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The High School of the Gods (CLOSED)

Forum-Index Roleplay RP Sign-up The High School of the Gods (CLOSED)
Trainerlevel: 63

Forum Posts: 343
Posted: Tue, 13/10/2015 16:20 (9 Years ago)
Welcome to the School of the Gods!


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I know, I know, we all hate rules... But we need them to keep at least a little order.
1. Please be nice. This kinda goes without saying. Do unto others as they do unto you. (Treat people the way you want to be treated.)
2. Romance and gore are allowed, but don't turn this into a romantic based RP.
3. No super OP characters or perfect characters. You can get a ban from this one, I will be looking at the forms and if I have to ask you to tone your powers back to many times I will ban you. (Even though I don't want to.)
4. PH rules apply.
5. Mile swearing is allowed. (Ex. Damn, hell, crap... etc. If you're unsure about it, either don't use it, or ask me.)
6. The password is the leader of the Greek Gods. (Not those words, but his name.)
7. Please have at least a little bit of an understanding of some sort of mythology, be it Greek, Roman, Norse, etc. If you have a question go ahead and ask me.
8. Have fun! :3
9. You can have either one or two Godly parents, or you could be a mythical creature. With exceptions, you have to have at least average human intelligence and need to be at least humanoidish. We can't have a belligerent rampaging beast running through the halls, now can we?
10. Please use correct spelling and grammar. I'm not going to ban someone for a typo, but repeat offenders of this rule will be warned and then banned. Also, DO NOT use "u" or "r" for words. They are letters. They are not words. Just to help with this, proofread your post either before or after you put it up. It just keeps things cleaner.
11. PLEASE HIDE YOUR SIGNATURE!!! There is a little square at the bottom of the posting window to "Hide my signature for this post." Use it. Again, it keeps the thread cleaner and easier to navigate.
12. Do not go more than three pages without me posting. This is so I can keep things from getting too hectic.
13. Please post more than one line. Common courtesy. We're all here to have fun, and to some of us we want the descriptive artistic fun! So be creative!
14. Please don't move to the next class unless I say so. If you finish a class before the others, then you are free for the day.


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I will add to this list when I think of them. Don't hesitate to suggest some!
Creature Care and Training (You'll get your familiar here if you choose to have one.)
Weapons Training (You'll get your weapon here if you choose to get one.)
Power Training (You should already have your powers if you want them.)
Monster Identification
(This list will be extended as I think of them.)


If you have your own idea for a familiar go for it! An image to go along with it would be helpful. These are only some suggestions and examples.
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Amagnaes are very intelligent birds, and they love to play elaborate pranks. They will hide, sometimes for hours, and when an unknowing farmer attempts to cut the head off of a future meal, it will spring into action and attack. Their beaks are cruelly sharp, as are their claws. They will happily pursue the poor human until bored, leaving them with deep scratches to tend to. Not surprisingly, this does not endear these animals to most humans. Nor does their magical power: that to move objects at will. These birds are only capable of this magic when extremely angry, and use it viciously. Rocks will rise into the air and fly at the victim, or tree branches will fall. Naturally, this makes most everyone move very slowly and carefully when around amagnae, so as not to enrage them.

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Found mostly in forests, direwolves are rarely seen. They live in secrecy far from humans, and eggs are extremely difficult to locate and take. Direwolves are vicious if not raised around humans and are one of the strongest companions a human can have. Trained properly from birth, however, a direwolf is a loyal and fierce companion.

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Gryphons are noble and majestic creatures, and their eggs are not often come by. Gryphons nest high in mountains, and protect their young fiercely. If an egg is acquired, it was through permission and not theft. These creatures live for hundreds of years, and are wise, powerful beings. If a master is kind and loving enough, a gryphon may even allow them to ride it.

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Gryphons and pegasi rarely mate, but the match can result in beautiful offspring. With the predatory head of a gryphon and the powerful body of a horse, this creature possess unnatural strength and the magical abilities of both species. Their abilities to carry a rider both in flight and on land make them valuable companions. They are as equally content in the sky as on the land, their massive wings allowing them to fly just as far and high as their gryphon parents. Their front limbs, like those of giant birds, make prey easily captured. When the shadow of these creatures sweep across the ground, a flurry of small animals run for cover. Hippogryphs eat mostly meat, and are quite capable of supplying themselves with their own meals. Most of their time is spent hunting for and eating small game, and their predatory instincts are rather sharp. These animals must be properly trained since birth, for an untamed hippogryph can be extremely dangerous. They are very loyal, and become snappy when strangers approach their magi. There are three variations of their coloring; this one is light brown, cream, and tan.

