Forum Thread
10,000 PokéHeroes!
Forum-Index → News → 10,000 PokéHeroes!More than 10k members on Pokéheroes!

8 months ago, PokéHeroes was officially released to the Internet - and lots of Pokémon fans immediatelly signed up! :) Dozens of people start their journey on PokéHeroes every day. It's not only about adopting, hatching and training Pokémon - it's also about the huge PokéHeroes Community! ♥ (Oh, yeah, that deserves a Hashtag. #PokeHeroesCommunity)
Tell us: Do you still remember your first days on PokéHeroes?
Oh, it feels like ages to me :b And it's only been a bit more than half a year...
I can't wait for more members, more events and more fun in the future! Let's see if we can reach 25,000 members until the first birthday of PokéHeroes (July 1st, 2014)! c:
Thank you for being part of PokéHeroes!
........- Riako
P.S.: That deserves a screenshot c:
I just remember that coming on here to see if it was better than another Pokemon site (which I don't wanna say the name of in case it gives it a bad name or something) and I really do like it better here. Everything is just so cute. I can't wait to see how much we'll grow in the near future~ <3

♫ She/her ♫ -7 PH Time ♫ ISFP ♫ Libra ♫
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I love this place, everything about it, from the little titles under the Pokémon to changing the color of your Pokéradar. You've worked hard to make this site possible, and I'd just like to say...
Thank you, Riako and all the staff. ^^

As people already said we thank our dear duck Riakofor creating it.
Something lovely about this site is that it has some common basic stuff with games and other sites like this; you adopt and raise and we have events. But it also has something really nice whihmch is the fact that it keeps being developed always. It just doesnt stop and keeps growing and getting more mini games quests and places to discover and do stuff so it doesnt get stuck. And you can do things like hunt and get nice prizes without having to necessarily spend money. Well. You spend site money on the site but not necessarily real one thanks to the pokeradar available for PD. Of course you have to work but thats how it should work. Basically a lovely site.
And back to the ..old times wow really 8 months here already. I feel so old thinking I even got the Mew event and met Mirej for first time as mod when Riako was not available and there was almost no staff other than these two cuties.nI also remember when Riako asked me for first time before making an application if I could do a small artwork for him because he had seen my ooold gallery haha. Then I applied and all the stuff and I was so happy and excited to make as much stuff as possible for the the point I sometimes wanted to do too much when I couldnt. And at first I was a little scared of Riako cause I never talked with staff or admins on other sites...well not much due to problems but but now I just cant stop laughing with the cutie staff.
So just saying
Thanks to Riako and all the nice and polite lovely users here but...
Also thanks to...
The rest of the lovely staff ? I love ya all crazies :p Mummy and daddy, aunt...Autumn, Mirej, Kukukuru (cause of Kururu), my womanized Techie, Darku boy, Leooo lover aaaand also crazy sis even if she is haaaalfkindanot staff. Welp why did I wrote such a long and stupidly post. Idk I feel sensitive. Its night. Sorry I get strange on nights. If this was just a small post I dont know how I will be at the graduation at highschool this year.
Derp ?