of this sounded interesting and we can see how our interests match for the themes and plots and characters and whatnot!
Trainerlevel: 23

Forum Posts: 62
Posted: Fri, 18/03/2016 16:38 (9 Years ago)
Literacy// illiterate
Length and Style// 2-3scentences
Interests/Genre// fantasy and pokemon
Maturity and Romance// I'm 16 and like m/f romance
Contact// palpad or privet mesage
Trainerlevel: 20

Forum Posts: 384
Posted: Sat, 26/03/2016 15:14 (8 Years ago)
Literacy: spell how ever it sounds to you
Length & style: as long as you want it. Put in 3rd person.
Interests/genre: Pretty much a fandom of Super Paper Mario so only people who have played that game will understand
Maturity/romance: No swearing but you can use Adventure Time or Regular Show talk. And you also can include a tiny bit romance if you want
Contact: PM if you're interested.
I'm awesome!
And all those who are making suggestions that will make PH safer, I agree with you and thank you.
Trainerlevel: 8

Forum Posts: 3
Posted: Tue, 05/04/2016 13:38 (8 Years ago)
Literacy// Basic, I guess...
Length and Style// It depends on the RP
Interests/Genre// I like Adventure RPs, and I like doing Undertale and PMD roleplays. I can do others, though.
Maturity and Romance// NO SWEARING! But romance is OK if you don't do to much of it.
Contact// PM