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Stealthy and quiet, kitsune are able to explore without being noticed, sneaking into dangerous territories with ease. Kitsune can evade almost any creature with their nimbleness. Seemingly never tired, kitsune make wonderful allies on journeys, rarely needing to rest.

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Phoenixes are incredibly hot and bright in color. When a Phoenix dies it is consumed in flames, and a new phoenix egg is left in the ashes. Because of their unique pattern of rebirth, phoenixes live for many centuries, and become extremely wise and ancient. As adults, they are beautiful birds with feathers resembling flames, and are extremely adverse to any cold climates. They have incredible mastery over fire, and on a cold winter night will light a fire with nothing more than a glance.

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Manticores possess the bodies of huge lions, with bat-like wings that aid their flight. Adding to their already remarkable prowess as hunters, these wings allow manticores to chase prey among the top of trees as well as along the forest floor. Swift and heavily muscled, most of their time is spent on the ground, where they run with wings tightly pressed to their backs, traveling just as fast as they do in flight. Equally content to travel during the day and night, these felines protect their masters intensely, although they don't mind the occasional nap by your bed.

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A beautiful pair of feathered wings grace this equine. With a pure white coat, pegasi are nearly invisible when flying in clouds, making them ideal for journeys of secret natures.

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Hellhounds are children of the goddess Nyx and Cerberus, the guard dog of the underworld. Hellhounds are only safe for children of Hades due to them being creatures of the Underworld. Hellhounds are very large, tall, and have the ability to travel through shadows.

Let me know if you have any good ideas for other creatures.


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Age (14-18):
Year (Are you a Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, or Senior?):
Godly Parents (Or mythical creature.):
Familiar (Optional. You'll get it during the first class of Monster Care and Training.):
History (You know, how you came to Earth, how you figured out you were the offspring of gods, be creative! Its also optional.):
Questions or concerns:

My Form

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Name: Theia
Gender: Female
Age: 16
Year: Freshman. (She's new to the school, but has had schooling before she arrived.)
Godly Parents: Gaia and Uranus
Appearance: She stands 5'3'', her pixie cut brown hair is always ruffled and wild. Her face is a soft heart shape, her white eyes stand out against her tanned skin tone, if she's not wearing a bandana over them. Her outfit is simple, a grey t-shirt, a black hoodie, a dark grey pair of jeans, and she goes barefoot everywhere.
Power(s): She has heightened senses, aside from her blindness. She compensates by feeling vibrations through her bare feet, by hearing voices, and obviously through touch. From her mother, she gained the ability to control the metals. She can make them float and move with simply a thought. From her father, her mind became much stronger, allowing her to speak telepathically, but so far she's only been able to communicate with creatures, humanoids are much to complex. She can meditate and "step out of herself" and go for a walk, but in this position her physical body is very vulnerable and if its moved or hidden, she could be stuck wandering forever. While in this "Spiritual form" she is invisible to all who see and hear normally, but she could be sensed by almost anyone.
Personality: She is quiet and really likes her alone time. She hates it when people offer her help with something because she knows she can do it and doesn't like to feel useless. Once you get past the fact that she won't look you in the eye when you speak to her, she is very warm and loves to help people, whether its moving a large object, or simply having someone to talk to. She'll always be there if you can befriend her and prove to her that you are worthy of her loyalty.
Familiar: Manticore.
History: She had problems walking amongst the gods because vibrations don't travel to well through the weird cloudy stuff they walk on. So they sent her down to the school to learn to fight better and to find her companion. If you wanted to know more about her, you might just have to ask her.
Questions or concerns: Nope! If I had a question I'd have to ask myself! XD
Other: Lets have some fun!!
Password: Jupiter :3

School Layout

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There is the entrance, which can be seen in the image at the top of the page. There is the main hall, which is just inside the entrance, its a huge room so all of the students can fit inside it at once. There is the auditorium, meetings, plays, band, etc. will take place there. The gardens are quite large, and have all kinds of trees, fruits and flowers you can look up. The dorms are all one person rooms and are not gender separated. So, you could have a male next door to a female. Curfew is 10. If you are caught outside of your dorm at this hour you will be reprimanded. The common room is again very large, there is a fireplace, several couches, chairs and tables. The library is immense and has books on every subject. The cafeteria is a large hall, well, its a cafeteria. It is like a buffet, there are all manor of foods imaginable. The stables and creature pens are huge and have all kinds of creatures in them. There is one classroom where all of the classes will take place. Each day is a new class and once that class is done, you're free for the day.

Just like the other lists, this will be added to. Let me know if you come up with an idea for a room.

Accepted Students

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Theia - Daughter of Gaia and Uranus
Sekhmet - Daughter of Ra
Flare - A Phoenix
Amos - Son of Hades
Selinia Krakalenge - Daughter of Medusa and Poseidon
Aura - Daughter of Aphrodite
Lunaria - Daughter of Artemis
Victoria - Daughter of Pallas and Styx

Warned and Banned Players

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None. Lets keep it that way, shall we? :3

RP Thread.
Trainerlevel: 29

Forum Posts: 25
Posted: Tue, 13/10/2015 16:47 (9 Years ago)
Gender: Female
Age (14-18): 18
Year (Are you a Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, or Senior?): Senior
Godly Parents (Or mythical creature.): Ra (Pssss, I know its popular, but I like put pictures QWQ)
Appearance: HEEEEEEERE ♥
Power(s): Control fire and healing (Thanks Wikipedia XD)
Personality: Serious mostly, but when the time comes, she can do a joke or two. She likes to play with the fire and do a...friendly fight ♥Also, she cares much about justice.
Familiar (Optional. You'll get it during the first class of Monster Care and Training.): Gryphon! *3*
History (You know, how you came to Earth, how you figured out you were the offspring of gods, be creative! Its also optional.): Geh, too lazy and my brain won't think right now -A-
Questions or concerns: Nupe! *3*
Other: And nupe uvu...for now xD
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Hm? What? o3o
Trainerlevel: 63

Forum Posts: 343
Posted: Tue, 13/10/2015 16:49 (9 Years ago)
@TxTiger She's awesome!! I was hoping for more of an OC (or a less known goddess XD) But she'll fit right in!!! Lets just wait for a couple more people then we can start.
Trainerlevel: 29

Forum Posts: 25
Posted: Tue, 13/10/2015 16:52 (9 Years ago)
owo! Oh really?

Geh, I don't have OC gods QWQ
And I like Sekhmet so much QWQ
Sorry, I'm not original XD

(Pss, should I edit the password? o3o)
Trainerlevel: 63

Forum Posts: 343
Posted: Tue, 13/10/2015 16:53 (9 Years ago)
(Yes :P)

She's fine!! Theia, is an OC, but she is based off of a real goddess. Well, titan. But I added my own creativity to her.
Trainerlevel: 29

Forum Posts: 25
Posted: Tue, 13/10/2015 16:56 (9 Years ago)
Oh okay! XD
Trainerlevel: 27

Forum Posts: 39
Posted: Tue, 13/10/2015 17:07 (9 Years ago)
Name: Flare
Gender: Female
Age (14-18): 17
Year (Are you a Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, or Senior?): Junior
Godly Parents (Or mythical creature.): Pheonix

Power(s): All fire Elements
Personality: She fight's awesomely she can beat anyone with her power, But if anyone touches her wings they would burn! Beware!.,
Familiar (Optional. You'll get it during the first class of Monster Care and Training.): Phoenix
History (You know, how you came to Earth, how you figured out you were the offspring of gods, be creative! Its also optional.): She live's alone in volcano with fire she don't have parents,
Questions or concerns: Nope!
Other: She loves to listen melody songs,
Trainerlevel: 63

Forum Posts: 343
Posted: Tue, 13/10/2015 17:11 (9 Years ago)
@*Pachirisu* I love her!! Thank you for editing! I'll accept her! Please edit out your password.
Trainerlevel: 29

Forum Posts: 22
Posted: Tue, 13/10/2015 17:37 (9 Years ago)
(based on my main oc XD lat edit.)
Name: Lunaria (XD)
Gender: Female :3
Age (14-18): 16
Year (Are you a Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, or Senior?): Senior
Godly Parents (Or mythical creature.):
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gave up XD Artemis, goddess of hunting and the moon XD one of my favourtie goddesses X3 dont bother guessing why XD

Appearance: its based of the mythical fox/cat picture xD its mythical.
Power(s): Darkness/shadows/Invisibility-spiritual? (idk what group they come under XD)
I gunna add a description for dese powers because im bored XD-
she discovered her powers and wings at the age of 8 (passed down form her mother XD) but only realised how to use them and what kind of powers they were at the age of 11. Often she would see her mother disappear in a puff of mist or simply just vanish without a trace. when she was old enough her mother taught her how she simply though about being unseen and showing her fangs before suddenly being invisible. at the age of 14 her mother passed down her invisibility and spiritual abilities down to her entrusting them to be safe in her paws/hands. This is what happens when im bored XD
Personality: shes a shy person but can be quite outgoing if she trusts you. You'll rarely see her with friends all the time as she prefers being independance. Shes not the one to take a joke very seriously because she knows the dangers of them. She keeps her emotions inside to avoid any conflict. she also loves to dress up and beign stylish at all times.
Familiar (Optional. You'll get it during the first class of Monster Care and Training.): Kitsune ^-^ can i name it Spirit XD
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Can she look like this :D?

History (You know, how you came to Earth, how you figured out you were the offspring of gods, be creative! Its also optional.): She always lived in the clouds since her parents always stayed in a cloud palace but everytime she was awake the only thing she saw was darkness.when she was sick of seeing the night she asked her parents how come she couldn't see any light like they told her about. They told her she needed to go to a school to learn these things and sent her down to earth. When she figured out how she got there she backame outraged that they told her nothing true gaining those dark powers. she wandered around for miles before reaching her destination although a surge of realization hit her. No way she could get in to this school if her parents were normal. X3
Questions or concerns: -
Password: Zeus

"𝒮𝓉𝒶𝓇𝓈 𝒸𝒶𝓃'𝓉 𝓈𝒽𝒾𝓃𝑒 𝓌𝒾𝓉𝒽𝑜𝓊𝓉 𝒹𝒶𝓇𝓀𝓃𝑒𝓈𝓈,
𝓃𝑜𝓇 𝒸𝒶𝓃 𝒽𝑜𝓅𝑒 𝓈𝒽𝒾𝓃𝑒 𝓌𝒾𝓉𝒽𝑜𝓊𝓉 𝓅𝒶𝒾𝓃.
𝒪𝓅𝑒𝓃 𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝓊𝓃𝒾𝓋𝑒𝓇𝓈𝑒, 𝒽𝑜𝓁𝒹 𝒾𝓉 𝒸𝓁𝑜𝓈𝑒𝓁𝓎 ; 𝑜𝓊𝓇 𝑒𝓎𝑒𝓈 𝓌𝒾𝓁𝓁 𝓉𝑒𝓁𝓁 𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝓈𝓉𝑜𝓇𝓎" ~ 𝐿𝓊𝓃𝒶𝓇𝒾𝒶

Trainerlevel: 24

Forum Posts: 137
Posted: Tue, 13/10/2015 17:38 (9 Years ago)
Godly parents: Hephaestus and Athena
Apperance:(TA DA) This but with a black shirt on
Power(s):He can control fire and lava and as the RP goes on he will finally know what his dad prepared for him when he was younger for him when he will be at this age.Some creatures from the world His dad and his mother come from fear sometimes of his power,when he is at his maximum.
Sometimes when he controls fire and lava a mix goes in the too,sometimes they can create fire blasts fused with lava blasts or elemental explosions fused in the two,something fishy is in the middle.
He can control the wind when he is thinking with all of his mind at what he is doing .
Personality: He is a friendly guy but in fights that friendly look and smile will go away pretty quickly.He tries to overpass his powers everyday,trying to train and train.Not that kind of guy you will like to talk about his father,he thinks that his dad is actually upset that Kioshin fights a lot more then he does staying calm but its understandable,His mother is a god warrior.
Familiar: manticore
History:After a very important fight with gods finished Hephaestus was very weak cause he saved Athena from getting attacked.After 1 day Athena started to help Hephaestus to get back his power and energy,it might of been a hard task to make a god get back on his wheels but it was worth it if you get one of your friends back on wheels.
After Hephaestus got better Athena and him thought of a disciple that wont need the help of another god to defeat the evil that wanted to destroy nation's.world's or planet's,Kioshin they named him ,but ,at the age of 12 they both needed to leave to help the other gods in a battle and like this Kioshin need to stay alone for the next 5 years...But soon...He will see them again...

Questions or concerns:no
Other:Hmmm. Well sometimes when he really needs it and when he is really angry his hair goes red and a lot of power floods his body. Of course just in battles
Password:The head guy more exactly zeus
Trainerlevel: 63

Forum Posts: 343
Posted: Tue, 13/10/2015 17:41 (9 Years ago)
@EeveelutionUmbreon, she is great! but she needs to be more human.

@CharmeleonEvolution, His personality is way to basic and has precious little information. His history makes no sense and the gods aren't real. If you look at mine and TxTiger's forms you'll see that the parents are real, and in mine its an OC that's based off of a real goddess. Please be a bit more close to Myths.
Trainerlevel: 29

Forum Posts: 22
Posted: Tue, 13/10/2015 17:43 (9 Years ago)
Okay X3 I'll edit a few things juts gimme idk an hour XD?
Edit- I finished xD
Trainerlevel: 63

Forum Posts: 343
Posted: Tue, 13/10/2015 17:45 (9 Years ago)
@EeveelutionUmbreon, take your time! Make it good!! :D I know you can! :D
Trainerlevel: 45

Forum Posts: 1,500
Posted: Tue, 13/10/2015 17:51 (9 Years ago)

Name: Amos
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Year: Sophomore
Godly Parents: Hades, Mortal woman
Appearance: Amos stands at a height of 6'1", and his dark black hair is wild and ruffled. His blue eyes stand out a bit against his olive skin tone. He wears a white t-shirt with a black aviator jacket and a pair of jeans, that have a few rips in them. He has a scar down the side of his back, and doesn't really point that out, so no one knows the history around the wound.
Power(s): Amos, being the son of Hades; the god of the underworld and precious metals, has the ability to control the earth, levitating rocks and making them sharp, and opening fissures. He also has control over the dead, being able to summon skeletal warriors at will, he never does this and only a few people know of this power. Amos can summon and telekinetically control bones, he usually uses them as a shield in some cases if he spars with an opponent stronger then himself. He doesn't use any brute force because he knows his limits and strength he possesses, with that said he doesn't really use his powers unless he has to, such as self defense.
Personality: Amos is anti-social and prefers to be alone most of the time, he spends his time doing anything that involves not engaging a conversation with anybody, with that said he doesn't really do a whole lot of social activities. He might open up to some people, but that doesn't mean anyone. He spends time with his Hell hound.
Familiar: A hell hound named Sephtis
History: Amos never knew his father, and his mother never told him who he has. He never knew about his powers until he reached the age of thirteen and his powers became more noticeable, he didn't know what has happening with him and thought he was going paranoid. One day, Amos decided to explore a forest-like biome near his house, bad idea. He stumbled upon a Amagnae, which then attacked him leaving him with a nasty wound down the side of his back, he fled back home, hurt and scared out of hit wits. He survived the attack, but still has the scar from the monster that attacked him, he wanted to defend himself, prove himself strong, so a few years later he was sent to the School of the Gods to hone his skills.
Questions or concerns: N/A
Other: N/A
Password: I'm a walnut
Trainerlevel: 63

Forum Posts: 343
Posted: Tue, 13/10/2015 17:56 (9 Years ago)
@Absolite He's good to go!! I have to go for a little while, so I'll let people figure their stuff out and I'll fix things when I get back!
Trainerlevel: 33

Forum Posts: 23
Posted: Tue, 13/10/2015 18:15 (9 Years ago)
Name: Duralogos
Age (14-18): 15
Year (Are you a Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, or Senior?): Sophomore
Godly Parents (Or mythical creature.): Hestia/Poseidon
Appearance: 6"2', Pale like a vampire, Black, uncontolled hair, has a tendency to dress in black, and looks like Sebastian from Black Butler*
Power(s): Horse speech, some water contol, ability to see into the future and past
Personality: kind of Withdrawn, seldom speaks. He's kind of an Emo guy, into music, art, and writing. When he does speak, it's to the point, and he never lollygags. He has a HUGE temper, so don't go getting on his bad side.
Familiar (Optional. You'll get it during the first class of Monster Care and Training.): Phoenix
History (You know, how you came to Earth, how you figured out you were the offspring of gods, be creative! Its also optional.):
Questions or concerns: none :)
Other: Will not talk to blonde females

* for reference, see this link
Trainerlevel: 30

Forum Posts: 22
Posted: Tue, 13/10/2015 19:54 (9 Years ago)
Name: Selinia Krakalenge
Gender: Female (I know there are a lot of female characters already, but I am bored of playing male)
Age (14-18): 16
Year (Are you a Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, or Senior?): Junior
Godly Parents (Or mythical creature.): Medusa and Poseidon
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Her lower half is a snakes coils like her mother, and she has gills from her father.

Power(s): She is her mothers child. Though her eyes are not as potent, looking into her eyes will cause people to freeze up, unable to move a muscle. Make sure to watch the hair as well, since it has a mind of its own, and is highly poisonous. She can breath underwater, though that is more of a biological trait. She has a limited range of Aquamancy, and can speak to and control anything with scales.
Personality: If someone were given only one word to describe Selinia, it would almost certainly not be a kind one. She hold a great disdain for most other godlings, and she has a wicked sharp temper. Though she inherited several abilities from her father, she rarely uses them due to her hatred of him. She blames him for her mothers curse, and despises him for not doing anything to help her. In the back of her mind is the desire for revenge, to somehow bring Olympus crashing down, but she would never act on it... Even though she dislikes other Greco-Roman godlings, she is perfectly friendly with children of monsters and Egyptian gods. She is like a whole different person around them! She doesn't really care for the Norse godlings, and she finds the eastern gods very strange, but she is not nearly as adverse to them as to others. She has made many enemies, and will probably make many more, but does she care? Nope.
Familiar (Optional. You'll get it during the first class of Monster Care and Training.): A young Hydra (You said more as suggested, so I thought I would put this one out there)
History (You know, how you came to Earth, how you figured out you were the offspring of gods, be creative! Its also optional.): Brain is mush
Questions or concerns: nope
Password: *******
Trainerlevel: 36

Forum Posts: 227
Posted: Tue, 13/10/2015 23:43 (9 Years ago)
Name: Shadow
Gender: female
Age (14-18): 17
Year (Are you a Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, or Senior?): Junior
Godly Parents (Or mythical creature.): Bast the goddess of cats and Poseidon God of the Sea

Power(s): anything her mother can do or her father
Personality: caring like a cat and lazy but she likes to be active, but she does get angry easily, she also has a thing for weapons and (of course) cats, she loves to help the teachers and other students, but she loves to cause trouble
Familiar (Optional. You'll get it during the first class of Monster Care and Training.): manticore
History (You know, how you came to Earth, how you figured out you were the offspring of gods, be creative! Its also optional.):
Questions or concerns:
Other: barely ever gets caught creating trouble
Password: Zeus
Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 1,039
Posted: Wed, 14/10/2015 02:33 (9 Years ago)
Name: Aura
Gender: Female
Age (14-18): 15
Year (Are you a Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, or Senior?): Junior
Godly Parents (Or mythical creature.): Aphrodite
Appearance: (can I just describe it?I don't have a picture...) Think of a 15 year old Piper McLean with sky blue eyes.
Power(s): Charmspeak
Personality: Kind and caring but if you misuse her trust well your gonna have problems but she is also a prankster and if not aware will charmspeak others into doing stupid stuff,but if not pranking people will have her nose deep in a book or playing a video game
Familiar (Optional. You'll get it during the first class of Monster Care and Training.): Phoenix
History (You know, how you came to Earth, how you figured out you were the offspring of gods, be creative! Its also optional.):
Questions or concerns:
Other: Hi!
Trainerlevel: 63

Forum Posts: 343
Posted: Wed, 14/10/2015 02:59 (9 Years ago)
@CharmeleonEvolution, his information is less OP which is good, but it doesn't quite make sense still...

@Duramon, your form looks pretty good, but I'd like a little bit more details in his appearance and his personality. I don't want a paragraph ;) but a bit more would be better. Also, the password is wrong. (Its his son...)

@Neverlight, She is amazing and I will accept your form.

@ShadowtheZoroark, her personality needs a little bit more, if you wouldn't mind.

@LucarioLand, Aura is all good!! If you'd put in a picture of Piper McLean just for example that'd be great!

@EeveelutionUmbreon Your form looks good, aside from the fact that her parent doesn't have a name and isn't a true god. I know there are some winged gods out there... Perhaps a little research?